In the last month, Popular Information exposed the hypocrisy of Match and other corporations that claimed to support abortion rights while making large donations to an anti-abortion Republican committee (prompting coverage in The Guardian, Vox, and the New York Times (twice) and ultimately forcing Match to swear off future donations to the group), took you behind the scenes of Wells Fargo's corporate PAC (using internal documents obtained from a company source), and documented the right-wing smear campaign against a doctor who helped a 10-year-old rape victim (a story that went viral on Twitter).
Today, however, I want to hear from you. What's on your mind? What topics would you like Popular Information to take on in the weeks ahead?
You can leave your thoughts in the discussion thread linked below, starting now. I’ll be dropping by later today to answer as many of your questions as I can.
Why are Democrats so poor at messaging? Pick some simple, easy to remember, winning messages and repeat them over and over, like the Republicans do so well. Also, push to the front smart, charismatic candidates to lead the way, to create excitement for the messaging.
I think there is some truth to this but another thing I believe is that getting "everyone" to stick to a message is not something that really ever happens. Democrats (and Republicans) are large groups of people who believe different things and defend different things. So messaging is less about getting everyone to agree and more about getting a critical mass (plus resources) behind a message. Charismatic candidates are always good.
Cable news is the largest source of info Voters use to form opinions - voting opinions. Since 2016 "her emails" R-wing bias of cable news is also beyond question...and there is the sad answer to why it Appears Dems are poor messengers. They don't have news agencies messaging for them. GOP does.
I agree. As someone else said, and I’ve always agreed till now, When they go low, we go high.” Bless Michele Obama but being sweet isn’t working anymore.
I think you can go high and still attack and protect the marginalized. The low is punching down or attacking someone personally. Protesting Kavanaugh while he eats dinner, executive orders, calling out bigotry by naming the person being hateful is not going low like Republicans.
Who owns the major media conglomerates?! While we know Democrats explain things as if they’re talking to intelligent, reasonable people. Therefore, too long on the message. Media does not report on them because it is under right wing control! Remember when Bernie Sanders had Standing room only crowds and followers in the south? Nobody really heard much about that! The right wingers control the microphone!
I think there's more to that. I think it's the corporate interests' takeover of independent information outlets. Biden, like Bernie, is outspokenly pro unions and pro wealth tax, which doesn't sit well not just with right wing outlets (Murdoch's FOX & WSJ) but also with (former) less conservative billionaires like Zuckerberg (Facebook), Bezos (WaPo), and the Wall Street moguls that own the NYT. Elon Musk's bid for Twitter follows in the footsteps.
And I wonder, could the counter be ----- why are Republicans so fine with being intellectually bankrupt? I hope I pose the question in fairness, because then what would "messaging" matter? Here's one that I pose (without shade or malice) ---- "Don't Be Evil" --- that's a simple message that should resonate. One could suggest "don't vote for evil," but then --- aren't we already divided into our camps?
Yes, Pelosi's finest moment this Congress. But one that still could have been achieved with a new Speaker getting advise from elder stateswoman Pelosi.
Maybe. But who? One thing about the Reps, their people stand out, are really visible. Dems don't have that. And I wonder how making the system more complex would help or hinder.
Yes, it's past time for Pelosi and Schumer to let other leaders rise. But that's not the problem with messaging. I agree with those who say the problem is the media (either so right wing they are disinformation or so profit-driven that they don't do nuance or non-corp messaging). Social media is even worse than MSM
Agree - social media has a lot of bad built into some of the good. Gossip is easy, and fun sometimes :( , whereas good journalism is rigorous and detail focused, and Americans have been losing the ability to focus on details.
There is money and power in division and confusion, especially stoked with anger. Blood gets eyeballs to the screens. Sex scandals, crimes, you name it... What's the last good news article you read all the way through?
Ineffective leadership for sure, but I’ll take the opposite view on Pelosi and Warren - I see them as strong and very dialed-in. I would leave them out of your courtesy flush -). But I can do without legislators campaigning via social media, like the performance arrests at the abortion rights rally this week; that stuff can all be flushed. Social media soundbites are a far cry from actual leadership.
Warrens ideas are well thought out solutions to our big problems but she is not charismatic IMO. Give me Warren with Mallory McMorrow fight and charisma
Here's another thought... I think many Dems are stuck-- many or our leaders are-- in cognitive dissonance. They've been frozen since Trump won. What can we do to disrupt cognitive dissonance?
A series on the concept of regulatory capture, meaning how industries buy off regulators through lobbying, donations, and sending former execs into the ranks. No topic is more timely than climate change.
