It’s time to expand the court so there is one justice for each circuit court of appeals.

Right now the Supreme Court is legislating from the bench. The so-called originalists are overturning precedent because they don’t like the original ruling, not because it isn’t constitutional. The Court is corrupt. Changes need to be made. This isn’t 1776. Bring America out of the dark ages & into the present-day world.

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And. make them age out at 75 (if airline pilots have to do it, why not judges - and maybe senators and congressmen too!)

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Another win for American plutocracy (or maybe kleptocracy is a better term?)

Another nail in the coffin of democracy.

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700 oligarch billionaires too

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SCOTUS rationale is nonsense. The notion that loaning one’s campaign $$, only to be repaid, to an unlimited extent, is “skin in the game” is completely specious. The only risk is the time-limited cost of money. This only reinforces that politics is a game for the privileged and rich. Naive to expect otherwise when SCOTUS itself is subject to no oversight, no transparency, no true accountability, and political parties can manipulate the membership to their own advantage.

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What a Court! They will speed up Orbanization for sure! Politics is already such a dirty business and already panders to the wealthy. So much for representative government! And to see that the plaintiff was Ted Cruz! You wonder if those 5 justices are now making decisions based on bias against the public who after all oppose much of what they have legislated.

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My only question is, why would anyone be surprised at this point? The current Supreme Court has already firmly stamped itself as a Republican-only court, uninterested in anything that does not benefit the wealthy and powerful and/or the establishment of a Christian nation.

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True! They can now be referred to as “SCROTUS” (Supreme Court Republicans of the United States!

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This is no longer the country I grew up to believe in. It gets worse by the week. Judd and company, thank you for doing an amazing job keeping us informed!

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Talk about activist judges!

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This has to be one of the most disingenuous pieces of self-delusion I’ve ever read by Roberts: “But Roberts writes that "influence and access" are "a central feature of democracy—that constituents support candidates who share their beliefs and interests, and candidates who are elected can be expected to be responsive to those concerns." WOW.

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It's perfectly ok to buy influence. What could go wrong? lol

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Not to mention that there is _nothing_ “democratic” about excluding all the people who don’t have the money (or enough of it) to buy “influence and access”!

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I'm picturing Roberts in a powdered wig.

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To all the people who said it was no big deal that trump was stacking the court with far right federalist picks, this is what we get. They want to take us back to the stone age and the title of this article is perfect. It sounds like they are doing this FOR trump. Assuming that idiot runs again, he's so poor right now, he's going to loan his campaign millions and then try and turn a profit later. I have zero doubt that trump's picks for SCOTUS are doing this, at least in part, for his personal benefit. SCOTUS is completely compromised by far right partisan hacks.

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The entire electoral system is broken in good part thanks to SCOTUS activity, mainly since Roberts joined the court. Candidate greed runs a slow second in comparison.

Expansion, coupled with term limits for both judges AND Senators, will help put a stop to the personal money funnel. But getting even that done will require heft I don’t believe exists in the upper echelons of government today.

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I think there's something in the water in D.C. or they've all gone nazi fascist.

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I doubt if yhe court can be expanded due to the senate corruption

Another nail in the coffin of American Democracy.

I am sure the court is no longer unbiased. The road ahead is perilous

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It never stops. The US is on a major downslide.

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“A democratic republic, sir, if you can keep it.” Ben Franklin, 1787

It’s nearly gone and the disinformation industry and Trumpsters it created shovel dirt into the grave of a a barely breathing democracy. Forgive them, Ben, for they know not what they do.

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I agree with you on everything but your last sentence. They know exactly what they're doing. They just don't care.

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“If only Congress would legislate” doesn’t fly this time. Unlike Roe, which we knew would happen, this feels left field and thus somehow more corrupt.

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Influence and access. My god. This activist court couldn’t be more transparent.

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