Why is Judd the only one writing about this? Why are the NYT’s and WaPo filling their front pages with anti Biden stories- and little to nothing about trump? Are they afraid trump will go after them if he wins in November, so they remain nearly mute about trump’s plans to rule, not govern? The mainstream media are complicit in normalizing trump and promoting his candidacy.

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It’s really shocking that both NYT and WaPo have deteriorated so much. Have canceled both over the last few months, now check out The Guardian for news and my writers here.

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I worked in a place that had a great reputation, and to the world still does. From the inside though everyone who worked there knew it was going down the toilet in part because of super wealthy right wing people throwing their weight around. It happens. Both have Oligarchic owners. I read today that the French business community would rather lose their democracy than have people in charge whom they think will not manage the economy well. The USA has the problem that even though Biden is killing it with the economy, doing the best job ever, there are so many who think they would do better under Trump. People need to start spelling it out for the many Americans who know nothing about anything except their own little worlds.

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It is the independent writers on Substack who are extensively covering this issue. Heather Coxe Richardson, Joyce Vance......the big guys are too afraid of appearing biased, right?

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They are manipulated by the fascist propaganda put out by the Republican party for so many years like Liberal Press, which it has never been, and other fallacies, which the Democrats did not take up, but instead catered to. That is the effect of fascist tropes, they manipulate people into believing lies. The press has very clearly been pro-Trump. As Judd tells us, they make more money off of him because he is clickbait kind of newsworthy. Anyone who still subscribes to either of those papers should let their oligarchic owners just pay for it as a pet project without earning revenues, or let the filthy rich support them. I don't see Joe Blow Six Pack switching to the NYT when they can watch Fox TV for free, just because they are now fulfilling a fascist agenda because their owner has it in for Biden.

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With due respect to (and great appreciation for) Judd's work, Judd is not the only one writing about impoundment. The WaPo wrote a news article on June 7 about Trump's impoundment plans and published an opinion column about it on June 11. On June 14, columnist George Will, in a column of questions he wanted to see asked in the first presidential debate, included a question for Trump about impoundment, phrased in such a way as to suggest that Will believes Trump's view of impoundment is unconstitutional.

I don't have a subscription to the NY Times so can't read individual articles, but the Times appears to have published articles on April 24 and June 7 that also at least mentioned Trump's impoundment plans.

Moral of the story: Just because you didn't see a major news outlet's story about X doesn't mean they didn't cover X.

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They might “cover x”, but compare that to the frenzy of the last few weeks regarding the “debate”—the bias of these organizations is inherent and REAL.

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No argument there, but the OP said Judd was the only one writing about this, which wasn't true even of the two big print/web news outlets.

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Yes, buried after the 780 stories of Biden decrepitude. Corporate media is our enemy.

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One thing Trump got right. The NYT is "Fake News." I keep my subscription for other actually good stories that I ferret out on other issues, but primarily so I can keep my ability to comment. The NYT has an amazing number of stories with no ability to comment, however. WaPo does better, and I comment there all the time.

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They finally admitted it…https://www.jefftiedrich.com/p/top-new-york-times-editor-defending

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I saw that. Rounding up a bazillion immigrants and roping in their citizen kids and anyone in the neighborhood who doesn’t have their papers handy is just a “partisan position” that the Times doesn’t deign to comment on. So is hiring people based on loyalty to the president rather than ability—because of course it is a perfectly legitimate use of government money to hire folks without expertise or ability.

Reporting on Biden’s cognitive abilities is impartial. Failing to report on Trump’s is because HIS ability is just partisan issue.

As I commented on his post: any doctor who walks through the White House door MUST be treating the president, not one of the couple thou White House employees.

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The Parkinson’s thing is the final nail to me—they have sunk lower than fux or oan on that one.

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Or military personnel. Military personnel do get brain injuries, DUH! He also has meetings with physician groups I believe.

He was there 8 times in 8 months — the same as during Obama’s administration.

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yes. I have been sharing that too.

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I decided that I would stick to commenting here, and not give the NYT my money. Ended up making same decision for WaPo. My life quality has gone up.

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your choice. I have student subscriptions so I’m not out much money. One does have a broader audience on the paper.

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It is not the cost, but the fact that I am supporting a publication that is willing to support the US become fascist because the Oligarchic owner wants to make a point to Biden. I am living between the US and the EU, so I try to keep up with things going on in the world. I get the News from the Guardian, which is independent, and free. I donate to them yearly, but one does not need to. They have both a British and US editions and I get both. From German news I know that Modi visited Putin and brought up the bombing of a children's hospital in Kiev, that the NATO meeting is a 75th anniversary, that there was military training in Alaska where they did practice for a potential way against Russia with Germany leading, and that the head of the German military got 5 bil less than he asked for in the budget, but that Germany and a lot more meet the NATO goal of 2%. I also know that Europe sent a rocket into Space which left from French Guyana and why that is such an ideal location. On other European news there is a discussion of what the current election results mean for France, that Poland and Germany made a couple of alliances over energy and military, and that Poland and Ukraine made a military alliance too.

