Honestly so tedious.

Not that it matters but Jews literally worship the same g-d that Christians worship. Muslims worship the same g-d as Jews and Christians worship. Muslims consider Jesus an important component of their faith, not that Christians seem to know or care. I get so tired of reading Christian statements about “their g-d” when discussing Jews and Muslims because yeah.

Texas republicans are tiresome, as is the constant financial enabling. All republican enabling is tiresome for sure. Especially the corporate propping up.

The way LGBTQ+ people, actual human beings hurting no one, are being discussed is disheartening and dehumanizing.

Thanks for what you do.

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This refusal to dis-associate from Nazis is so ignorant. It’s also incredibly frightening for those of us who have studied history. A slippery slope, indeed.

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The way Bob Hall lumped together the LGBTQ community and White Supremacists is abhorrent. These are disgusting people.

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Thank you Judd! You take on the multi-faceted dark side and expose their operations. Anti Humane beliefs pervade so much of Texas. "Texas Liberty" means freedom to be inhumane. The cast of characters from openly despised Ted Cruz to John Cornyn who learned in the last 20 years to operate more subtly; from the indescribably nastily unkind Greg Abbot to the criminally flagrant Ken Paxton and proudly cruel Dan Patrick. What leaders they have! Beto O'Rourke seemed to come close to winning, but these excessively rich (from fossil fuel) funds support the worst in humanity. May Roland Gutierrez or Colin Allred, whoever can, beat Cruz!

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We Americans seem to be an assemblage of tribes, some of which appear to operate lawlessly, and which are a proven direct danger to others. How have things gotten so bad? Guns, money and legislators for the Nazi-White Supremacist-Bigots, while the poor and minorities are easy targets for violent police, for-profit prisons, and the rich. The rich and powerful? They appear almost untouchable, and can drag out the system endlessly, and even run for president while they are at it.

Justice in America is an increasingly rare and putrid rubbish. Starting with the SCOTUS.

Thank you for this reporting. I'll be forwarding this to everyone I know, especially in Texas.

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Were it not for the fact that there are many decent people in Texas, I'd say PLEEEEEEEEEEZE let them secede.

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Um, yeah, there's no good reason to meet with white supremacists. The Texas GOP needs to be hammered on its associations with the alt-right.

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The divide in Texas is rural vs city. Rural Texans have never met a Jewish person in their lives. They are just not there. Evangelicals rule in rural Texas, and although I have no evidence for this, I'm going to bet that vote was split rural vs city.

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"Pale Horse Strategies" is an interesting choice for an organization's name, to say the very least.

"When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth." Revelation 6:7-8

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Thank you Judd for this eye opening reporting. I am forwarding this to friends who live in El Paso. Keep spreading the word! This needs to stop.

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Of course they couldn't bring themselves to vote in favor of the resolution. Where we are at now in America is that these extremely conservative groups are, in fact, clearinghouses and supporters of Nazism, white supremacy and it is chilling to think that just 80 years after America joined a war to eradicate Nazism & fascism that same Nazism & fascism have a very good stronghold in America. May we somehow find the courage to fight back against this Nazism & fascism wherever it raises it's ugly head. Great reporting Mr Legum!

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Another great exposé, Judd. There is enough heat here to start a fire.

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It never fails that a state that relies so incredibly on migrant labor for their state to actually function think "strong borders" is a legitimate position for them. That bootstrap yt American myth really must have disintegrated Texas GOP's feeble minds completely.

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The Texas GOP are invoking the spirit of fascism thinking they can contain and control that demon all in an effort to swell their campaign chests with white supremacist cash. The GOP will not be able to control fascist anarchy. Fascist solutions lead to a shallow grave for everyone.

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Only the GOP would parse anti-semitism. I-N-S-A-N-I-T-Y

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Since Republicans run the state of Texas, I would be leaving the state if I were Jewish. In fact, really I would leave the state if I were a Democrat. Let them secede like they want to and just have all of the White Supremacists in it with their own White Nation.

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