Cawthorn's a racist who lies repeatedly about his background, has made numerous unwanted sexual advances toward women, and allies himself with conspiracy theorists. He's basically a younger version of Trump, and that he's considered a rising star in the Republican Party is just more evidence that the GOP has gone full-tilt white supremacist/out of its mind.

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You stole my thoughts. He's basically a male version of Marjorie Taylor-Greene.

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I've been helping to organize action after action against him here in Asheville. The only thing that explains his success is the racism. Period.

There's not even an opportunity for anyone to say, "Ok, I know he's a *little* questionable on race, but he has so much experience!" Nope, it's the racism.

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This is the nasty little, lying guttersnipe that republicans dug up to run against trump’s endorsed candidate and he won! I’ve read somewhere(here maybe?)that over $800,000 of dark money has been poured into his candidacy and I can believe it. There are Cawthorn signs up all over this district. I’m holding my breath hoping that the reason he won was because of a repudiation vote against trump’s favorite and that this creep’s dazzling smile, along with him, will go up in flames next month. Progressive Asheville had been gerrymandered by the republican legislature after they over-ran the statehouse in 2010 but got put back into the district after the Supreme Court decision that pointed out their obvious bias. I’m hoping that between that, disaffected republicans, independent voters, and the huge turn-out push for the Democrats will send this racist twit back into the slag heap of has-been sub humans that republicans seem to go to for their candidates.

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Donald Trump has made such behavior acceptable. Cawthorn has modeled himself after the President, who gets away with such behavior & encourages others to be just as nasty. I would not have thought that there were so many Americans who would find such despicable behavior as an aspirational goal.

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