Again, a well researched article cutting to the heart of the problem in the USA - corporate greed and lobbyists.

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After everyone’s safely is assured, how much would we have to collectively donate to put this in their local newspaper as a letter to the editor or something? Or to plaster it over area billboards?

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Exactly, Undamned One! People need to see this information. But mainstream media reports the same stories, poorly, over and over, like the damned balloon/ufo, complete with talking heads. No wonder our people are so uninformed.

Great piece!

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Letter to editors are Free.

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...good point. Lol

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Wait! Carson, Hannity, et al want to depend on the government to do more? Specifically the EPA? But wait. I thought that government was useless. That it was good for nothing. That the private sector had all of the answers. They told me that the worst words in the English language are "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Has that changed?


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DeSantis claims he's fighting President Biden? After Hurricane Ian, the only hope millions of Floridians have comes from the Federal Government. Shouldn't DeSantis be spending his time addressing the Ian disaster that has just impacted Florida rather than cancelling books and attacking teachers, librarians, and academic freedom? He's acting like a Koch puppet and is more worried about following the daily Koch script than the rising property insurance, rents, and costs of rebuilding Floridians will be facing for a long time.

The human tragedy of Ian's devastation and destruction will not end in time for DeSantis's Presidential run while the 2023 Hurricane season could be worse than 2022, along with Florida's other unaddressed and underfunded environmental problems. A responsible Governor would have immediately asked for an increase in the State's taxes to properly address this emergency that is only just beginning. However, taxation is both inadequate and regressive in Florida, and DeSantis chose to mooch entirely off of the Federal government.

DeSantis needs to ask the wealthy to pay more in this moment of crisis. Yet, can he raise taxes on the rich and still get elected Nationally? That would create a risk of losing all of the billionaire backers who are looking for even lower taxes. So far he must be thinking that banning books, threatening teachers, librarians, and scapegoating minority populations will distract enough people from seeing he lacks the courage and vision to do the job he was elected to do?


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Good story. Quick read and well presented, so that one gets up to speed on the topic right away.

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under fund, over regulate and then blame an agency for failing. Public schools have been under this pressure for years. It is the #1 reason for privatization for the conservative and libertarians. Government is just not efficient enough, in other words, all that public money needs to go into some entrepreneurs pockets to "create" jobs while the main reason will be to enrich investors. Good ole trust fund baby Tucker.

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I am a rational, sane man given to intelligent discourse. But were I to meet the execrable man in the flesh, I would be hard pressed not shout an obscenity, grab him by the throat and pummel him with no mercy for all his years of disservice to America!

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Adam, I, like you, have always considered myself a rational, sane person; not prone to violence. Always sought reasonable discourse between people of opposing views. But since 2016 in particular, going forward, given the level of outright dishonesty or seeming lack of awareness or courage, of some of the news media, and outright ignorance & stupidity of some of the maga leaning, conspiracy embracing republicans, (legislators & citizens alike) I am prone to want to punch the wall (which at my age you're not desirous of inflicting that kind of damage to your bones or your walls) or punching someone in the mouth. An effigy of Carlson as a target, would do at this point; given all the damage he's done in bolstering the lies & conspiracy theories of this bunch.

Now, all of a sudden he's become a little " woke?" Is it because of convenience & timing; as taking a shot at this administration is easier than trump's, or Bush's? (These two most recent republican administration's have made it a policy to deregulate & lower taxes on corporations & the wealthy - who are the beneficiaries of these policies benefitting companies; directly or indirectly.) Trump & Bush Jr. have followed the Reagan administration's blueprint to a " T." And the Obama administration, should have tried harder to push that rock up the hill as well; but they were having their own fires to put out, between Paul Ryan & Mitch McConnell (of who's desk all bills go to die fame) at every turn.

I'm thinking of hanging a large punching bag with interchangeable stick on faces, up from one of the beams in my basement. Some productive means of releasing all this pent up frustration & anger, before it turns to outright despair. At least I'll have an awesome way to workout every day & release all the angst. If you ever find yourself on the East coast, you're welcome to drop by & take a few swings as well. After all, in the end we don't want to become " them, " where violence is a solution to everything.

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Tucker is not even a little woke. Faux concern for the ruby red Ohio district, finger point to EPA that failed them. Just more of the same. He knows they won’t connect the dots and come up with “more regulation, with teeth, is needed” to mitigate the harmful effects of unfettered greed in a society that privileges the highest earning capitalists, our modern day titans of industry.

