The right to protest by minorities and minority groups is being assaulted Nationwide. Republicans won't be satisfied until they have silenced anyone and anything they object to.

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Look at this young man standing up for what is right. Only to be "silenced."

The conservatives among us have been railing for years at how their speech has been/is being silenced. Glenn Beck at The Blaze has a long-running pop-up ad on the site with all of the tools like Jason Whitlock, Steven Crowder and Pat Grey claiming "we will not be silenced" then going on about "conservative voices" and "free speech."

They are not going to jail for the garbage they spew, yet this young man will likely be jailed for speaking the truth: Trans Lives Do Matter!

Once again we see the republican agenda writ large. Freedom for me but not for thee!

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May 1, 2023
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Indeed Randy.

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A school board near my home recently voted to restrict the rights of trans kids. It’s horrifying and sickening.

I have two points on this. 1-these school boards seem to forget that THESE ARE KIDS!! Everything should be devoted to fostering an accepting environment for every kid to learn and develop. 2-voting to disenfranchise one of the most vulnerable populations among us is a total dick move.

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But but but they're TRANS KIDZZZZ!!!! That's DIFFERENT!!!! It ain't like they're REAL KIDZZZZZ!!!


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What can those of us who don't live and vote in Arkansas do to stand up for people against this kind of outrage? Serious question.

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Promote Judd Legum's Public Information. He and his small team are addressing this kind of issue wherever they find it.

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May 1, 2023Edited
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Judd, fortunately, has a voice that is being picked up on a national TV and print media level...going farther than most, and producing results.

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The joke is on the Conway School Board. Because of their actions to suppress public involvement, this is now potentially a matter of national interest.

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Reminds me of when I worked for a record distributor. We had a record by a band called Tar Water named "Get Off the Cross, We Need the Wood for a Fire."

No one had EVER heard of this record. Not even us and we had 1,500 cd's in the warehouse. That is until the Catholic League got wind of it and started a campaign to force us to not distribute that title.

I guess they won. I mean we did stop distributing that title. After we sold them all!

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May 1, 2023
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OK? They should all wear T-shirts emblazoned with:

Self-Selected Martyr

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Isn't that the way of it much of the time? The same can be said for Sexy Sexton, Speaker of the TN House. His current troubles stem from his refusal to stop being a racist AH. Hopefully the scrutiny will bring about great change.

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Never fails to amaze me how fucked up this country is.

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Judd, do you know of a GoFundMe for his legal fees?

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“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand fold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.” - Solzhenitsyn

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I'm supposing DeSantis will ban Solzhenitsyn next. Augh!

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Alex Barnett "gets this"!

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Thank you for highlighting this “profile in courage.” This young man should be lauded for his principles and his refusal to be intimidated.

As usual,Judd, you focus on ways to make our fear-ridden society more democratic. Thank you for your superb reports.

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I loved this paragraph: "Carnahan posted "Let's go Brandon!" code for a profane insult targeting President Joe Biden, and a tribute to Rush Limbaugh on his public Facebook page. On his campaign website, Carnahan touts that he is "a member of Gun Owners of America and the National Rifle Association" and "follower of Christ." Among the groups Carnahan likes on Facebook is the Family Council Action Committee, the Arkansas affiliate of Focus on the Family, a notorious anti-LGBTQ advocacy organization." Made the old Sesame Street song "One of These Things Is Not Like the Others" start going through my head.

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Yes, that comment by itself would tempt one to severely beat him about the head and shoulders with a cane or other object close at hand.

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...non violence...truth telling ala Judd and PI

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Another wonderful article! Thank you.

We really need to stand with our young people. They are being targeted because the Right cannot win legitimately and it's a method of Putin to target the young people and turn them fascist. We have to work with each other--we are stronger together!

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Does Barnett have a go fund me page? At minimum he shouldn't have to pay the fine.

I also wonder what Carnahan has hidden away given his odious public persona. Wouldn't be surprised if there was some pay to play to over-sentence to feed corporate prisons in Arkansas

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Kangaroo Court and Judge in mho. Certainly the ACLU should take a look at this, but we all know there are likely hundreds if not thousands of cases of varying degrees of bill of rights violations and improper judicial authority. Many laced with politics insread of impartiality like this one corrupting the management of justice in the nation's courts. Take Roe vs Wade for instance...

From top to bottom the Justice system is a contradiction of terms.

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As I stated before, it is 1938 Germany for the LGBTQ+ community. And I don't play the Nazi card lightly. The end game for the guy who spoke in the video is the gas chambers. I don't subscribe that every conservative wants to go as far as killing LBGTQ+ people. Unless the conservatives start speaking up that they are not into "final solutions", people like him will be running for and winning offices. Don't say you haven't been warned.

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This kid is a future leader of this country (I hope!).

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And, we're learning that we have many! Bright, courageous, articulate, speaking the truth without ego.

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Have you been to jail for justice? Then you're a friend of mine.

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