For those who abstained from voting for Kamala Harris due to Biden’s policies on Israel.. F/U. I actually think VP Harris could have taken on Netanyahu.

Such a superficial comment, I’ve restrained myself from saying this, but who does Ivanka Trump think she is? Audrey Hepburn grew up during WW2 learning ballet supporting the Belgian resistance. A real resistance, not hollow words. Became a goodwill ambassador for UN. Traveled to troubled areas. She was beautiful inside&out.

Not an empty autocratic grifter.

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100%. Anyone who couldn't vote for Harris due to Gaza, hope you're fucking happy now.

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Agreed 100%!

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The complete and total devastation of ALL of their family resources is in order. The world needs to step up and stop these people before they get much more traction.

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Future terrorists hear you loud and clear

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I'm not worried about future terrorists, I'm worried about the terrorists in control of the US treasury and military right now. A pox on all their families. And it is less than 2 thousand families who are behind this "cleansing" of the United States. Think of that. A country of 340 Million people being misled by less than about 10,000 of the most depraved humans ever to inhabit the Earth.

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A superb and provocative report, Judd. It is truly sick-making. Thank you for keeping us on our toes!

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The days go by and each one clarifies the direction of this administration. Unfortunately I don’t think many people care. Foreign policy is nuanced and requires deep background and command of geography and economics as well as history. Money on the other hand is pretty straightforward.

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Not only straightforward, but pretty much all that matters; that’s Trump’s America.

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No. The proposed ethnic cleansing espoused by Trump & GOP of the 1.5 million Palestinians from Gaza is about reinforcing the Jewish-majority ethnic composition of greater Israel. The profit potential is merely garnish. Arguably, a thriving Israel is possibly the best insurance for the Jewish people from any future holocaust. But only J-Street has a vision for a strong Israel that does not involve destroying one group of people to benefit another.

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Also they don’t understand thanks to our lack of government lessons in school, social media, and the lack of good reporting. I’m pretty sure Substack can’t cover it for the masses.

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The "Let's Make a Deal" foreign policy approach.

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They'll start to care when it's their turn, but it will be too late by then.

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Thank you, Judd, for uncovering the underhanded financial plans of the Trump Mafia. I've known that since 1948, the Palestinians were reduced to this area on the ocean, and Israel was given land for their safety and survival. Trump and his grifters know "Gaza is interesting. It's a phenomenal location. On the sea, the best weather, you know, everything's good." And, the Palestinians enjoyed the positive aspects as well, but the Trump Mafia sees the profit, and so would like to see the Palestinians shipped off to an uninhabitable desert. The ruling Right in Israel are extreme orthodox Jews who insist on having their children learn scripture that insists that the "world" began 5,000 years ago (dinosaurs be damned), and that they repeat, chant and rock back and forth to learn these ancient texts just as the extreme orthodox Talliban instructed their children (boys). No Truth. No Morality. No Humaneness. No Love.

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Valerie, I like the use of the word mafia. We need to call this what it is. This was ANOTHER coup that succeeded this time. We watched the first one, read about the second in Project 2025 and allowed it all before our very eyes. The corporate democrats do nothing but worry that any arguing with trump will “look bad”…that we must set an example. The only example Democrats have set is to doom this country almost as if the were complicit. Appearing at a seditionists inauguration was atrocious in my mind. Worse! Biden said Welcome back to Felon trump! 😳🤦🏻

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The predictable, repetitive verbal skills of a 10-year-old are so inspiring.

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I can’t wrap my head around Trump’s anti-immigration policies in the US while simultaneously trying to displace Palestinians to build a resort in Gaza?!? How do people not see through this BS?

Thanks for your work, Judd and team!

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One has to be looking first in order to see.

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Both Trump and Kushner have made it clear that they intend to build luxury beachfront condos in Gaza. I would also expect that they will be financed by MBS. But who they are going to sell those obvious targets to is another question. Will they also be paying for the IDF to build a fortress like enclosure around those buildings? WIll they be paying for the IDF to station a brigade of soldiers there to protect them?

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I don't think if I was a rich person I would want to live in Gaza. What a target rich environment for terrorism. I don't care how much security you have, they only have to be lucky once.

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Smotrich and other leaders of the Israeli Right want to forcibly expel the surviving Gazans from the enclave. Or at least its northern half. The idea is that if there are no Gazans left in Gaza, then there would be no need for soldiers.

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It really scares me equally that zero action is being taken to re-count the election but that legal time has passed…still it must be done. Trump must be removed physically from this position. The military is supposed to defend the Constitution not the president. Trump is a seditionist and violating the constitution by taking office. It shouldn’t matter that he pretends to have won the election, we know he did not. Gerrymandering and voter suppression made it appear he won. My question is this; Does this mean the military is also part of the coup?

It is putting it mildly to call trump a psychotic monster AND a felon-seditionist-rapist. Why the hell is no one able to quell this? The fact that we allowed him to pardon the J6 terrorists, means he has an additional secret army at his disposal!

