Wouldn't it be nice if we could just stop corporate political donations! Maybe, just maybe then the elected officials would actually act like elected officials and represent their constituents and get elected & re-elected by doing their job. Be it Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative just represent those people who elect you and DO YOUR JOB. They can represent corporations in their districts/states - that is their job, those workers, ie constituents - and the corporations could use those political donations to better their businesses; there is a novel idea!

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Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. This is extortion, plain and simple, and news sources should recognize it as such.

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They earn too much on television media from advertising these candidates at dinner time. In 2008 and '12 VA was a battleground state. Our local CBS affiliate rolled in cash from the ads.

They don't bite the hands that feed them. Sigh.

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They all say the quiet part out loud anymore... They don't think enough voters are listening. It's time we change that. Way past time.

And to also make the corporations realize we are watching. Educate everyone around you that's willing to listen.

I know how I feel.

I'm a C-SPAN junkie and I listen to them way too much. There are days I have to walk away.

I need to know where to begin to get the fairness doctrine put back?

It was removed by VP Cheney so they could lie to us about wmd's and it has never been returned... this is what 20 years of disinformation & bold-face lies has gotten us.

I have been petitioning everyone.

My senators do not care. They enjoy playing the two-faced game.

Thank you Judd for all you, and those that help you do! You go above and beyond! Just stellar investigative journalism. A true hero in this field🤗

I wish more would take note.

There are only a few like you.

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He's not a Senator, just a Representative up for re-election every 2 years and he's worried that his gravy train is running out.

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I know he's not a senator.

These days I could write a book. So I was referring to my senators who won't send anything back but your standard form letter BS.

I'm in Indiana, Braun and Young do not care about putting back the fairness doctrine anyways and that's what I was referring to. I have written several Representatives, Senators, & journalists, and the like, on the topic of putting back the fairness doctrine. That would be a great place for all of us to start and then we could go after people like Zuckerberg instead of the way Judd has to police Fakebook on the regular. I hope by now he has found some software to help him out LOL. That's how Limbaugh was able to spew his BS at 8 million a year. Fox News, exedra.. Turning Point they're like the worst because they're a Nazi School, teaching our children total BS it's bad enough education doesn't really educate but you should really check these guys out. They pumped them full of stuff about orange Mussolini that was not true I sat through it as long as I could. All of this can be handled through that doctrine put back and make it stronger and better than ever constitutional amendment would be even better but we need way more Democrats in the Senate to make that happen.

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And the list is really long and they keep growing.

Used to be able to count them all on two hands.

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I've heard of and listened to all those people - and I agree. We need an updated "Fairness Doctrine" the encompasses social media and cable channels, as the original was written solely for broadcast networks. What we are suffering through is this era's version of "yellow journalism," and it has no place in a democratic society. That sort of propaganda is better suited for a fascist, authoritarian regime than the world's largest democracy.

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The fairness doctrine didnt require the truth, only equal airtime for radio & tv. Or I thought it did. Right wing media usually tells little to no truth on many issues, so not sure how that would work now. The gop would lie, a dem would say they are lying, & likely ppl will believe their party. They have went so far off base now, I cant imagine anyone wanting the ppl to know just how badly they have been treated by their elected officials. Our officials dont care about re-implementing it bc they've never raised more $ than when there is a good divide going on. One of the worst things ppl have done is is adopt the hyper-partisanship of officials on the hill. It shouldnt be this way (left vs right) among the ppl. If it is anything it should be all of us standing up to them, not each other. They are the only ones that benefit from it. The gop took it to a whole other level tho, and they have no business playing around with it at all in the first place. The FCC wont require any media to tell the truth bc it tramples the 1st amendment. Ppl have to be interested enough to now (since Clinton allowed corps to purchase our media) read from gov sites b4 any other media so we form our own opinions first, and watch them on tv. The gop is so far along they will lie right on the floor....so their constituents believe it's true. The ppl have to decide not to watch it. No idea how that happens now bc I dont think the founders could have ever imagined an entire disinfo campaign. If it were not being used to steal our democracy, i would be pretty impressed if it werent so evil, bc it certainly works. It's grifting skills as well. He grifts at different angles of a thing, it's something, but evil. Ugh

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Anyone surprised the same state that brought us Josh Hawley has also elected this slimy piece of ****?

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Also if anyone’s interested his Twitter handle is @LuetkemeyerB

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Not at all. Mo. Is in my top 5 states I would not live in!

