More evidence that the radical right believes its path to permanent power is to ensure that the next generation is more ignorant, less able to compete, and more whitewashed than the current one.

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Thanks for keeping us updated on these school library takeovers. I had not realized Iowa was already in on it.

Is this part of the move to replace public education with more compliant charter schools?

Here in Vermont the Republican governor has named his new commissioner education — a woman from Florida who Was in charge of the infamous Broward county school district. She is also heavily involved in the national charter school movement.

She was voted down 19-9 by the state senate committee required to approve cabinet nominations so he appointed her anyway as “interim Director“.

This illegal move has now been challenged by two state senators who have correctly pointed out that the governor has exceeded his authority by appointing an unapproved charter school advocate to the top state education position.

Will be continued in Vermont courts.

So keep on keeping us posted nationally!

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Indeed, it's ALL part of a move to replace public education. That's the end game. Sadly, they seem to be winning.

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Yes, apparently, promotion of Charter Schools goes hand in hand with eliminating money for public education! Here's another Right Wing move to promote "those who think like them" and leave the rest in the dust.

Vermont!? Home of Bernie Sanders and Peter Welch? So VT elected a former stock car racer (over and over for whatever he ran for!) who has shown his lack of appreciation for education, and is willing to destroy all the good that people took for granted in VT?

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Vermont Republican governor Scott became somewhat popular a few years ago when he actually signed into law some gun safety legislation.

There had at that time been a severe scare of a Vermont school shooting, which was luckily averted.

That gave him cover and also some credibility with the public.

Since then, however Our Republican governor has become known as Governor Veto.

Fortunately, just this year, the legislature found its footing and overrode six of his seven vetoes at the end of the legislative session.

Hope that helps explain some of the electoral paradoxes in this Blue state of Bernie Sanders.

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Kids reading books is not the problem

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

How truly sad that South Carolina, one of the most beautiful states would have so many people in politics with no appreciation for the arts, for higher learning, and for the advancement of humanity! That Governor, those Senators--Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott, and this anti-intellectual busybody Ellen Weaver who acts in the hypocritical manner of claiming to be a Christian who cares about our precious children. People who care for humanity, especially children, would do well to contest all that Weaver is promoting in her attempt to dominate the unfolding of a healthy life to her ignorant purposes.

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There goes Moms for Liberty again, standing in staunch opposition to actual liberty.

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Woe to the wicked librarian that tries to enlighten young minds, they may get caught up in the awful Ellen weaver’s web. Are these states in a race to the bottom?

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We're really in Alice in Wonderland world when a organization calling itself "Moms for Liberty" aims to ban books.

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Ellen Weaver and her fellow Karen's are willing progenitors of an American Taliban that wishes to diminish or eliminate anyone who is not a white bible-thumper, ban sex-education or discussion of sex or gender, particularly the idea that sex is human, natural, or to be enjoyed by women. Simultaneously, they are exerting efforts to encourage more births and making outlawing birth control a policy priority.

The battle to advocate for a fully and well- educated citizenry is just as important as the fight for democracy, as one cannot survive without the other. The uneducated are gullible, useful pawns. The Bible is in direct conflict with knowledge

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And next they will come after science and math, both of which teach critical thinking and problem solving.

Nice reporting PI! Kudos for your work on Sinclair.

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They will move to ban teaching evolution and all non-biblical theories of the origins of the universe. Imagine banning the Webb telescope, and the Hubble.

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Thanks for keeping on the case with the Sinclair anti-Biden propaganda!

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People are so worried about books on the library shelves? In this place and time where a teenager is walking around with quick access to perversion and porn in their pocket?

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Almost like it’s not about sexual content at all.

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You know, my response was longer and I cut it off except for that first paragraph.

It is not so obvious to those who are haters that this behavior and abuse of power is done by those who would destroy any smidgeon of gayness in their states, beginning with this censorship of books. For some, like Ellen Weaver, there is no empathy or understanding for others who are not like themselves. Or that there is such deep self-hatred that they must the destroy the pursuit of happiness for all others but themselves, and they don't want to be happy.

I am sorry these haters were treated poorly as children and that they continue to look for love and acceptance in all the wrong places. But that does not mean that they can have their way.

The good people of South Carolina, the families of gay children, the allies of any of those targeted by haters must and will rise up against the dark-souled who gain power and destroy the freedoms of others.

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That's a separate issue. It's very difficult to censor the internet unless you get the federal government to do it, and even then it's not likely to work. But tossing books is easy, and if you look at the lists of the ones Moms has banned, you're going to see books with subjects like divorce, death, racial integration, Black, Asian, Hispanic and Native American cultures as well as those that deal with puberty, menstruation, homosexuality and LGBTQI issues, feminism, abortion, etc. In comparison, porn is not something that has the power of books to inform people on important issues or change society - which is the whole point, isn't it?