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And now it seems in the eyes of many (deluded fools all of them) that America has been made to be "great again" and now is "again respected" around the world! It's only been how long since "the great one" took office?

How long does this crazy train last again?

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It's already been too long on this crazy train.

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Damn right. Too long already but wait, there's more!

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Jan 27Edited

To find a comparable family in human history I suggest a look at the Borgias in Italy during the Italian Renaissance. The past ten years up to now has catalogued the Trumps’ greedy shameless corruption. It will continue unless they are challenged by their peers armed with the rule of law and the support of the remaining Americans who believe in it.

We have a lot of work to do.

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I wonder how many bombing ranges have been developed into luxury hotels? Gaza has become a toxic land due to the war waged across it. The Kleptocrat in Chief will not spend any cash from his financial empire to detox the land, but rest assured he will move the remaining Gazan population to a reservation under the pretext that the land is unsafe. Then declare it is safe for a development that funnels cash into his pocket.

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Amazing that Trump acknowledges that Gaza has been laid to waste, yet the staggering casualty statistics are fabricated. Good not to have the burden of common sense.

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They say you can't put a price on a human life, but it's definitely not stopping the Trumps from trying. It's telling that these titans of industry and paragons of intellect, already failing to consider the morality of their intended outcomes, aren't giving much weight to the time and money ethnically cleansing Gaza will take. I guess these are just the costs of doing business. 🤷‍♂️

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Who says you can't put a price on human life? We do it all the time. The entire 9-11 payout was done based on the value of each individual killed. Our insurance companies determine the worth of a human being all the time. And the actuaries use things like sex, race, age, nationality etc.

So yeah, we can say that, perhaps, you, Joseph, are worth more than a Gazan refugee just by guessing: you live in America? You own a computer? You have a refrigerator, toilet and bed in a house? And, given your photo, in Trump world, you are worth so much more than a Gazan child living in rubble, orphaned

The dog in my photo is worth more than an orphan in Gaza, in Trump world.

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It is the unfortunate reality. What I truly mean is that we shouldn't put a price on human life, but of course, there are entire industries devoted to the matter.

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Congrats to all those voters who accused Biden of genocide againstthe Palestinians. Trump will now demonstrate what actual genocide looks like using Gaza as his experimental "real estate" cleansing process. If he can turn a profit, look out!

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The dark turn in words and deeds. Shortly before today’s observance in Poland of the 80th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Musk making another ‘live’ video appearance with the AfD. The US returning deportees in shackles without food or water via military planes.

A deliberate dark message to cow resistance and opposition in all places.


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Exactly, Ann. As a Brit watching the entire commemoration yesterday, I wondered if a senior member of the US administration would turn up and was delighted that no-one did. The thought of someone like Trump, Vance, Hegseth et al appearing would have quite turned the stomach. I didn't actually expect Trump himself to be there, because he wouldn't have been the adored centre of attention, and anyway, why bother to turn up to honour a bunch of losers (his approach last time, when it was a question of visiting a US war cemetery in Europe).

However, it wasn't entirely unspoilt, because Netanyahu's friend Lauder did turn up from the USA. He made a most inappropriate political speech for the occasion, more or less arguing that the Israelis should have carte blanche to do whatever they wanted with the Palestinians. From the expression on the faces of many delegates, I don't think it went down too well.

The horrors inflicted on Jews in WWII and on 7th October aren't a free pass to slaughter large numbers of innocent civilians who weren't involved in 7th October, nor to indulge in further land-grabs. Many of us honour the memory of those who perished in the holocaust, loathe the resurgence of the far right (Musk, AfD etc.) and push back strongly against those who don't. That doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye to the goals and conduct of a relatively small part of the Israeli government and its armed forces. One crime doesn't excuse another.

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Sadly all you have said is true. The best we can hope for right now is that this WH ignores international gatherings and memorials instead of contaminating them with an insulting presence.

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This is so appalling and brazen, it takes my breath away. Unfortunately, not at all surprising but a call to action.

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The world has to unite against this mad man.

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Yes, and I hope and pray it does so before he leads down a path of no return as did Hitler, Tojo, Mussolini, Napoleon, Stalin, etc. etc.

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There are some voices from Europe and South America that are damning him.

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Judd? Real estate. Really? Why is it that during this war no one here asks the question why this occurred. There is a huge plan in the making that last I looked, in May and November the Middle East and Europe, major news outlets have been seriously reporting on it, and that would be the Ben Gurion Canal. If you just typed it in you can find informative information comes up, a project started actually in 1963 when Lawrence Livermore Laboratory with the Israeli government made a proposal of detonating nuclear devices underground blowing through the rock, I believe 256 of them. You can see maps showing the plan which has changed more recently now going across northern Gaza in a more direct route. So of course the trump family has been a major player no doubt because of real restate values but being so much larger with lanes going both ways, this canal becomes the most important waterway cutting through to Africa and China. Last year the Suez Canal made nine billion dollars

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Susan - the lab in California? I didn’t know this. Lived in SF bay area for years, that’s why I know about it.

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