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Ethics? In Republicans in 2021? Ethics in PAC donations? Why Missouri is called " The Show Me" state and in "Rep. Loot it myers" case that refers to money.

My late Daddy who still lives in my heart, had a few choice sayings that apply here.

"If you want to catch a man's attention don't kick him in the groin, hit him in the wallet."

Regarding money:

"You don't have to believe in the Hereafter, to know what some people are here after."

Let him threaten. If PACs can hold on to those donations for a year, The Fat Cat will be purring around their legs like a hungry, well fed cat that missed a few meals because he was finicky. He must be a "real A hole" to the regular citizen if his donations from private citizens is that low.

Recently elected Sen. Ossoff Democrat of Georgia raised millions with out PACs from all over the US. That is government for the people and by the people.

"Loot em meyer' is an example of minority rule backed by PACs and the US Chamber of Commerce. Obviously I can't spell his name, nor do I want to do so. He tried to upend a free election that led to an insurrection on Jan. 6.


Ride his behind, Judd. Great job!

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I’m certain Judd wishes he could but there are far too many fat behinds that need riding for our intrepid two person team to cover. I just don’t know why any corporation worth its salt would want to support a fatcat congressman who threatens them. I’d dry his fund up so fast his bloated head would explode.

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Revenge is best served up sweetly. Backing an opposition candidate against him, The Corporations and PACs will take him down. He is too arrogant to realize he can only hold his bluff hand for two years at best.

Poker is a game that most people can't follow because it takes not only luck, but the ability to follow what is being played.

He ain't following it. They have a helluva a lot more resources.

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We actually have elected members in Congress who are treating American companies as ‘enemies’. If this isn’t a call to action to get corporate money OUT of our politics I don’t know what is. Why can’t individual Americans be taxed an extra $1 per year that goes into a fund for anyone who wants to run for office? Think about it. A LIMITED amount of money, divided equally would first, discourage greedy people to run for office, force a limit on the time they could campaign because of finite funds and put our elections back into the hands of the American people. Politicians would actually be forced to represent ‘we the people” instead of their corporate buddies.

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Sadly, the PAC money is used for Advertising and campaign events that benefit the pockets of many, especially video main stream media. And that my friend, is why Bush and Trump got away with so much and candidates in Congress are still sitting after an insurrection.

Damn 1% owners of 1% corporations.

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We must seek a term limits amendment for all branches of our Federal system.

It is naive at best and stupid at worst to believe money does not equal access.

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It's not the people that are the problem, it's the system. That strong incumbent advantage is due to the existing campaign finance system. Fix THAT. Legislated term limits are an abomination that treat the symptom while ignoring the cause.

Voters have the chance to impose term limits on elected officials at every election. Why should any electoral district be forced to give up a rep the majority of voters feel is doing a good job? Yes, that includes GA-14 and MAGA Maggie; if after two years of her "representation", the voters of her district decide to send her back to Congress, let them do it. Should the districts that elected Adam Schiff, Gerald Nadler, and the other legislators notable for their competence be penalized?

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For the same reason we have limits on potus. The system needs overhauled for sure, but the longer they stay the worse it gets.

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As I said, fix the system that makes that possible. Don't tell me that I can't choose who will represent me in Congress simply because they have served some arbitrary number of years.

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This is almost amusing. So Senator Luetkemeyer (R-MO), who apparently has not read the House Ethics Manual, or doesn’t think it applies to him, or doesn’t care about ethics, just said that if he didn’t get a large contribution to his campaign fund from corporations, then he would retaliate by not supporting legislation that would benefit said corporations. Nothing was reported about the Senator caring about voting for what was good for his state and its citizens. I’m certain he is not alone in thinking this way. Usually, however, this attitude is not advertised. Perhaps it is time that each congressperson has to take and pass an annual quiz on ethics? Also, there needs to be some kind of punishment & censure for ethics violations, which can be enforced.

Of course it would be ideal to get dark money out of politics & limit campaign contributions & realize that corporations are not people, but I suppose that’s not going to happen any time soon.

Meanwhile, the good Senator is open for bribes, as he just advertised.

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He's a garden-variety Representative, up for election every 2 years, not a Senator. Still an avaricious jerk, but a jerk with less power and prestige than a Senator. ;)

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Thank you for the correction.

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Mar 18, 2021
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Burgundy shirts so the bloodstains don't show.

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Mar 19, 2021
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Richard Dimitri in Johnny Dangerously. Those farging iceholes. Those bastitches.

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