These people call themselves pro-life when they are actually a death cult - death of women who miscarry and cannot get treatment, death of children forced to give birth when their bodies are not ready to do so safely, on and on. They are the same people who will not do anything for actual living children. It's more important to sell as many guns as possible. It's more important to keep taxes low for billionaires.

Thank you for your work exposing the corporations who pay for these horrors and then claim to be helping the very people their donations are harming.

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Judd, thanks for this. I'd love it if you could, In corporate-shaming pieces you publish, include a little graphic of the miscreants' corporate logos. I usually cross-post links to your articles on FB, with the headline, a sentence or two, and the link--and if there were a logo graphic I could screen-grab, it would give FB readers' eyes something to focus their attention. I love the effect your site is having!! Many thanks.

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Doug, great idea. I’m willing to put those logos on Twitter too.

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Do these companies not understand that they are the dog chasing his own tail? And now they are chewing on it.

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It’s the Age of Hypocrisy, isn’t it?

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And it's the age of Draconian laws that are coming about because the GOP has lost all semblance of sanity. It's "win at all cost" and the actual voters are no longer represented. Corporate donors run the country. CVS obviously is in cahoots with the pharmaceutical and insurance companies, and they work together to keep Congress from lowering the price of prescription drugs.

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The bad news is I have insurance through Cigna and no other option for cable but Comcast (under which NBC is owned). CVS IS the pharmacy is use but I don’t think Walgreens is any better. If it is, I’ll switch that. This is the danger of monopolized business. The worst monster being Amazon.com

How do we mobilize against this?

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And I have no choice but to use CVS--my employer mandates it.

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Ian, totally understand. I have a similar problem with Cigna and Comcast.

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43 state legislatures are controlled by GOP

SCOTUS is turning things back to the states

The 1% corps continue to fund the GOP ers who support less personal rights, voting rights, etc while publicly making statements to the contrary.

It is critical we vote and get the vote out. The stage is set for the takeover for minority rule. Just hope it is not too late.

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They aren't pro-life at all or they would do something about guns. They are pro-$$$ and pro-religion. Let's punish women who were raped and force them to birth babies they never wanted because their religion says so. These people are the scum of the earth and are pure evil. It's impossible to keep up with which corporations are lying anymore. I love that you continually update us on who is spending what but it's impossible to stop using some of these entities, even though I try whenever I can. Keep up the great work Judd and I hope your reporting keeps getting picked up by bigger outlets.

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I was looking for this information about donation when trying to join a better company for cellphone service. I finally dropped tmobile and went with att last month and no I am joining Verizon even though they are very expensive. It gonna cost me 30 more a month than att but I am with a company that is not supporting women's right.

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Sorry mistake, I am joining a company that supports women rights.

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It is so disappointing. I have a question though, maybe it's worthy of a little more investigating? 'The Family' on Netflix talks about Doug Coe and the National Prayer Breakfast and 'C' Street and this 'covenant'. It's kind of creepy and makes some of these sick decisions make more sense (if that's possible) and the further movement to the extreme right/religious that our country has been making. I don't want to further or promote any conspiracy BS, I am just wondering about this. I do know our country only believes in the $ though. (Sadly)

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As always, thank you for naming names.

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Boycotting these companies is probably not an option, especially with CVS where some people are required to use their services. But I wish there was an affluent donor who would subsidize billboards all over the country with this info. Companies HATE to have their hypocrisy exposed for all the world to see.

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These aren’t even close to the largest numbers we’ve seen and yet it’s very useful to add up the smaller numbers usually under the radar to show a bigger picture. When doing business there is almost no way to avoid all of the companies you note here or others you’ve noted previously. Regardless of the current situation, I’ve always said re cell service I’ve had to choose the least worst provider based on where I live. Now, I regularly think about least worse when I make any purchase.

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As a woman, and a Texan, I would like to personally thank you, as well as give you a standing ovation for your diligence and thoroughness. I so appreciate Popular Information's bringing factual reporting of the things that these politicians and big companies do that I am POSITIVE they don't want the general public to know.

I do have one question though- do these big businesses usually only contribute to one party, or do they donate to both parties to insure their favor when whichever of the candidates win? As in playing bith sides to rack up favors in in the future when needed?

Any feedback would be appreciated!

Again, thanks for the great job and invaluable service you provide! Keep doing what you do!!!

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How can we boycott such large companies? It's frustrating!

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Sorry, but you need a proofreader. Your narrative under "CVS" makes no sense. It appears that there's some information missing in the first paragraph, which reads like the 10 year old girl was running a campaign.

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