Judd, thanks for the comprehensive and clearly laid out summary of these events. Talk about Timothy Snyder and "Do not obey in advance"!

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I've been thinking about, and reading, Timothy Snyder a lot these days!

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Both Bezos and Musk benefit from government welfare. If Trump gets in the future is bleak. They could still end up as the lead dancers in a work camp. Both are fools.

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Canceled my subscription and going anywhere but Amazon first. If enough people fo this maybe being ethical will be seen as helping the bottom line

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I finally have done this too. Feels like the right thing to do although there are small businesses that Amazon has helped, maybe they can find another way.

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Use Amazon as a search engine: find the item you need, find the company that makes it, go to THEIR web site, and order directly from THEM! You'll pay for shipping, but you WON'T be paying Bezos. Small business gets the order, and Jeffy gets stiffed. Win/Win!!

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I make my wish list on amazon & write where else to buy it in the comment box.

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Yes and DeJoy and UPS will benefit from that. How he has remained at the USPS is a Blunder and he is still tied to UPS. Tried to send an overnight one state away 2 weeks ago and the USPS could not guarantee delivery even 2 days out. UPS charged me 3X's the postal rate for next day and got it there.

In business, I do what I have to do, but it took 75 bucks out of my bottom line instead of 25.

Sometimes I wonder if I am the only person who experiences this stuff. (Or the only one who pays attention.)

That being what it is, my Daddy always said a hit to the wallet worked better than a kick to the groin. The problem is how many billionaires control things we want and also things we need.

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My apologies, Hazel. I was looking at things from a consumer, and Democratic, standpoint, not from the business side. But, I believe once the election dust settles, Madam President will start working on purging trump-lickers from the Federal government. And I agree - DeJoy should be at or near the top of the list!

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Didn't we think that about Biden as well? The Democrats just don't play that cutthroat game, and the consequences are adding up.

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Good for you, I do this all the time!

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Don’t believe that they have “helped” small business, Amazon takes15% off the top, plus. It really cuts their profitability; it does give them access to larger markets, but where Amazon is competitive is in their shipping and free returns if a prime member. It takes more work to find what you’re looking for and you can thank AWS and Google for pushing the web presence of small business down the search pages. Amazon is a soulless predator that predates its workers and its customers; it is extremely efficient in its ability to put products before your eyes, and minimizes what is possible.

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Yes! Jeff Bezos's name must be made as toxic to all his brands as Elon Musk's.

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Cancelled WaPo last year and cancelled Prime over this. Of course could only cancel auto-renew since already paid up annually until March but cleared out all my 25 auto ship subscriptions and took app off my phone. Will not use again and using membership and subscription money to support substacks like this one.

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Amazon is so shady!! I have boycotted them for years and am so glad others are starting to en masse too.

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I was hoping that labor organizing and their climate action efforts would shape up to something but you know what, you're right. The FTC should have gone after them years ago. If they're not going to do their jobs we have to do it for them.

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So…..ultra billionaire media moguls kiss off Democracy for billions in government & other contracts.——-

i.e: It profit a man nothing to give up his soul…….Ah……but for more and more billions in government contracts?

Need another yacht or 5th home????or….?

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And what does the long run look like? Bullet proof vehicles, living behind concertina wire, always afraid of the next despot, chaos, loss of creative ideas? They are ignoring the importance of humans being creative, loving, and kind and also the true backbone of this country.

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They are also ignoring that at some point when stuff gets bad enough there is nothing stopping your own guys from turning on you. At some point people have nothing left to lose.

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This is why: these people are rich because they are driven to make more money and compete with the other rich #$*!@% at the top. They just want to "win." They literally don't care about anything else. If they did they wouldn't be in the top ten richest aholes.

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I voted early for Harris/Walz. I also cancelled my subscription to the Post. Bezos won’t care about nor notice my cancellation, but I have the satisfaction of not supporting the newspaper that died in darkness. Also, as another person posted, I will be going other places but Amazon first.

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

Hmm...maybe billionaires like Bezos and Murdoch should not be in charge of our national news. How can we have a "free press" when it's actually owned and run by the ultra-rich who are only interested in their personal welfare? Seems that America's freedom in regard to the press has been purchased right out from under us.

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It's unfortunate that newspapers can't all be employee owned. Might get more honesty & integrity, then being owned by the whims of an oligarch.

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It's clear that we need to change our media ownership laws. They shouldn't be owned by overseas owners. They shouldn't dominate media markets. They should NEVER mix opinion and news. And they should never be owned by someone with so many conflicts of interest.

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Thank you once again for true Journalism!

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Ha! Their non-endorsement of the Harris ticket is the best and most publicized endorsement there is. We are all watching as people bow down to "King Trump" to prevent his "off with their heads" approach to governing. IF endowed as "King" by the electorate and his Supreme Court, his reign will not be a benevolent one.

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Once you stand down to the bully, you've just positioned yourself to be trampled.

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I cancelled my subscription to both.

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We have the best government money can buy.

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Bezos is clueless. If Trump seizes power this show of weakness will not endear Bezos to Trump, it will simply signal that the bully can easily target the weakling. And he will. Any contracts Bezos hoped to receive for Blue Origin will certainly be given to SpaceX. Any ongoing contracts for AWS will be shifted, legally or otherwise to companies owned by Peter Thiel, or Elon, or Putin. No, Bezos has done nothing to help his cause with Trump, he has, however, done irreparable damage to the Washington Post, and with luck, to Amazon as well.

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Even worse, Bezos has demonstrated "weakness" and Trump will exploit him again and again.

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If I had a Washington Post subscription, like others here, I'd be canceling.

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It’s a wonderful thing that Substack has provided so many wonderful sources of news. I cancelled NYTimes and WaPo and signed up for Reuters. Never shopped at Whole Foods, now will not use Amazon. Whether or not it hurts these companies, I will feel better.

Growing up, my dad used to tell me to review services used. He said eventually they will stop working for you. Money is not everything and now it’s proving more and more dangerous. Please review your life choices.

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I cancelled my subscription to WP on Friday, but big whoop as we watch a free press slide into the abyss.

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The media crowd crying that Kamala Harris wasn't doing enough interviews with legacy media... you just clowned yourself. Why would anyone trust the WaPo/LA Times again? USA Today had a ridiculous headline last night sane washing Trump's MSG rally, at least the NYT finally decided to report correctly in their headline.

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The Times is incredibly frustrating. On the one hand, they are heavily invested in the sanewashing of Trump for reasons that aren't entirely clear. On the other, they routinely publish seriously anti-Trump stories and even editorial columns, sometimes even with accurate headlines. Maybe it's all in who's making the decisions that morning? I dunno and I sometimes wonder if anyone at the Times does either.

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I've notice the same with NYTimes. It's as if there are two different editors and the outcome depends on who's working that day.

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