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By and large, but that wasn't the point the OP made.

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THANK YOU! Just posted similar myself!

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Agreed. Given that they have fixated on Biden's age, and the debate, and have decided to create the news about the election instead of covering it, they clearly are not saying enough. NATO meeting tomorrow, and it is not being covered as much as Biden's age. Also, the Republicans are having their national convention in a city Trump insulted, but hardly any discussion about that. They talk about Biden's age but have not even informed themselves on aging or anything useful like that. Unless he has a stroke Biden's cognition is not changing overnight. Even things Trump gets made fun of for with cognition like his wife's something, I don't fault him for because I forget things too. I still can think cohesively, and in my field am excellent. My husband is my age and in his field he is a world expert. We are not going to lose our knowledge overnight. To me these papers hired too many Ivy Leaguers who have no life experience and have a narrow view of the world. Writing to them and hearing their responses has been frustrating because they seem so so clueless.

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Well MSNBC is all over this! Project 2025 is front and center. Would be great if WAPO, NYT devoted as much ink to this as they do to both sides-ing their "opinions" - more and more their coverage is opinion pieces by their own right wing flacks.

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I have been getting posts of the MSNBC articles. I guess that after their journalists put their foot down on the hiring of Ronna Romney McDaniels, they decided they could continue to report the news.

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Glad they finally pivoted

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What does that mean? I've had to turn MSNBC off to stop the torrent of "get behind Biden" scolds. They've been talking about Project 2025 for weeks.

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Sue, no shock about NYT & WaPo…ownership by right-wing multi-billionaires have carried out their plan. I truly don’t understand how anyone on earth cannot know who owns these media sources. It can be looked up. There is a virtual monopoly on media conglomerates. Anything that resembled a left wing view (CNN) has been bought out by the right. It includes, CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, Sinclair Bros own 294 tv stations…All trump supporters.

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It’s stunning but most people do NOT know this! Newsweek is another one that has been ruined as well, but honestly most people have zero idea! We need to continue to sprrad the word.

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That’s right! Newsweek used to be more Left Time to the right. No major media today is owned by the left. So many people still think CNN is left wing. It hasn’t been for many years. Previously owned by rt wing AT&T, now by a billionaire-trump supporter.

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I canceled my subscription to WaPo last week. I thought with time, they'd stop the nonsense over President Biden. They didn't. They weren't refunding my money either, till I sent an email.

I'm disgusted at MSNBC. I haven't watched them since the debate. The pearl clutching was too much.

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The NYT and WaPo were clearly supporting Trump's candidacy and I had to give them the heave-ho. Jeff Tiedrich addresses that in his piece today. https://substack.com/home/post/p-146399983

He, Jay Kuo, Robert Hubbell, and others including Heather Cox Richardson have not only been addressing Project 2025 in their pieces but also the lack of balance in coverage of the mainstream press. Joyce Vance has started a book club on Project 2025. I have read in a couple of Substacks that one should download a copy now, because with it getting some press now, a week before the Republican National Convention, and after Kevin Roberts made his Nazi commentary on the Steve Bannon's War Rooms, sans Steve Bannon, Trump is trying to walk it back as if he has nothing to do with it. Judd is quoted today in Tiedrich's piece because he is doing the heavy lifting of making the comparisons between that and Trump's Agenda 47, as well as listing the relationships that the document's authors have to Trump. Thanks Judd for doing your part to try to save our democracy from these fascists.

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Despite all polls and prejudices, and good reasons to the contrary, my intuition has been strong that Trump will NOT win the 2024 Presidency. Even though Trump's irrationality and his senior decline repetitive ranting, I sense that many other factors will influence voters to vote for whoever opposes Trump. I hope that my inner knowing is valid, but can say that it has been so in the past. The more that people know the substance of the hearts and minds of the "Christian Nationalists" the more their agenda will fail to attract what most people feel is truly wonderful about the USA: independence and vitality of mind and heart, and the willingness to fight for our ideals so beautifully crafted in our Constitution.

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I felt that way until the debate. Now I'm terrified.

In a country of 333 million, the future of democracy is dependent on a psychopath felon, a possibly senile old man and a crazy guy living off his family’s legacy. How far downhill we’ve gone in just 10 years.

My only hope is that many red women will secretly vote blue to save abortion.

