I replied to Aaron Rupar's substack:

5 mins ago

Thank you for researching all of the details about how Sinclair and the WSJ are able to buy the delivery of fake news. These machinations show why and how the public, especially those in rural areas believe what is not true about Biden, the economy, and the successes of the current administration.

So, money buys elections. In the realm of arranged marriages, money buys liaisons. So even though Rupert Murdoch and Donald Trump are truely showing signs of dementia, our nation is being forced to swallow their versions of facts and truth. People ask, what can we do? The answer is to bring truth to this corruption of power. Thank you, Judd, Aaron, and many others we can read via Substack.

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I'd like to invent an aerosol that imbues intelligence and common sense upon those who inhale it.

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So back @ the ranch, Dumph raving about sharks in Las Vegas and nary a peep from msm.

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Jen Psaki showed the entire clip and Rachel Maddox talked about it (both MSNBC). A number of substack writers brought it up too. We can only hope that others catch on to how delusional 45 now 34 is.

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Late night comedians are grateful for the material DJT gave them too!

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So THAT'S that new math "they've" been talking about!

45 = 34?

OK then.

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Thanks, Adam for the link. "Dementia Dithering" is one alternative suggestion for "unhinged." "Unhinged" is a very good term, but the Dithering from Dementia is unique to Donald.

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You're most welcome. Dementia Donnie's Dithering is unique alright.

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That's effing hilarious though, until you take a step back and truly consider how fast "The Crazy" has come into all of our daily lives and normalized itself because of the pathological desire on behalf of a few "citizens," for more money, more influence and MORE raw, unbridled power.

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You'd become a billionaire and then could compete against dark money!

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Well hell ma'am. Let''s shake a leg then! Where's the MoneyMan when you need him?

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I’d love to invest! Just let me know!

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Let me shoot you a prospectus and we can get right to it!

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No need for a prospectus, just some bullet points on a napkin will do! I’m not one of those pushy investors!

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Hahahaha. Sir Yessiiiir!

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Just played some of this morning's "Morning Joe" (MSNBC) and they are addressing the WSJ article denigrating Joe Biden's fitness--apparently they received the deserved negative feedback they deserved. They also reportred the freeze framing of everytime Joe Biden closed his eyes during talks but not that his eyes opened soon after (as in a prayerful thought after hearing of a horror).

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President Biden is an old man who has slipped a bit BUT he has surrounded himself with a team that exhibits competence.

I'd much rather slip and slide with Biden than ride the hand basket to hell with a 34 x convicted felon!

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Thanks, Adam. You just said all the things the voices in my head were yelling! 😁

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You sir, are most welcome. I can't begin to tell you how MUCH I'd like to kick some folks in their a-noose and heaven only knows how HARD!

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I don't even agree he's slipping in any way that is relevant. It's characteristic for the elderly to move more stiffly and there are other characteristic physical things like slight vocal wavers etc. but you'd never say a young person with those characteristics, due for instance to MS, was less capable of high quality mental and emotional assessments because of them. It's ageism to consider every sign of aging as lessening one's capability when the same effects in younger people would be indulged as irrelevant. I do think his age in the form of experience has reduced his ability to see certain international problems in new ways, but being set in one's ways isn't just age - it's personality interacting with experience. Overall, I would say I'd much rather be led by Biden than by an immoral narcissistic man who is in worse physical shape despite being just a few years younger, and whose emotional maturity and intellectual level were much poorer to begin with.

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I have started registering for various news sites, such as Fox News, and posting factual comments to counter all the negative and false information in their stories. In the past year, I've seen more people pushing back against the extremes, so that is great to see. Not a cure for all of this, but if more people put out facts in any way they can, it can help. It helps to be measured in your tone, don't inflame or argue, just say, hey, inflation is down to around 3.3 percent, the job market is still strong, but what's keeping costs high is corporations increasing their prices beyond their costs. Ask if people are aware of Trump's plan to totally restructure the government....deport people by the masses, etc. Add a link if it fits. Just lay out solid facts in a nice way. I believe it helps a little -- but if more people do it, the impact could be larger. Try USA Today and other large circulation media and your local Next Door or Patch as well...so various people will see it.

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I imagine that's exhausting. Thank you!

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Yes, I've often thought of doing something similar, but finding the time is just impossible. Modern life. Keep it up Allison!

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Sinclair controls the NBC, CBS and CW affiliates here in Syracuse. I watch their "news" broadcasts only for the weather forecast which is, sadly, the best in town. After that I turn it off, opting for something more truthful like Bugs Bunny or Road Runner (on Boomerang or the Cartoon Network). I also routinely file complaints with the station over their lies and bullshit with copies to the FCC. It may have little effect, but it can't hurt, right?

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This is why the debate is so important, Biden will prove that he is sharper then tRump and tRump will bury himself. I hate giving a traitor an equal footing but it is the only that the news media cannot distort the truth about who is fit for office

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I can't imagine that Donnie Demento (copyright Jeff Tiedrich) will make the debate. Even he ain't that stupid.

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...and today Hannity floats the idea that Don The Con shouldn't take part in the debates.

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We know this. We have known this. How do we combat this?

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Yes I agree that informed and thoughtful citizens know this. As to how to combat this there are few solutions. Perhaps a better educated electorate ? I have seen a few articles and books regarding combatting propaganda.

