How I despise the 1%.

Last year people like me, small donors and activists made a difference in the GA run-off elections. I am donating to Blue Senatorial candidates across the US, writing post cards in PA for Fetterman and going to call and text.

I have feelers out to help get the voters out for Marcus Flowers vs MTG on election day in GA.

If every one of us did similar we can win the battle. Billionaires can buy much. But I am not much and they can't buy me.

I am fighting back. #resist

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Remember how well Bernie did without billionaires funding him? We need someone who will aggressively get things done for the Democratic base. The money is difficult to work around because of right-wing owned media. But we have the numbers. That’s why Republicans are trying to block the Democratic side of the votes. We’ve been asked to do a lot but we must.

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Agree. I am going to try and am trying as hard as I can. Our Democracy depends on it.

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Keep going cathy b!

The future of democracy in America depends on it, as well as possibly billions of people's lives around the world. No slacking!

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Yes sir! ONWARD!

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Love what you are doing! I reached out to MTG's district to recommend that they find people who may not yet be registered, and help them learn the steps involved to register; and also to make transportation available for people who need it. I'm particularly taken with admiration for Lucas Kunce (running for Senate in MO) and am encouraging my Senators to help get his voice and story out there.

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Good work! Thank you for your activism.

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How the hell do I afford to donate to candidates "across the US"? Interesting that you've just illustrated the importance of money in political races.

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You can donate as little as 2 or 3 bucks. In volume if donators, it makes a difference. See remark by another reader about Bernie Sanders, watch Beto O'Rourke or Jon Osoff last year in GA. I don't have a lot. But I see the critical importance, so I cut out stupid spending and eat at home mostly. Donations are part of getting the candidate in front of voters. Sitting on your haunches complaining isn't.

I believe the next generations deserve a free and Democratic Country. I am doing my part. Join in.

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You missed my point. No one should have to donate even a penny to the bloated money politics that is so disgustingly based on who has the biggest war chest.

I did all that stuff for decades. I'm tired out and nobody, unless they're an animal rescue, gets money from me. I'm hardly even reading news anymore. But you go right ahead.

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Unfortunately the day of the dollar tax return donation is long since gone.

I am going right ahead for future generations. I won't go quietly into the night.

Thanks for your comments.

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I do the same thing. Small donations to progressive candidates across the US. Once you donate via ActBlue, more and more donation requests hit your mailbox. It’s still all about the money, and that’s a bitter pill to swallow.

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You go, cathy b! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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LOL. The 1% are happy you are supporting their politics with your activism. The billionaire boys club is Democrat. So, if you are supporting the Democrats you are supporting the 1%.

It is really sad to see activists tricked this way.

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What makes you think it's only the Democrats? You must have your head where the sun doesn't shine. Ever hear of Rupert Murdoch? Sheldon Adelson (and his sons)? Donald Trump? Both parties are swimming in corporate donations and dark money.

There once was a good idea, that donations be capped and that corporations not be "people" who can pour huge money into political campaigns.

Trying to make Republicans look honest and above-board makes you look like a mendacious tool.

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It is the political establishment of which Donald Trump is not. It is 80% Democrat.

Trying to make deflect Democrat corruption by attributing the same from Republicans make you look like a CCP- comrade or a fool.

Even Fox has controlling interest ownership from the big Wall Street firms that manage the assets of the billionaire boys club that props up the Biden administration. Wake up sweetie.

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LOL you're a real comedian. Google "Trump political corruption" and you'll have enough reading material to keep you busy for a week.

Start here: https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-reports/president-trump-legacy-corruption-3700-conflicts-interest/

Trump is the most corrupt, unethical slob who ever served as president. Have fun. And I'm not your sweetie.

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The free pay wall lets in Trolls I see.

My Daddy said if you argue with a fool it proves there are two.

I am done.

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BTW Talking to Frank. And.

Just read one of "Social Misfit" opinion pieces.