And if a Democrat wins, will January 6th prove to have been the dress rehearsal?

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If Trump isn't elected, I think the odds of some kind of coup attempt approach 100%. How effective it will be is another matter, considering how many seditionists have ended up in prison or are awaiting trial after Jan. 6.

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Seeing that Trump has said he would pardon seditionists, it may be a gamble they're willing to take. And if they succeed, there will be no rule of law.

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I don't think the debate itself caused much change in attitude. The media stories, starting in the back of beyond, about his age have caused a lot of people to accept their interpretation, in story after story, headline after headline, without any consideration of alternative explanations. The cold must be an "excuse." Did they interview any doctors (even Doctor Google) to see what the effect of a cold might be? Did they publish any parts of the transcript that show that what he said was actually sensible and coherent?

Nope. By this time they may well have murdered Biden's candidacy. With a blunt instrument.

I think trump did the Dems a big favor by claiming that he "never met" Project 2025. All of a sudden people are becoming aware of it. I too think the Dems will win because the alternative in all its horror is going to be right in the public's faces for the next however many days it is till the election. What are the media going to talk about once a candidate is actually chosen?

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We can look to the French and say good sense prevails, or we can cherry pick history and say: no, it doesn't

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I also have the sense that what you state, Valerie, will happen. It keeps me from despair. In the meantime, I'll send out my postcards to try and get potential democrats to register to vote.

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Same here Valerie. The media is a giant propaganda machine. People don’t want LGBTQIA back in the closet, women ALL want safe abortion and control over their bodies, people of color don’t wish Jim Crow would come back! The majority want guns out of society! The media prefers we bicker over Biden…so DON’T

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People are pushing back on book bans too. A lot of the protests were led by HS students which is a promising sign.

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We are being and have been warned about how bad a 2nd Trump term would be. So, we on the Progressive side of the aisle have a choice, we can engage in the Purity Wars of 2016, bitch & moan about the last debate performance was or decide to fight like hell to prevent a 2nd Trump term from ever materializing. Since the so called mainstream media apparently has no desire to point out things like Project 2025 & Impoundment to the American people it is up to us through newsletters like this to get the word out. Also, any Dem candidate, anywhere, should be pointing out things like P2025 & Impoundment whenever they are campaigning or speaking. We must think of a thousand different ways to point out that the sky is falling-because it is!

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The Biden team just made a website: trumpsproject2025.com

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Thank you for sharing this!

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yes, that's been there at least a month, or longer, the direct link being


but I suspect the new URL has been created to make it appear less partisan AND also tie it to tffg/CFDT.

I would not be surprised if the Project 2025 website itself removes the link to their PDF (which has been up for a few YEARS) now that there's suddenly publicity about it.

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I downloaded the pdf last July. It's just under 7 MB and I suggest all of us do the same in case you're right that 'they' will remove the link to the pdf.

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I think it was Joyce Vance who suggested downloading it the other day, in case they take it down.

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Already trying to back away because it’s proving to be radioactive to everyone but their base.

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Kevin Roberts let the geni out of the bottle last April. Had to brag about briefing Sgt. Schultz on the P2025.

— Heritage Foundation Makes Plans to Staff Next G.O.P. Administration

No matter the Republican, the effort has set a goal of up to 20,000 potential officials in a database akin to a right-wing LinkedIn.

NYT, April 20, 2023 —

“ Heritage and its project partners have already briefed Mr. Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida and their teams, Dr. Roberts said, as well as staff members for other current and potential candidates, including Nikki Haley, the former ambassador to the United Nations; the entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy; and former Vice President Mike Pence. They plan to give private briefings to all conservative candidates.”

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I am NOT concerned about impoundment, Its a useful tool, often used at the state level. It's WHO would WEILD the power of impoundment that concerns me. As with so many tools- its not the tool thats an issue, its the tool holder. (Trump is a tool ;) - who weilds him?)

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The Impoundment Act applies to certain types of funding passed and signed into law. It sets a deadline to notify Congress, option to make the case for why $$ should be withheld. The law only exists because of Nixon who believed “if the president does it then it isn’t illegal.” He wanted the same monarchy/presidency DJT does. BTW, they were pals.

Just like speed limits, we don’t make laws for best case scenarios. We were lucky it was in place during his term.

Authoritarians do this sort of thing to diminish representatives of the people & pump up their own power. Impoundment is perfect for implementing P2025 with the new immunity ruling by SCOTUS. Dept of Ed, funding deleted. EPA, funding deleted. FBI, IRS … Enforcement of Civil Rights, Title 1, Title IX …

I guess we know where the funding for internment camps could be found if people fail to vote to save our country.

