You can read between the lines on those saying things like, "pause" or "reassess" . As a shareholder, I've written to a few companies asking what their plans are and stating my position that they should stop their donations. Not sure how much pressure these companies are under, however as a shareholder I do have a voice and plan to keep using it.

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Stellar. You deserve accolades for this.

Between policing Facebook and this I say, nominate Judd for the presidential medal of freedom.

Excellent investigative journalism.

Thank you for all of your hard work!

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Amazing, phenomenal work. Thank you.

This feels, however, quite like the support BLM got last summer from corporations. Public support but little true change. Here's to hoping even half of these companies follow through.

I would love to see even more exposure for the entire lobbying system.

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Thanks for your invaluable hard work on this subject, Judd. Please stay after these corporations and if they backslide, expose their malfeasance. I will be paying close attention to what they do.

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LOL Hallmark is demanding refunds

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Great to see your hard work at work. I'm glad to see corporations seemingly do the right thing but I'm also shocked by the amounts of money these companies contribute to influence legislation. They've been happy to do it too, right up until the Capitol was stormed, even though these politicians haven't hidden who they are. It's the answer we all knew, who's really running this country. Good luck getting that 15 dollar minimum wage when these guys call the shots.

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I have no doubt some of these companies will try to re-up on contributions to these candidates. That's why I'm glad we have Popular Information. Keep holding them accountable, Judd.

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Great work, Judd.

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The Lincoln Project has also quote Judd and is referring to his reporting!

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Judd, we have so much to thank you for and as a country, are indebted to your excellent outing of people and corporations that seek to terrorize our democracy.

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Awesome work Judd. Keep it up and hold these corporations accountable. We know they all care about their 'image' more than actually following through on these statements. It's all PR right now, hold them accountable!

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Great work.

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This is amazing and fantastic to see Judd Legum's Popular Information have such a positive effect on our political system. A gross (1440 of corporations contacted with a subsequent deluge of positive responses, gives me new hope for our country!

Now about those of the 144 that didn't respond? What about them?

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Oops, I meant 144 :-)

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So proud of you Judd for being quoted in the NYTimes newsletter! “Just a few days ago, this would have been unthinkable,” Judd Legum — the author of the Popular Information newsletter, who has done the best recent reporting on corporate donations — told me.

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OK, the corporations will weasel, obfuscate and continue doing what they have always done, but they took a stand publicly now. Props for that. Until we have campaign finance reform , etc. (the 28th Amendment), corporations will run everything. It's feudal-democracy. Elect a billionaire hog and expect the troughs to be filled with snorting pigs. (ref: Weasels, hogs and pigs, oh my.)

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Terrific work. Any chance you would take this down to the state level? Hallmark going one step further is making a statement within the voting districts. When people see national companies, it’s easy to dismiss. When it’s Bob’s Insurance Agency in your hometown, it brings it to the front and center of your patronage to a company. In other words, does your patronage of a business result in funds going to representatives who supported seditious rhetoric and acts?

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Maybe Judd can help us break it down. Cuz when it comes to local, even state, that’s on us to check. We can always bring him what we find.

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