LoL. Stay in your lane

likely easy driving here on PI. No one else reading here is on that highway you are talking.

You might as well be Charlie Brown's mother:

"Wa wawa wa waaw"

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How either party can try to claim it is "the party of working people" is beyond farcical at this point.

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So, there needs to be LESS governmental regulation in the financial industry?! Hmmmm, how'd that work out for us previously (see 2008)?

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Agree, Ian. Capitalism is a system of pure greed without proper regulation. If it isn’t well regulated, it needs to go.

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Reading Judd's current article, Greitens fared very well from that bail out [or did I read about that in Mother Jones or another source...???].

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Sorry, I meant, Griffin. Do I need to make a personal chart?

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Citizens United. Another gross injustice by our less than patriotic SCOTUS. Is there anybody here that believes we can ever get rid of this monstrosity? It's the most dangerous threat (other than Trumpy idiots) to our democracy.

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The class of people it benefits have the money and influence to ensure we'll never be rid of it.

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And here I thought Ben Bernacke was one of the relatively decent guys, only to learn that he is being well-rewarded as a "senior advisor" at Citadel for whatever role he played in the generous 2008 bailout of AIG. I guess swimming in the putrid waters of the financial world inevitably corrupts everyone.

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Our very own oligarchs... this is so gross. And so sad.

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We’re screwed.

Welcome to the Plutocracy of the United States!


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One of the MANY things broken about our government. Depressing, but an excellent read as always. Thanks folks!

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We won’t get money out unless we overwhelm the midterm elections with Democratic candidate votes. Even then, it must be addressed immediately. With 10,000 things to address in the wake of TFG, it will be something we must keep front and center. And will the Congress do what they should do and impeach some of these rogue SCOTUS? We cannot EVER again ignore the elections republican’s stole, we must ALWAYS prosecute criminals who happen to be the president at the time, get money out and fund campaigns. Clearly we must equalize the money that has been hoarded and tax it appropriately. Never let the republicans have an inch for the next two generations.

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If you have enough money, you can buy a politician. Nothing new about that.

No wonder people don't vote.

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I was surprised not to see anything on every republicans goto boggy man George Soros

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I think Judd is bringing in the less well known billionaire mega donors. We should know all about Soros and the Kochs by now. Thinking I need to take notes (as if I were in college) on who is buying whom.

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Agreed, I use his research to rebut a few of my conservative friends assertions. I just know they will bring up the boggy man if he is not addressed

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Voting doesn't really matter when the top 1% can buy whatever result they want. Get enough people in your pocket and you can rig anything. I truly believe that. I thought there were enough checks and balances in place so that one party wouldn't be able to gain total control but somehow the Republicans have done it with a minority. They managed to install far right justices on the highest court in the land and they're already foisting their religious beliefs on the rest of us. No legitimate reason for outlawing abortion besides it goes against their religion. We shouldn't be making any laws based on religion but that's all we're going to get for the next several decades.

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Democrats are going to need more of that $400 million in Zuckerbucks.

It is really quite a hoot to read this that it is Republicans that the billionaires support when the billionaire boys club through their Blackrock holdings are 100% in support of the Democrats.

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Re Mr. Bankman-Fried, Lynn Sweet of the Chicago Sun Times has done some great reporting as well. Sweet reported that "Protect Our Future" spent $500,000 in support of eventual winner Jonathon Jackson, running in Illinois 1st Congressional District Dem primary. It is somewhat doubtful that crypto-currency issues rank especially high on a list of voter concerns in that district (or most other districts, for that matter).

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And he is supposed to be "progressive!"

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Great reporting.

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Where are we with the repeal of Citizens United, John Roberts' gift to the wealthy and the GOP? Can't happen soon enough. Ken Griffin is disgusting and the well-named Bankman-Fried is pathetic. So is my Senator, Kirsten Gillibrand, for touting his crypto message. UGH!

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