The issue is broader than regulatory matters. Insider trading by members (on both sides of the aisle), the revolving door from Congress and government institutions to 7-figure law firms to lobbying for US adversaries has created a disincentive for legislation protecting Americans.
Because of lack of term limits or any accountability, Congresspeople can spend decades with no tangible accomplishments other than renaming post offices.
The way economists use the term regulatory capture, it applies to Congress and state legislatures as well. It has broad application. I’ve even seen it, or something like it in the corporate world. Salesmen can develop relationships with the purchasing agents of big clients to the point that they push back strongly against their own management on price increases.
For sure. This is just one aspect of our current governmental dysfunction. I like it as a topic for Popular Information because it fits the follow the money and follow the people ethos.
Very likely this could tie in with the Manchin expose also suggested. How he was given the chair of the Energy Committee, in 2021... (reward for holding the entire D agenda hostage)
Adam Tooze' newsletter today reviews the collapse of BBB, the degree to which the Democratic party has lost its way (it wasn't just Manchin blocking BBB...there are a number of cowardly moderate Democrats all too happy to allow Manchin to take the heat). He also points to the inexplicable failure of the Democrats to even try to roll back the Trump tax cuts. While the collapse of democracy and paralyzing societal polarization falls squarely on the GOP, the Democratic leadership class owns plenty of responsibility for doing little to avoid or mitigate the multiple converging crises we face.
There is one target you should most urgently continue to investigate, ferret out, expose, and hopefully disable: Joe Manchin. Look at his enablers, sponsors, companies, partners, PACs, bankers, financial dealings, taxes, cronies, shady deals, and anything that could crush that vermin.
+1... Concur. Senator Manchin lives like he's "Almost [in] Heaven," but appears merely to be protecting his money --- and not the average citizen/voter of West Virginia.
His thought process is not the same as the average citizen. He is the hero in his own story. Reality (and everyone else) be damned. There are too many like him.
The answer to Manchin and Sinema is to flip 3-4 Senate seats in 2022. That will take away their leverage. In the meantime, work w Manchin on what we can get (judges, etc). Great idea for Judd to research his donors to get Manchin some leeway.
Yes more stories about the best place to put our money and our energy to get those two additional antifilbuster and Senate Seats. I don't want to flush time or money down the toilet with an Amy McGrath type campaign
I'm not sure people realize Biden has many judges confirmed....because he needs and gets every Dem Senate vote. Attacking Manchin changes nothing, electorally. There is no state, local, or federal election this year that attacking Manchin or Sinema has any impact on.
I fail to see the relation between your first sentence and the rest of your comment.
In any case, time is short, but if he could be disgraced and have to resign before Nov. 8, West Virginia could be added to the list of open Senate seats, couldn't it? and even if a Republican took his place, it wouldn't make a bit of a difference.
Another scenario would be things getting known publicly that would force him to toe the line. Or he could be politically emasculated in his own state, making him bad news for both Democrats and Republicans. Anything to get this scumbag out, and that goes for Sinema too.
Biden and the powers-that-be at the Democratic party are asleep at the wheel,/cowards/too PC to really get tough, and that's part of why the know-nothing Republican voters despise them so much. When was the last time the USA had a hardboiled Democratic president?
Right. He would resign and the GOP state would nominate a GOP Senator who would absolutely win because WV is a GOP state. Yes, that would be very helpful to POTUS.
If Manchin resigns and is replaced by an appointed or elected GOP Senator from WV, then nominal Senate majority shifts back to R. That means the heads of ALL COMMITTEES switch to R. It's the committee heads who control what bills get to the floor for a vote.)
AND, before arguing that POTUS should "DO SOMETHING" about them, CONSIDER if they get mad they can just switch parties in a heartbeat, and MOSCOW MITCH is in charge again.
So there is a reason POTUS is threading the needle around Manchin; if he stays on good terms, we at least get the judicial confirmations. Make him mad, and we don't even get those.
So yes, we need somebody to buy off Manchin & Sinema. She is totally corruptible and could no doubt be bought by a higher bidder than the ones controlling her now. If you know anybody controlling a PAC that can "donate" a million dollars to her "campaign", or promise her a multi-million dollar "consulting" job, by all means speak up.
But Manchin is already corrupted and a billionaire who can do what he wants, and thumb his nose at us. NEITHER are vulnerable AT ALL until they are up for reelection, which is NOT this year.