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The only "deep state" is the one being created by Trump cohorts through Project 2025.

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Center for Renewing America Pronto, or CRAP. How is it that fascists successfully convince people to commit suicide?

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Republican lawmakers face the "conservative dilemma". The GOP represents the economic interests of big corps & the wealthy elite, but need votes from working-class whites that their own policies hurt. Distraction & propaganda become crucial tactics. https://www.salon.com/2024/07/07/ten-commandments-gone-wild-the-christian-rights-latest-distraction/

Riding with Biden-Harris & Team Blue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfNu4S9oq9o

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You know what? We will get the president we deserve and if voters get harmed well...

After decades of milquetoast Dems, playing by the rules and forgiving so much rule-breaking by the Reps, wtf did we expect? These men have been empowered, these 2025ers. Look at what SC just did to female Republic inan lawmakers. Disappeared them for joining with Dem women to oppose abortion rulings made by Catholic SCOTUS.

I hope all of us women really do like the kitchen and the minivan bc that was is where we are all

being sent.

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I agree

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Important (and frightening) reporting. Thank you, again!

However, I do have a hard time envisioning that "Trump, however, has decided that the Impoundment Control Act is unconstitutional and has pledged to challenge it in court."

Somehow, I have a hard time envisioning Trump even knowing the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 even exists, let alone deciding on its constitutionality. Kinda thinking he had a lot of help.

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Trump is emphatically NOT a diplomat or politician. He is a Charismatic puppet. That is the twisted nature of the whole endeavour- to promote a populist puppet for the purpose of gaining money and power. He is a Dancing Gorilla while someone is playing the calliope.... Its the Calliope player we ought to be worried about. Perversely, Trumps whole push for both presidencies has stress tested and exposed much that needs to be addressed in our Constitutional Representative Democracy. The questions is - who is present to fix the engine? We are, in general a woefully under-educated culture.

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I have zero doubt that, if Disgusting Fascist Trump is elected President, Disgusting Fascist Trump will IGNORE The Impoundment Control Act, will impound funds, and will move quickly to have his MAGAt controlled Supreme Court uphold his impoundment actions. Jesus, the disgusting, detestable, disgraceful right-wing Justices on the Supreme Court have ALREADY declared that the U.S. President is KING.

And two other points I want to make this morning. A) Do not be at all surprised when you see right-wing Christo-Fascist Nationalists in Congress come up with a bill to ban abortion across the country. B) Do not be at all surprised when you see right-wing Christo-Fascist Nationalists in Congress come up with a bill to ban no-fault divorce across the country.


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JFC, now in addition to Project 2025, there is Agenda 47, and a revised RNC platform. Talk about flooding the Zone!

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Saw this several months ago: "Trump’s America: AGENDA 47 A conversation with Ahmed Baba" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW-NjxL5oUw

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And the Supremes will take trump's words and work backward to rule in his favor. Here is Judge Luttig's take on the immunity ruling. They looked at Jack Smith's filings and gave trump (specifically) a free pass on all of them.

Worth the 35 minutes.


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Fyi—the Biden team created a website and pins it on rump: trumpsproject2025.com

Spread it far and wide!

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Well we can addd this issue, impoundment, to the rest of those that dems can campaign on. Impoundment, the rest of 2025, abortion, dictatorship, climate, etc, etc, etc. the MAGAts are giving us issues to use against the orange bastard on a silver platter! All we have to do is come together, get over the age issue, and show voters how DANGEROUS MAGA is. Just campaign on MAGA’s goals. Like Katy said we only have ourselves to blame if we don’t win.

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Well, the other story is that these media outlets want a life after Trump. If they write too much about him, they will get backlash from his supporters, and lose customers. If Trump wins, they hope they will be safe. (But they won't be, unless they become his mouthpieces.) I would stick with the Guardian, it's far enough away and supported by readers.

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I don’t think many MAGA types are hardcore NYT readers, ergo, losing customers is probably less of a thought for them than some lunatic bombing their building or sending their reporters anthrax in the mail. Revenge by Donald? Possibly. Losing readers due to actually covering Trump the same way they cover Biden is the more likely trajectory of the NYT if they don’t find something else to write about soon. I guess it’s a good thing all the NATO leaders are in town this week. With any luck, we will get one or two new narratives from the summit.

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I don't think they will be safe from oversight, which is what I meant. They could also be shut down, but I think a more subversive way to stifle dissent is to take it over from inside. This is what dictatorships do.

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PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE change your title to the subjunctive: the power trump WOULD claim. Every time someone posts a statement like that in the future tense, as if it's inevitable, I cringe. It's NOT a given. The subjunctive is correct and helpful: if he WERE elected, he WOULD claim these powers.

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