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Yes, yes, yes, a THOUSAND times YES my dear Bonnie. We don't want to become them. But damn, it ain't easy sometimes. As you so aptly stated:

" given the level of outright dishonesty or seeming lack of awareness or courage, of some of the news media, and outright ignorance & stupidity of some of the maga leaning, conspiracy embracing republicans, (legislators & citizens alike)"

WT absolute F can you do with folks like that, who have rights like you (including a right to life and the pursuit of happiness), who want to use their rights to abuse and/or remove the rights of others, including your own?

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I am with you!!!

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Again Corporate greed trumps public safety.

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Just another example of our elected officials representing corporations and billionaires rather than us!

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Horrifying! But not surprising. Thanks for your hard work at putting together the facts.

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Yet the people in that town & the right wing mouthpieces are blaming it all on Buttigieg! Literally, it’s a Repub town with Repub leadership & rules of a Repub potus still in play & yet they’ve been attacking Pete.

Tucker & Hannity & the rest of Fox degenerates howl like kicked dogs when regulation is mentioned. Pretty sure Hannity once cheered the idea to dissolve the EPA (“big govt”) in the past.

These people are ridiculous & proud to be so.

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Once again , its the corporations who according to the Supreme Courts, are ‘people’.

The real ‘ people’ are now what?????

Who cares? We with the help of Courts and Republican donations ,proven over and over again that

Corporations are more important than your families , children , parents , aunts and uncles ,Grandparents , and please don’t forget this. It will be at your peril , people.

This is life in a ‘ freedom loving’ country.

Of course the worst impact wont be felt for a few more years.

Cancers, leukemias , and other terminal stalkers will be more prevalent.

Dead animals and fish are everywhere.

Ocean shores are hosts to multitudes of dead fish .

Our bird population is declining .

Our environment is corruptly threatened.

Unfortunately none of these enemies possess a checkbook so they can get on the short list of what matters.

Big Corporations that exist only to increase their profits are terrorists.


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There's plenty of blame to go around here, but it's perhaps a bit ironic that "Amtrak Joe" and his administration have not done more to address railway safety. Maybe this disaster will force them to reevaluate their inaction heretofore, but probably not.

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I am of a mind that shooting crap out of the sky last weekend was to take the heat off this environmental nightmare being exposed. Someone I know in the general area says vinyl chloride has been found in home gutters, so you can guess where the next rain takes that. This will have environmental impact for years.

This was pretty damn close to Pittsburgh PA. So know these things do run through major cities and population centers where hundreds, if not thousands, could be killed or made ill.

As for NS and BN and all the big railroads. Hmmm. Congress just clobbered the knees of Railroad workers in the name of taking one for the team to avoid a strike.

Do you think anyone in the Capitol or the White House will make the connection between too few workers, no paid time off and the monumental problems that can arise of a system running on corporate greed?

Me, neither.

Keep on them Judd. No CEO anywhere is worth 14 million a year, btw.

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The Right's position is that EPA should be eliminated because just look at Palestine. I.e., government is incompetent at best and criminal at worst. So, Carlson's rant likely wasn't so much about how EPA should do more; it was about how the EPA is so awful it shouldn't even exist.

These guys make a fortune off their attempts to destroy our country from within.

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Check this Power Map to trace the money that the rail lobby gave Republicans to get train safety regulations weakened. https://thedemlabs.org/2023/02/13/rail-companies-blocked-safety-rules-before-ohio-derailment-public-health-hazard/

"Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) — the Senate’s third largest recipient of rail industry campaign cash — pushed to repeal the electronic braking rule outright, before settling for a measure requiring additional research and a new cost-benefit analysis of the technology."

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It's inexplicable that Biden did not fire every orangehead holdover, and yes that incudes DeJoy, and rescind every orangehead policy. I just don't get it.

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The Republican talking point on all things having to do with public safety requirements for corporations is that regulations are “unduly burdensome” or “job killing”. Carlson often uses these talking points. Carlson is the leader of the “angertainment” (not my creation) industry.

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It's only a matter of time before there is a major disaster in one of our cities. Tick, tick, tick.............

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Yes. How many of these past “brushed off” disasters will show or have already, shown tragic results?

I m thinking, many. But they’ve been covered up or pushed away .

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