Mitch is ALREADY in charge of the Senate. He hasn't let ANYTHING, of real subsrance, thru. Yes, we HAVE had judges appointed but ONLY because he caved to making the Judiciary selections "neutral ground", so he could get his SC(R)OTUS picks thru.
I think they are mostly doing what they can but I think they need be trumpian in that they just throw so much shit at the wall to see what sticks, what they can get away with..."radical" things like aboriton on federal lands or via postal service without Rx (maybe that ones unworkable in terms of keeping docs safe and only lasts as long as we have the presidency) but just way more executive action would make me happy (although ultimate executive power needs to be reigned in if we can make congress functional again)
That man knows no shame. If he wants to improve the lives of West Virginians, he should have supported the continuation of the expanded child tax credit. He’s a monster.
Follow the money from political support to supply chain, to manufacturer, to marketing, to seller to specific buyer that have commited mass shooting incidents.
Put ID serial numbers several times on each bullet (so enough will survive damage done by firing and hitting something) so culprits can be held accountable.
They tried that before, it was something like a lot number engraved into each batch and sales would have to be tied to that lot number (that is what I recall; the specifics could have been a bit different.) Three guesses what happened to that proposal in Congress. (Pro tip: you only need one guess)
1/ US citizen here living in UK for 30+ years. The UK Foreign office is considering issuing travel advisories for UK citizens who are pregnant and visiting states that have restrictive abortion laws as they may not receive good medical care if they require emergency medical care.
2/ I work in financial services and when banks make loans/arrange finance to companies/organisations they consider various risk types, one of which is country risk. Surely USA banks should start to consider risks of lending to companies investing in businesses in states with restrictive voting laws, restrictive abortion laws, etc as they run a higher risk of recruitment failure and are supporting states that are denying basic human rights. This should impact municipal bonds as well for cities in restrictive states.
I would like to see companies get pressured to leave if the state does not make abortion legal or safe for their employees. I think industry boycotts can be enacted to force the states to change. I know this impacts good people living there but it is a life & death issue and a human rights issue.
With a plethora of monumental issues at hand, I believe we need to focus on our democracy in the short term. If we lose our democracy, if we don’t hold leaders accountable, then we lose our leverage needed to solve most of the other problems.
Agree. One great place to explore would be gerrymandering, specifically how money flow gets from corporations and PACs to legislatures who create unfair, undemocratic districts.
How much wealth have politicians accumulated since joining office?
Many moderate Democrats seem to be focused on maintaining the status quo, focusing more on fundraising rather than working to solve problems. Many Republicans are also guilty of prioritizing their own accumulation of wealth; it just feels more disingenuous hearing politicians like Nancy Pelosi speak about wealth inequality in this country while she vocally opposed stock trading bans for members of Congress.
We need to figure out a way to change the incentives for our elected officials. It's too easy for them to profit. Their goals should be improving society.
Came here to say this! For (just one) example- aid to Ukraine. How much of that is finding its way into elected officials’ pockets (D and R) via defense company stocks?
A woman’s right over her own body, and the corruption of the church needs attention daily…. They are / have been funding the forced birth policy.
Yet the public discussion is still not combining the issue of one particular religion being forced on everybody else in a supposedly free United States
Is there a definitive book on the Democratic Party’s accomplishments post WWII? If not, can you write about them and compile resources to make one? Thanks.
Since WWII Democratic priorities have been very popular and Republican not so much which is why they resort to culture war distractions. I feel as though the Democratic Party needs to beat the drum harder on what the party has stood for in comparison to GOP.
I think this is somewhat different to how I view my role. I'm open about my opinions but I don't really want to carry water for a particular political party. I want to learn the facts and share them with people.
In previous times I would agree. But now we face authoritarian fascism or the Democratic Party. There comes a point where it matters what you support even with some criticism of the Democratic Party.
I hear you and agree it’s somewhat outside of your purview. I would think of less of carrying water than saving the Republic. In a two party system if one party is committed to autocracy and very close to forcing a permanent undemocratic majority, people like you with large important platforms play a vital role in supporting the other side. To date, the Democratic Party has done a miserable job of championing their / government’s successes. Traditional media won’t do it either. A void needs to be filled. Thanks for responding.
Agree, and some of our most outstanding accomplishments as a country have been facilitated by government. Really don't understand the conservative's mantra of "small government". We have big problems and we need the security and heft of our government.
Yes. Government is the only democratic (small d) balance to corporate and religious power bases. It never ceases to amaze me that people buy this "gov is bad" mantra when we are a gov of the people, by the people, for the people. Sure we have problems with corruption, but fix those problems - don't destroy government.
