Let’s play this out. I’m going to take it for granted that Cyber Ninjas is going to magically find “irregularities” in their vote recount. This will have the effect of firing up the Orange Asscactus’ brainwashed supporters even more. So yes, Judd is absolutely right and this will lead to even more voter suppression laws, but that will not be the end of it, IMHO. We already saw one violent insurrection. Does anyone else doubt that the same people who were willing to do that won’t engage in more violence? Even more people will die because of this and our democracy will remain under assault.

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Let’s play this out a bit further.

Will this process go beyond differences in interpretation (are there “hanging chads” that look different to different people) to actual deformation of paper copies of digital ballots ? How far does it go before it can be considered fraud and subject Cyber Ninjas to criminal prosecution ? Let them sink their own ship.

Given the secretive manner that CJ has instituted in the process I have no doubt in the direction I have outlined above. But there may be a possible trap for CJ. Once they present their “facts” let’s hope that DOJ and others are observing this when CJ lays out their cards and investigates any readily apparent fraudulent action.

My take: Their final report will leave us ROFLOL but after the hilarity let’s hope that there is a deep dive into what happened here.

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Just a slight aside here.

Cyber Ninjas services include ethical hacking, general consulting and training. The ethical (what is termed in the industry as “white hat” hacking as opposed to the bad guy “black hats”) is especially ludicrous given there current task. A casual perusal of the web doesn’t turn up any current or past customers and while their current task may lead them to more election scamming, it will doom any serious business in the IT world. Not a good business plan.

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Remember the "Chili powder" coup in Sri Lanka a few years back? A "stolen" election claim resulting in the losing party invading chambers and somehow much chili powder was thrown around in the chaos. The legitimate government prevailed, but maybe 5 months later on Easter they had multiple synchronous mass bombings at packed cathedrals and other gathering places by the losing party. The initial coup was ridiculously funny in its clownishness. The following bombings were no longer funny. We are the next Sri Lanka, I fear.

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Great reporting. And ppl should support the reporter in Arizona who got removed for reporting on who was on the audit team.

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Thank you for this terrific article. I wanted so badly to believe that people would have opened their eyes by now, dismissed these absurd conspiracy theories, and begun the healing process. But things are just getting worse. I am finding it hard to be optimistic about the future of this country. I can't believe the world my children are inheriting. There has got to be a way to correct course. I won't give up, but the fight is getting harder.

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It is more serious than just Arizona. You can bet the farm other states where the vote count was close will be next. Their Republican State Legislatures will be thinking the same.

Worse yet, our Congressional Democratic majority and Administration are ignoring these acts. Full steam ahead with big dollar programs and ignore the Insurrection.

The GOP keeps saying "Move on nothing else to see on Jan. 6"

Folks this is a war of control of the freedom from tyranny posed by minority rule that the GOP do desperately wants. The 1% money and likely foreign donors from "you know where' dressed in LLC on shore corporations.

The Biden Admin better be pushing the DOJ to shut this nonsense down before it escalates to a level where the well armed militias and proud boys etc don't start shooting us in the streets

This is the continuance of the Insurrection on Jan.6, just using legal terms available. Republican Legislatures are curbing voting rights, FLA has plans to penalize Twitter and other Social Media for banning Trump and others of the same ilk.

In the next day or so much of social media banning will be headlines as long as another rich couple doesn't divorce. MSM Labradoodle is chasing the red ball again.

PI does it's best work focusing on the America and the threats that build daily. The two America's

Rural and Urban, the growth of hate and race, involvement of police and military in the insurrection and on and on.

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Is there a legal protection for the individual voter's civil rights to not have their ballots tampered with by non elected, non certified, non oath sworn random people from everywhere? Even the lowest level poll worker swears an oath to maintaining the chain of custody and integrity of the ballots. Failure to do so is a felony in my state. If I was an AZ voter, I would have been on the phone with the state AG, the ACLU, etc long before this. Perhaps the people have more power here than the lawyers.

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Thanks for documenting this crap. You are tossing the big outlets all the leads they need ...

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This crap like the voter suppression bills being drafted, passed and signed into law will continue to flood red states like a fire hose at a 6 alarm fire. Just as with everything else smelling of trump, it is pure propaganda and mayhem all designed to raise money and cause confusion and chaos. Every bit of this is straight out of Putin’s playbook. The courts will be choked with lawsuits in various stages of litigation and when the time comes to vote, no one will know which end is up. We went through this very same mess in NC with our obviously gerrymandered districts and voter ID law. I really felt sorry for the Boards of Elections trying to keep things straight for the voters. The trumpist party has got to be fought tooth and nail until evidence of it’s vile perfidy is finally exposed for the communist takeover it’s trying very hard to become.

Keep hammering Judd and Tesnim. Hopefully the new Justice Department won’t be too late in doing what should have been done long ago had it bee led by honest brokers.

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May 4, 2021
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I agree with your points as well.

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