Simon obviously bemoaned The Sun's long sad demise, and urged people to throw their weight behind The Baltimore Banner as "the only regional newspaper model for the future."
Talks a lot of sense that guy.
* To paraphrase the great Sarah Kendzior, don't cede territory in an information war, and don't obey in advance. (And keep in mind Substack is positioning itself as a safe space for Nazis as well).
I keep wondering what Simon thinks of this - he was a good follow on Twitter, back when I still had an account.
I'm still on Twitter*
Simon obviously bemoaned The Sun's long sad demise, and urged people to throw their weight behind The Baltimore Banner as "the only regional newspaper model for the future."
Talks a lot of sense that guy.
* To paraphrase the great Sarah Kendzior, don't cede territory in an information war, and don't obey in advance. (And keep in mind Substack is positioning itself as a safe space for Nazis as well).