More investigation into the Catholic Church’s use of funds to push their anti abortion agenda. This money starts at the parish level and filters upward and outward. Most parishioners do not understand how their individual giving filters into the political agenda at the top. The Catholic Church should be losing their tax exemption status.
The RCC has the numbers, regarding money and followers, but the Protestant Evangelists have the minds of the batshit militants. Religion is a perfect construct to manipulate and control the masses, it comes with a cloak of purity and goodness.
Agreed. For too long the Catholic Church has been given a pass regarding its efforts to codify Catholic theology into our laws. I daresay if pro-choice defenders were to picket Catholic Churches on Sunday mornings the same way that Catholics have picketed abortion clinics, we might make a difference in red states' efforts to limit women's reproductive rights.
The gop and Catholic Church work hand in hand. Both are hierarchical, paternalistic, misogynistic, authoritarian, undemocratic and ruled over by white males. Trump is the gop's Pope with their followers believing both infallible.
Yes! I have apologized to my two older kids for not allowing them to take the full benefit of the Public School system. My daughter would be allowed to "skip" major coursework (i.e. Chemistry or Calculus) to attend Prolife rallies. However, if her skirt was too short she would be sent to detention. As a parent, too many red flags flashed on my radar and this is when I realized I had been indoctrinated and brainwashed over my lifetime because of the brainwashing and indoctrination of my ancestors. Enough is enough...its time to lift the veil. Follow the money.
I think peacefully picketing Catholic Churches is a brilliant idea!
This lends my thoughts to the SCOTUS Catholics becoming activists. Judd, I would like to see you delve into the religious leanings in the court and the court essentially legislating for their ideologies.
I'd love to see a "deep dive" on the Justice Department. Why is it seemingly so reluctant to act against the political leaders of the 1/6 coup attempt?
Almost impossible to do such a dive without someone in the inner circle of the Justice Department to leak to you. Doesn't seem like that's happening at the moment.
Why was Garland chosen in the first place? He's hardly a master prosecutor...most of his career was spent as a judge focused on avoiding appeal. Even in the OK City case, McVeigh was already under arrest when Garland arrived. Officials at the time didn't understand why Garland refused to investigate the white militias that McVeigh was associated with. Garland takes the easy wins...look how long it took for him to charge seditious conspiracy for the groups at the Capitol. The OIG initiated the investigation into the fake electors because Garland would not act. Does anyone believe for a second that Garland will investigate the lawlessness of the Secret Service in deliberately destroying evidence? Many insist that Garland is playing 64-dimensional chess.Neither his career, nor his actions over the past 16 months support this theory.
who knows? BUT-- Biden can FIRE GOP Garland & GOP WRAY (dir of FBI, Trump Appointee) why won't Biden fire them both? Read somewhere Biden hired more lawyers to defend himself against the GOP investigations if they win midterms-- if BIDEN expelled & cleaned out traitors at highest levels-- there would be no need for him to do this. what is Biden not holding GOP accountable with concrete consequences?
Why are Democrats so poor at messaging? Pick some simple, easy to remember, winning messages and repeat them over and over, like the Republicans do so well. Also, push to the front smart, charismatic candidates to lead the way, to create excitement for the messaging.
I think there is some truth to this but another thing I believe is that getting "everyone" to stick to a message is not something that really ever happens. Democrats (and Republicans) are large groups of people who believe different things and defend different things. So messaging is less about getting everyone to agree and more about getting a critical mass (plus resources) behind a message. Charismatic candidates are always good.
Another issue is that some issues relate to messaging but an absolutely critical piece is delivering policies that improve people's lives.
I think Dems need to learn to repeat their message over and over again.
Cable news is the largest source of info Voters use to form opinions - voting opinions. Since 2016 "her emails" R-wing bias of cable news is also beyond question...and there is the sad answer to why it Appears Dems are poor messengers. They don't have news agencies messaging for them. GOP does.
They need to hire some top marketing specialists.
And visual instructional designers… 69% of us learn visually.
I agree. As someone else said, and I’ve always agreed till now, When they go low, we go high.” Bless Michele Obama but being sweet isn’t working anymore.
I think you can go high and still attack and protect the marginalized. The low is punching down or attacking someone personally. Protesting Kavanaugh while he eats dinner, executive orders, calling out bigotry by naming the person being hateful is not going low like Republicans.
Who owns the major media conglomerates?! While we know Democrats explain things as if they’re talking to intelligent, reasonable people. Therefore, too long on the message. Media does not report on them because it is under right wing control! Remember when Bernie Sanders had Standing room only crowds and followers in the south? Nobody really heard much about that! The right wingers control the microphone!
