That's been my intuitive sense (for months). If he spends most of his remaining life filing appeals and going to further trials, that seems like appropriate penance. He could babble on infinitely about injustice, and spend all "his money" doing so. The key is for him to be prevented from ever holding government office again.
The court of public opinion, his cult, his congressional minions, the media, his money, and our justice system will never allow him to go to jail. Our best hope is that he is denied any possibility of holding office ever again. I fear even that may be unobtainable in our political climate.
Yes he can. He can convince his minions to send campaign funds for his run for Dog Catcher...or he'll manage to convince them to send him money for some other grift.
Tell ya what I believe. That Trump is in Trouble, it won't end soon and it won't be pretty. Can't think of a more deserving target.
Thank you Judd. Hats off to you!
And he still will never go to jail. Agree?
That's been my intuitive sense (for months). If he spends most of his remaining life filing appeals and going to further trials, that seems like appropriate penance. He could babble on infinitely about injustice, and spend all "his money" doing so. The key is for him to be prevented from ever holding government office again.
The court of public opinion, his cult, his congressional minions, the media, his money, and our justice system will never allow him to go to jail. Our best hope is that he is denied any possibility of holding office ever again. I fear even that may be unobtainable in our political climate.
Then he can't raise campaign funds, at least.
Yes he can. He can convince his minions to send campaign funds for his run for Dog Catcher...or he'll manage to convince them to send him money for some other grift.
As long as he gets off the stage and never wields power again, I'll call it a win. Next steps: help the Republicans keep cannibalizing that party.
He may never go to jail...but if he loses the election he may die of 'Broken Heart Syndrome'.
Probably not, attractive as that may be. But house arrest sounds great!