Quick question from my friends in the Caribbean. Is America now the shithole country that Trump talked about in 2016?

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As a general rule, every insult he hurls out applies to him more than the insultees

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It’s getting there rapidly.

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Look, he's already gamed the system by installing an incompetent political hack as the Postmaster General, so why wouldn't he do this, too? There is no depth to which he and the Republican leadership will not sink, and to repeat a point I have frequently made, his supporters are perfectly fine with that.

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We must all get busy writing and calling ALL our elected officials to get the census count extended in order to ensure EVERY SINGLE PERSON is counted otherwise we will be stuck in this vicious trump cycle of inaccuracy, incompetence and downright abuse of power for another TEN YEARS!

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Jim Crow and apartheid redux

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Only this time It’s apartheid on steroids.

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This is an unprecedented act of (illegal) suppression of the census and there is only one accurate explanation--it's a power grab by Republicans to ensure they can "rule" from a minority position.

As the country gets more diverse, and it is trending in that direction, the GOP will continue to become less and less able to retain their power.

The one true aspect of this is, that progress will happen, maybe slower than we'd like but it will happen.

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Maybe the GOP can fix their census problem by un-nullifying the 3/5ths clause. Make America 1787 great again!

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