I think there's more to that. I think it's the corporate interests' takeover of independent information outlets. Biden, like Bernie, is outspokenly pro unions and pro wealth tax, which doesn't sit well not just with right wing outlets (Murdoch's FOX & WSJ) but also with (former) less conservative billionaires like Zuckerberg (Facebook), Bezos (WaPo), and the Wall Street moguls that own the NYT. Elon Musk's bid for Twitter follows in the footsteps.
And I wonder, could the counter be ----- why are Republicans so fine with being intellectually bankrupt? I hope I pose the question in fairness, because then what would "messaging" matter? Here's one that I pose (without shade or malice) ---- "Don't Be Evil" --- that's a simple message that should resonate. One could suggest "don't vote for evil," but then --- aren't we already divided into our camps?
Wasn’t that google initial motto? Do no evil? Much has changed.
Ineffective leadership. Pelosi & Warren needed to step aside a few years ago. Fresh thoughts. New ideas. New spokespeople. Time for a courtesy flush
Pelosi is a genius. Have you heard of the January Select Committee?
I agree she has done some brilliant moves, but I also agree that age limits need to be imposed for these positions.
Maybe not age limits, but definitely term limits. With a prohibition on lobbying after.
Yes, Pelosi's finest moment this Congress. But one that still could have been achieved with a new Speaker getting advise from elder stateswoman Pelosi.
Maybe. But who? One thing about the Reps, their people stand out, are really visible. Dems don't have that. And I wonder how making the system more complex would help or hinder.
Yes, it's past time for Pelosi and Schumer to let other leaders rise. But that's not the problem with messaging. I agree with those who say the problem is the media (either so right wing they are disinformation or so profit-driven that they don't do nuance or non-corp messaging). Social media is even worse than MSM
Agree - social media has a lot of bad built into some of the good. Gossip is easy, and fun sometimes :( , whereas good journalism is rigorous and detail focused, and Americans have been losing the ability to focus on details.
There is money and power in division and confusion, especially stoked with anger. Blood gets eyeballs to the screens. Sex scandals, crimes, you name it... What's the last good news article you read all the way through?
Ineffective leadership for sure, but I’ll take the opposite view on Pelosi and Warren - I see them as strong and very dialed-in. I would leave them out of your courtesy flush -). But I can do without legislators campaigning via social media, like the performance arrests at the abortion rights rally this week; that stuff can all be flushed. Social media soundbites are a far cry from actual leadership.
Warrens ideas are well thought out solutions to our big problems but she is not charismatic IMO. Give me Warren with Mallory McMorrow fight and charisma
Here's another thought... I think many Dems are stuck-- many or our leaders are-- in cognitive dissonance. They've been frozen since Trump won. What can we do to disrupt cognitive dissonance?
A series on the concept of regulatory capture, meaning how industries buy off regulators through lobbying, donations, and sending former execs into the ranks. No topic is more timely than climate change.
Agreed. I have some ideas around climate issues that hopefully can get out into the world soon.
Regulatory capture impacts not only climate but also finance, transportation, pollution... Every cabinet department.
The issue is broader than regulatory matters. Insider trading by members (on both sides of the aisle), the revolving door from Congress and government institutions to 7-figure law firms to lobbying for US adversaries has created a disincentive for legislation protecting Americans.
Because of lack of term limits or any accountability, Congresspeople can spend decades with no tangible accomplishments other than renaming post offices.
The way economists use the term regulatory capture, it applies to Congress and state legislatures as well. It has broad application. I’ve even seen it, or something like it in the corporate world. Salesmen can develop relationships with the purchasing agents of big clients to the point that they push back strongly against their own management on price increases.
For sure. This is just one aspect of our current governmental dysfunction. I like it as a topic for Popular Information because it fits the follow the money and follow the people ethos.
Very likely this could tie in with the Manchin expose also suggested. How he was given the chair of the Energy Committee, in 2021... (reward for holding the entire D agenda hostage)
Adam Tooze' newsletter today reviews the collapse of BBB, the degree to which the Democratic party has lost its way (it wasn't just Manchin blocking BBB...there are a number of cowardly moderate Democrats all too happy to allow Manchin to take the heat). He also points to the inexplicable failure of the Democrats to even try to roll back the Trump tax cuts. While the collapse of democracy and paralyzing societal polarization falls squarely on the GOP, the Democratic leadership class owns plenty of responsibility for doing little to avoid or mitigate the multiple converging crises we face.