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But the folk who most need it seem to resist the hardest. I have recently noticed that most of the people I know no longer read much. So articles and such won't be noticed because: reasons/time/too tired to think, etc.

What the hell do you do with that level of self involved disinterest?

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This is exactly the reason why we need to break up media monopolies, limiting the number of outlets any individual, corporation, or investor group can own, and why we need to return to a, beefed up, and vigorously enforced fairness doctrine, both of them extended to Cable and the Internet. We need to be sure people hear many sides of each issue on EVERY outlet's news programs and feeds. if that upends some business models those folk will just have to suck it up. If you're making your millions destroying the nation and turning our populace into an idiocracy, bankruptcy is the least of what you deserve..

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Another example of that "liberal media" I keep hearing about.

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Hahahahaha! That's what the RW'z call it before claiming Facism started with Socialism or some other inanity.

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Goebbels would be proud.

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He has an e-hole woody right now.

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Sinclair owns a local ABC affiliate in my viewing area. It is striking the far right spin they often put on news stories. I seldom watch because of it. However, our CBS affiliate grows more the same just as CBS parent does. I have sparingly watched 60 Minutes since they gave MTG air time. Look what has happened to Meet the Press on NBC. I haven't watched in months. The WSJ has become a hack news outlet just like Murdoch's Fox News the other biggie the family owns. Remember the lawsuit paid close to a billion to Dominion over the voting machine scandal and Fox used "we're not news, we are entertainment" as a defense. Fox news is the number 1 watched news in the US

Sinclair and Smith are just part and parcel of the following.

Again from the roof top.

The 1% ownership of news media is no friend to Democracy and the first amendment.

Not to mention the jaundiced eye I continually cast at Merrick Garland for allowing Hur proselytizing his opinion of Biden's mental condition. The Hur documents report fanned the flames of Biden's senility. So WSJ and Sinclair continue to provide fuel. Biden exercised executive privilege on the recorded Hur case interviews which gives the far right more fuel.

Listened to NPR report yesterday that Biden's age is the top reason young voters are not supporting him and number 2 is Gaza.

NPR pointed out the birthday boy Trump is only 4 years younger.

I fear short of a meteor strike, Trump will be re-elected.

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The thing that gives me hope is trump's diminished crowd sizes. In Phoenix, the Dream City Church seats 4000. The park in Las Vegas has a capacity of 3000. The beach rally in Wildwood had about 3000 people. Not only can he not draw the big crowds, but he can't afford indoor venues, because all the campaign money goes to his legal fees. A lot can happen in 4 1/2 months.

He might have already jumped the shark.

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In a rare moment of agreement with the WSJ, I admit that it is clear that President Biden is showing signs of sipping. He’s alert and energetic, which clearly proves that he is sipping coffee and / or tea, at least on the morning. Dunno about caffeinated diet soda, though. Perhaps he sips a lemonade in the afternoon, and, in the evening, a nice Bordeaux or Chardonnay.

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and what’s more, unlike Dolt 45, President Biden does not need to hold his spill proof cup with both hands and he doesn’t need a sippy straw. He’s a GROWNUP.

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If only once daily, we could post a transcript of some portion of what was actually said in public by Biden and Trump for all to see, it would become apparent who is not all there. But in the end, it's all about the rich getting richer and Trump is perceived by those greedy folks as a means to that end.

I am concerned that we are about to enter a hurt locker for the country.

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Oh, the irony of it all, as if Big Orange could think! Great piece as always, Judd.

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Trump & his cabal are trying to sell a dystopia: everything is rigged & Trump is the Chosen One/Savior with his avenging angels. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rN5F2kenvQ8 Fraudsters can’t be trusted with our nat'l security! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbUz0EPZhhY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHy3fLA71yo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7HPKUdQTPk

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"Fraudsters can’t be trusted with our nat'l security!"

Wh8at about this "novel idea" is so damn hard for "the people" to understand?

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Enough, already. I don’t think there are that many people who are so dense that they don’t know YET that Sinclair, the Wall Street Journal, and even The New York Times are completely unreliable as FACTUAL TRUTH TELLERS.


Frankly? I cannot wait for the DEBATE. I say “debate” and not “debates” as I doubt Trump can get through more than one IF THAT!

Like we saw in his court appearances, he is strangled by rules. He is used to being able to say whatever is rattling around in his brain. He is used to holding court and rambling - in person and in thought. Remember how he wandered around the stage when debating Hillary Clinton? I seriously doubt he will tolerate the practice sessions I’m sure his “handlers” may try to keep him within the constraints of debate rules.

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What a hoot! This would be TRUE if it was about Trump! But you'll never see or hear anything about HIS mental state, let alone his acuity from these billionaire$ who are doing more damage to the USA than all of Trump's lackeys! They ARE Trump LACKEYS WITH BIG MONEY! So not only do we have to worry about the MAGAt deplorables, we have to contend with the BIG MONEY that's funding the BIG LIES! VOTING will NOT SOLVE THIS PROBLEM! The crackpot media, money$, fake news peddling Biden's age would be laughable if not for Donnie's willful blindness, lies, corruption, inability to think, put a sentence together, have any plan for governing. If you want grievance, hate, sedition, retribution, loss of democracy, naziism full bore then Trump and his enablers will buy your vote!

Citizens United is a big THANK YOU FROM SCOTUS! MORE ABOUT THEM later!

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