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

Anybody can challenge up to 5 books per month? Anyone? A recipe for disaster or a desired outcome? I'm going with the latter. Strangle education and douse the light in enlightnment for everyone.

All in the name of their god.

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I have an idea Adam. Get people to demand the bible be removed due to its rated X sections!

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Not to mention the violence and misogyny.

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I'm on board. Get that book out of every library.

For the sake of the chilfdren!

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The South Carolina regulations exempt the Bible from removal. From the article: "This means that classic texts that contain descriptions of sexual content, including The Bible and Ulysses, are not considered obscene".

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Judith, there’s still a way around this. Print out the absurdities and vulgar parts of the bible and insist on posting them in schools!

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no, the definition of OBSCENITY doesn't include the Bible or Ulysses. The regulations don't require obscenity. So have at it, South Carolina parents--ban that Bible.

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OK, let’s see what we are talking about.

In the Song of Solomon in the Bible, there seems to be no mention of God at all.

This book of the Bible is also called the Song of Songs , and also the Canticle of Canticles.

Here are some random excerpts:

“Thy neck is like the tower of David builded for an armory, whereon hang a thousand bucklers, all shields of mighty men.

Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins, which feed among the lilies.”

In another part:

“How fair and how pleasant art thou, O love, for delights!

This thy stature is like to a palm tree, and thy breasts to clusters of grapes.

I said, I will go up to the palm tree, I will take hold of the boughs thereof: now also, thy breasts shall be as clusters of the vine, and the smell of thy nose like apples;

And the roof of thy mouth like the best wine for my beloved, that goeth down sweetly…

“I am a wall, and my breasts like towers…”

Compare to Huckleberry Finn?

Perhaps someone else can insert the cruelly misogynistic parts of the patriarchal Old Testament.

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Moms for Liberty, the American Taliban.

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Well, I'm definitely not moving to any southern state when I retire. I don't fancy being caught up in any insane regulations they may choose to implement. It's sad that we're still fighting for equal rights but I guess every generation has to take up the cause to prevent conservatives from going past their mandate in society. They aren't supposed to _be_ in power, they are just supposed to provide some cautionary action to changes in society so they don't go too fast for people to adapt.

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Hey, Therese. When I retired, I moved to a southern state, from metro DC to NC. I've been working on electoral reform--ranked choice voting, primarily--and we are cautiously optimistic, while knowing it may be a long fight. There has been a lot of disruption, which from my academic-work education interpret as an "unfreezing" of the system (per Kurt Lewin, who fled Nazi Germany), creating an opportunity for significant change. Many more people today are dissatisfied and angry with our do-nothing elected officials who remain in tedious "gladiator-style combat" for what should be sober positions of national governance, a weighty responsibility. Because of our electoral process, the system incentivizes bad behavior. It affects people from both parties, e.g., the average stock return for Congress critters exceeds those of other investors.

Everyone can't fight the fight. They have work, kids, whatever. But in each time in this country when it was time to stand up for civil rights, people stood up. And it's time to stand up, one way or another. For any of us who want to continue living in a democracy. FairVote. RepresentUS. RanktheVote. Many pro-voter, pro-democracy organizations are part of the electoral reform movement. If we adjust the system, we change the incentives. And then it won't be so attractive to politicians to attack "enemies" and wage useless, time and $$ wasting, horribly oppressive and divisive culture wars.

Americans should not be at war with other Americans. Certainly not by the intentional design of those who are supposed to be representing US.

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docpatti, We never had a monopolistic control of media before, we’ve never had a perpetual bombardment of lies, conspiracy theories, sedition-supporting people in charge of our airwaves! We still have to show up but this is the most frightening challenge with Putin, et al, funding and providing trolls to bombard the American public.

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Yes, I agree. It's horrifying and deadly serious. Scary that too many voters probably do not know this.

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National Banned Books week will be held 9/22-9/28/24 and it's past time for a massive public show of outrage over the far right attacks on the freedom to read. In Savannah, we will be holding a public reading of banned works on 9/27 and will add additional locations and texts as more people agree to become readers. It would be great to see this expand across the country.

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There is 100% no time in history where the book banners have been the good guys. By good guys I mean people who embrace the curious mind, critical thinking, and free speech.

These fascists must be stopped in November by such a vast Blue Tsunami that leaves no doubt about who the winner is. Vote Blue to save our Democracy.

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