For the record, Mayor Pete has something off about him in mho. I just do not trust a guy who was a mayor and record was not all that great in his city, has some rough stuff on video tape, too. I appreciate his military service more than his mayorial ability. Do we need another guy with no national or international government experience?

Do not get me started on primaries. Iowa, a state who has nothing in common with most of us and elected White Supremist Steve to Congress over and over and South Carolina Lindsay Graham land, Nikki Haley land, oh my God picking good candidates to run for president. The madness must stop!!

After reading this I hope that college becomes more affordable. Here in our area, community college is free for many who qualify financially.

It does not solved the baby bust in college debt-laden millenials, however. The workforce of our future isn't there as few babies are being born. Look up the stats on it. They cannot afford to have kids. I volunteered for a Reality store finances program sponsored by 4H/ VTCE in a Middle School last week. Two biggest expenses for the young family. Housing and childcare, sliding right behind in close third, student loan debt. That should be addressed by candidates. Millenials don't vote and should.

Old people vote. The MSM is ignoring the big proposed budget cuts with their usual tone deafness instead featuring the likes of Kennedy on Ukraine/Russia.

Trump is going after social security as well. It's been all over Twitter this week end. Will the old people notice. Will FB allow it to be spread? That's where the old people are. Sucking up fake news from Trumpists sites.

Trump has been playing nice for days on Twitter.

That makes me wonder what he is up to. What will he do to deflect the impeachment articles???

Good reporting.

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We need more in depth reporting on these issues. Agree something’s off about a Mayor Pete. But I don’t trust Bernie either, he’s spent far too much time in Russia for my comfort

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I agree. I tinkled in Gloria's Wheaties. I say what I think. And I am no fan of the primaries. When I was a Republican decades ago, many of them voted in the Democratic primaries and I think that still happens.

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Good comment content here. Thanks.

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It’s easy to rant and rave, and criticize, throw darts, yada yada - but lady you went above and beyond in excellent Trump style. You slam Buttigieg, South Carolina, the Midwest and without taking a breath, throw in “old people”. Get.a.life.

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Gloria Gregory what is your problem? Cathy raised quite a few good points. By the way, I’m a Boomer as well and yes, I’m a member of the Resistance.

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I have a life. I am an old person. I say what I think and it's about time more resisters did. I think the primary system is a sham. We do not have to settle. We settled with Hillary. If there is one thing I am not it's a Trumpist.

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Write what you will about the presidential race but PLEASE keep your pen pointed to the senatorial contests! If whats-his-name gets re-elected AND the senate states in republican hands, we are screwed. If we can make the senate safe for Dems, then trump can go whistle in the dark. That’s where the power is, as we have seen, in Mitch’s place.

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Agreed completely!

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Moscow Mitch how does he get away with the lies the BS he & Graham should both be removed has the electoral Gerrymandering got to such a state in the US the Republicans can't lose the senate ever

Republicans are crooks, liars, fools & idiots along with Herr Murdoch you have 3 cuckoos in the nest if you count the 2 ram rodded into SCOUTS 5, the entire system need an overhaul clean out the senate because if Trump looses he won't go.

He will run to the Supreme court, and they will agree he was robbed not because he was but because HIS Judges will roll over and obey orders is the Dems manage to win control of the Senate then impeachment or enlargement of the Court is possible, either impeach the Trump pics or stack the court with honest Judges

Then Throw Murdoch and his media out of the country you might be surprised how quite it will get

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You know, dude. Despite the rambles, I get you. The Senate can't be gerrymandered because at least in Virginia, everyone votes for them. State legislatures and the House sure can. Look at the craziness in state legislatures on abortion. Murder charges, replanting ectopic pregnancies and death certificate's for embryo.

The 1% owning newspapers/msm has increased the decline. Look at what Judd writes today about Bloomberg. I worked for BH Media and Buffett. Made him money and he still laid us off. So I am no fan of the interference of the Murdoch media either.

I am not touching the packed court system Trump has established not on on the SCOTUS but federal judiciary. But yes he has stymied the subpoena

from the House of Representatives. Scary as hell. Mitch McConnell should be tossed out on his can. And hadn't been. Even scarier that MSM does nothing.

On my soap box. That is why I grub together my dollars and subscribe to Judd Legum. I give him huzzahs on Twitter and Facebook.

The truth is out there.

He tells it. So do Sarah Kendizar, Seth Abramson and Jenny Cohn.

The rise of the independent journalists gives me hope. #resist

Good for you for being mad. Follow me on Twitter. I retweet what you need to know.


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Check out Amee Vanderpool as well. She is fantastic.

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I shall.

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Funny how a young(er) Pete Buttigieg went from writing an essay citing Bernie Sanders as an inspiration to disingenuously trashing Bernie's and Elizabeth Warren's plans. And no, not ha-ha funny.

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