I fear Trump tax cuts will become permanent if not addressed in the next government funding reconciliation bill.
Definitely. Great thought.
There is one target you should most urgently continue to investigate, ferret out, expose, and hopefully disable: Joe Manchin. Look at his enablers, sponsors, companies, partners, PACs, bankers, financial dealings, taxes, cronies, shady deals, and anything that could crush that vermin.
It goes beyond Manchin & Sinema. Which bought politician is waiting in the wings to play spoiler next?
+1... Concur. Senator Manchin lives like he's "Almost [in] Heaven," but appears merely to be protecting his money --- and not the average citizen/voter of West Virginia.
His thought process is not the same as the average citizen. He is the hero in his own story. Reality (and everyone else) be damned. There are too many like him.
The answer to Manchin and Sinema is to flip 3-4 Senate seats in 2022. That will take away their leverage. In the meantime, work w Manchin on what we can get (judges, etc). Great idea for Judd to research his donors to get Manchin some leeway.
Yes more stories about the best place to put our money and our energy to get those two additional antifilbuster and Senate Seats. I don't want to flush time or money down the toilet with an Amy McGrath type campaign
I'm not sure people realize Biden has many judges confirmed....because he needs and gets every Dem Senate vote. Attacking Manchin changes nothing, electorally. There is no state, local, or federal election this year that attacking Manchin or Sinema has any impact on.
I fail to see the relation between your first sentence and the rest of your comment.
In any case, time is short, but if he could be disgraced and have to resign before Nov. 8, West Virginia could be added to the list of open Senate seats, couldn't it? and even if a Republican took his place, it wouldn't make a bit of a difference.
Another scenario would be things getting known publicly that would force him to toe the line. Or he could be politically emasculated in his own state, making him bad news for both Democrats and Republicans. Anything to get this scumbag out, and that goes for Sinema too.
Biden and the powers-that-be at the Democratic party are asleep at the wheel,/cowards/too PC to really get tough, and that's part of why the know-nothing Republican voters despise them so much. When was the last time the USA had a hardboiled Democratic president?
Rochelle Parks
just now
Right. He would resign and the GOP state would nominate a GOP Senator who would absolutely win because WV is a GOP state. Yes, that would be very helpful to POTUS.
For people who don't get the sarcasm font:
If Manchin resigns and is replaced by an appointed or elected GOP Senator from WV, then nominal Senate majority shifts back to R. That means the heads of ALL COMMITTEES switch to R. It's the committee heads who control what bills get to the floor for a vote.)
AND, before arguing that POTUS should "DO SOMETHING" about them, CONSIDER if they get mad they can just switch parties in a heartbeat, and MOSCOW MITCH is in charge again.
So there is a reason POTUS is threading the needle around Manchin; if he stays on good terms, we at least get the judicial confirmations. Make him mad, and we don't even get those.
So yes, we need somebody to buy off Manchin & Sinema. She is totally corruptible and could no doubt be bought by a higher bidder than the ones controlling her now. If you know anybody controlling a PAC that can "donate" a million dollars to her "campaign", or promise her a multi-million dollar "consulting" job, by all means speak up.
But Manchin is already corrupted and a billionaire who can do what he wants, and thumb his nose at us. NEITHER are vulnerable AT ALL until they are up for reelection, which is NOT this year.
So BE CAREFUL what you ask for.
Yes yes yes. Flip seats. If McConnell becomes Speaker we are through.
This entire election is about gaining a decisive majority —-no not yet who —in the House and Senate.
Like Biden or not, that’s our charge. It’s quite literally the only thing that will save us.
Mitch is ALREADY in charge of the Senate. He hasn't let ANYTHING, of real subsrance, thru. Yes, we HAVE had judges appointed but ONLY because he caved to making the Judiciary selections "neutral ground", so he could get his SC(R)OTUS picks thru.
And in terms of federal judge confirmations, yes, him resigning would make a huge difference
I should have qualified..majority speaker.
4 judges were confirmed this week. One to D.C Appeals court. What is vs. What may have happened....
I think they are mostly doing what they can but I think they need be trumpian in that they just throw so much shit at the wall to see what sticks, what they can get away with..."radical" things like aboriton on federal lands or via postal service without Rx (maybe that ones unworkable in terms of keeping docs safe and only lasts as long as we have the presidency) but just way more executive action would make me happy (although ultimate executive power needs to be reigned in if we can make congress functional again)
But, none of the Republicans, an entire party is willing to work on climate change.
+1. Expose loopholes or other ways to force a break in his coal contract with the power plant.
Yes! Disempower that SOB with your vote! He gains power through discord, confusion, and patronage.
That man knows no shame. If he wants to improve the lives of West Virginians, he should have supported the continuation of the expanded child tax credit. He’s a monster.
ASSAULT-WEAPON SUPPLY CHAIN: Expose the supply chain for weapons & ammo sold to civilians.
What manufacturers choose to sell these products to the civilian market? What retailers choose to sell them to civilian customers?
Who is choosing to earn a living this way?
How 'bout an online public shaming gallery that displays the NAMES & FACES of individuals who are enabling the massacre of civilians?
This is interesting. It also reflects that the gun industry has emerged as a much more powerful force than the NRA.
Follow the money from political support to supply chain, to manufacturer, to marketing, to seller to specific buyer that have commited mass shooting incidents.
Shrewd point that I've not seen made explicitly before! Hope you'll run with it.
If bullet manufactorers were held liable—
Put ID serial numbers several times on each bullet (so enough will survive damage done by firing and hitting something) so culprits can be held accountable.
They tried that before, it was something like a lot number engraved into each batch and sales would have to be tied to that lot number (that is what I recall; the specifics could have been a bit different.) Three guesses what happened to that proposal in Congress. (Pro tip: you only need one guess)
1/ US citizen here living in UK for 30+ years. The UK Foreign office is considering issuing travel advisories for UK citizens who are pregnant and visiting states that have restrictive abortion laws as they may not receive good medical care if they require emergency medical care.
2/ I work in financial services and when banks make loans/arrange finance to companies/organisations they consider various risk types, one of which is country risk. Surely USA banks should start to consider risks of lending to companies investing in businesses in states with restrictive voting laws, restrictive abortion laws, etc as they run a higher risk of recruitment failure and are supporting states that are denying basic human rights. This should impact municipal bonds as well for cities in restrictive states.
Very interesting points.
I would like to see companies get pressured to leave if the state does not make abortion legal or safe for their employees. I think industry boycotts can be enacted to force the states to change. I know this impacts good people living there but it is a life & death issue and a human rights issue.
I like this line of thinking very much E Brooks!
The Republicans are already giving banks trouble about green investing (which is largely green washing).
With a plethora of monumental issues at hand, I believe we need to focus on our democracy in the short term. If we lose our democracy, if we don’t hold leaders accountable, then we lose our leverage needed to solve most of the other problems.
Agree. One great place to explore would be gerrymandering, specifically how money flow gets from corporations and PACs to legislatures who create unfair, undemocratic districts.
How much wealth have politicians accumulated since joining office?
Many moderate Democrats seem to be focused on maintaining the status quo, focusing more on fundraising rather than working to solve problems. Many Republicans are also guilty of prioritizing their own accumulation of wealth; it just feels more disingenuous hearing politicians like Nancy Pelosi speak about wealth inequality in this country while she vocally opposed stock trading bans for members of Congress.
We need to figure out a way to change the incentives for our elected officials. It's too easy for them to profit. Their goals should be improving society.
Wrote a piece in January that is related:
Came here to say this! For (just one) example- aid to Ukraine. How much of that is finding its way into elected officials’ pockets (D and R) via defense company stocks?
A woman’s right over her own body, and the corruption of the church needs attention daily…. They are / have been funding the forced birth policy.
Yet the public discussion is still not combining the issue of one particular religion being forced on everybody else in a supposedly free United States
See the opinion piece by Linda Greenhouse, in the 7/22/22 NY Times, "Religious Doctrine, Not the Constitution, Drove the Dobbs Decision."
Agree thought it was excellent
Is there a definitive book on the Democratic Party’s accomplishments post WWII? If not, can you write about them and compile resources to make one? Thanks.
Since WWII Democratic priorities have been very popular and Republican not so much which is why they resort to culture war distractions. I feel as though the Democratic Party needs to beat the drum harder on what the party has stood for in comparison to GOP.
I think this is somewhat different to how I view my role. I'm open about my opinions but I don't really want to carry water for a particular political party. I want to learn the facts and share them with people.
In previous times I would agree. But now we face authoritarian fascism or the Democratic Party. There comes a point where it matters what you support even with some criticism of the Democratic Party.
I hear you and agree it’s somewhat outside of your purview. I would think of less of carrying water than saving the Republic. In a two party system if one party is committed to autocracy and very close to forcing a permanent undemocratic majority, people like you with large important platforms play a vital role in supporting the other side. To date, the Democratic Party has done a miserable job of championing their / government’s successes. Traditional media won’t do it either. A void needs to be filled. Thanks for responding.
Agree, and some of our most outstanding accomplishments as a country have been facilitated by government. Really don't understand the conservative's mantra of "small government". We have big problems and we need the security and heft of our government.
Yes. Government is the only democratic (small d) balance to corporate and religious power bases. It never ceases to amaze me that people buy this "gov is bad" mantra when we are a gov of the people, by the people, for the people. Sure we have problems with corruption, but fix those problems - don't destroy government.
Baby/bath water idiom. Yes.
See works by Thom Hartmann. He has a whole series of books in most of these subjects.
More investigation into the Catholic Church’s use of funds to push their anti abortion agenda. This money starts at the parish level and filters upward and outward. Most parishioners do not understand how their individual giving filters into the political agenda at the top. The Catholic Church should be losing their tax exemption status.
We certainly will continue to have our eye on the ballot initiatives in Kansas, Michigan and other states.
The RCC has the numbers, regarding money and followers, but the Protestant Evangelists have the minds of the batshit militants. Religion is a perfect construct to manipulate and control the masses, it comes with a cloak of purity and goodness.
Agreed. For too long the Catholic Church has been given a pass regarding its efforts to codify Catholic theology into our laws. I daresay if pro-choice defenders were to picket Catholic Churches on Sunday mornings the same way that Catholics have picketed abortion clinics, we might make a difference in red states' efforts to limit women's reproductive rights.
The gop and Catholic Church work hand in hand. Both are hierarchical, paternalistic, misogynistic, authoritarian, undemocratic and ruled over by white males. Trump is the gop's Pope with their followers believing both infallible.
Yes! I have apologized to my two older kids for not allowing them to take the full benefit of the Public School system. My daughter would be allowed to "skip" major coursework (i.e. Chemistry or Calculus) to attend Prolife rallies. However, if her skirt was too short she would be sent to detention. As a parent, too many red flags flashed on my radar and this is when I realized I had been indoctrinated and brainwashed over my lifetime because of the brainwashing and indoctrination of my ancestors. Enough is enough...its time to lift the veil. Follow the money.
I think peacefully picketing Catholic Churches is a brilliant idea!
This lends my thoughts to the SCOTUS Catholics becoming activists. Judd, I would like to see you delve into the religious leanings in the court and the court essentially legislating for their ideologies.
Any church that inserts itself in politics should lose tax exempt status. A subject worth investigation.
I'd love to see a "deep dive" on the Justice Department. Why is it seemingly so reluctant to act against the political leaders of the 1/6 coup attempt?
Almost impossible to do such a dive without someone in the inner circle of the Justice Department to leak to you. Doesn't seem like that's happening at the moment.
Understood. It was more wishful thinking on my part than anything else--thanks for responding!
Why was Garland chosen in the first place? He's hardly a master prosecutor...most of his career was spent as a judge focused on avoiding appeal. Even in the OK City case, McVeigh was already under arrest when Garland arrived. Officials at the time didn't understand why Garland refused to investigate the white militias that McVeigh was associated with. Garland takes the easy wins...look how long it took for him to charge seditious conspiracy for the groups at the Capitol. The OIG initiated the investigation into the fake electors because Garland would not act. Does anyone believe for a second that Garland will investigate the lawlessness of the Secret Service in deliberately destroying evidence? Many insist that Garland is playing 64-dimensional chess.Neither his career, nor his actions over the past 16 months support this theory.
I wanted Sally Yates. She'd have had all these fascists doing a perp walk by now.
Love her!
who knows? BUT-- Biden can FIRE GOP Garland & GOP WRAY (dir of FBI, Trump Appointee) why won't Biden fire them both? Read somewhere Biden hired more lawyers to defend himself against the GOP investigations if they win midterms-- if BIDEN expelled & cleaned out traitors at highest levels-- there would be no need for him to do this. what is Biden not holding GOP accountable with concrete consequences?
Why wasn't Wray fired for utter failures related to 1/6?
He doesn't really want to rock the boat either.
Trump rocked the boat - if Garland can’t counter rock -to stabilize the boat - why won’t Biden fire him?
You can’t blame the chosen you have to blame the choosers.
I'd have rather had #JusticeMatters Glenn Kirschner as the AG. MOST of these a'hole would have already been arrested & indicted.
Hell, Joyce White Vance or Barbara McQuade would be 100% better than Garland.
Or any right wing militia group. Some if the people in the military and police forces are part of the MAGA crowd.
Read Marcy Wheeler at Emptywheel. She does a very thorough job of explaining why the DOJ is not as reluctant as it may seem.