This compilation of “The MTG Story” is just depressing. That someone so uneducated and wacko can be elevated to her current position of power in Congress is an embarrassment that I feel at every day. When we are faced with serious problems and time is taken up with such drivel it seems like we are heading down a greased tube to a bad ending.

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MTG and her house compatriots are a problem but they are not THE problem. Ask yourself how all those conservative voters have become so hateful, paranoid, aggrieved and angry that they would vote for someone like MTG. The answer is Rush and Rupert and their many imitators in the profitable dis-information industry. Over a thirty years period these parasites created a base so untethered from reality that they make the MTGs of the political world possible. The First Amendment was not written as a built-in poison pill for our experiment in self rule. We either regulate the dis-information industry or we continually teeter on the edge

self destruction.

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Susan, I too wondered what her level of education is. She does have a degree from University of Georgia. But the noxious bile that poisons her mind seems to have erased any education she may have acquired.

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Daddy was a right wing nut according to the Atlantic piece.

Dad wrote a book where he describes the“Taylor Effect”—which purports to predict the stock market based on the gravitational fluctuations of Earth" "...in the afterword, he likened himself to da Vinci, Galileo, Edison, Marconi, and the Wright brothers."


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Patt, it's not a surprise for me to learn this. There is a strong genetic component for many psychiatric disorders.

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I told you she was an alien!

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So delusions, including those of grandeur, are passed down genetically through her family. Interesting.

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Doesn't Herschel Walker also hav a U of G diploma?

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Visit her district.

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No thank you. I lived in it for 15 years and I am not going back.

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Why can't this person be dealt with somehow? It feels like there are too few adults left in congress. The stress is killing us.

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MTG is clearly and obviously a mentally disturbed person.

“What are the signs of a paranoid narcissist?

Requires and seeks excessive admiration from others. Has a sense of entitlement, expecting to be treated as someone special or given priority at all times. Is interpersonally exploitative of others for personal gain. Lacks empathy and is unable to recognize the needs or suffering of others.”


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It seems mentally disturbed people can be very successful in government. Rational, albeit amoral at times co-workers and even leaders, just want them to go away and will appease them if that gets them out of their hair, especially when they draw a lot of attention, which crazy people can do. Couple that with unhinged persistence and an inability to have real and thoughtul discussions and compromises, and they magically move up that ladder and cause real and true damage because those around them didn’t stop them when they could have. Social media is the new fuel that super-charges crazy. Marjorie is all of those things.

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Are you suggesting that social media is the enabling factor in the so-called success of MTG and others like her?

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I would call social media AN enabling factor....

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With a focus on the idea of the image of "mentally disturbed people" in view as being "successful" I question whether or not that it is social media that contributes to the so-called success of individuals like MTG.

Social media certainly gives them a broader exposure to the general public at large, but is it actually a factor in their "magically" climbing any ladders?

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I'll change my term from mentally disturbed (broad vague brush for sure) to unbalanced. As for your social media, my two cents is Marjorie's trajectory to power was supercharged by social media. Without it, more likely she would have remained a pesky, local crank, not a national one. I've assumed it's also how she has evolved into a major fundraiser, which then makes her a player in MAGA Washington.

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Cambridge University Press & Assessment

https://dictionary.cambridge.org › dictionary › unbalanced

A person who is unbalanced is mentally ill.

(Definition of unbalanced from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

According to Reuters Reporting from January 2022, it would appear that MTG does not have a very large audience relative to the the size of the actual voting population. So in my opinion Social Media did not supercharge her trajectory to power. If anything helped her become a high visibility shrew it was her association with Trump and her cozy support of House Speaker McCarthy that has given her such a high profile.

"The official account of the congresswoman, @ReptMTG, remains active on Twitter and has 390,000 followers, slightly less than the 465,000 on her banned personal account."

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An excellent example of TFG, Greene, Boebert, Hawley, and a lot more Trumpublicans on Capitol Hill!

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Just about all of em!

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Needs to be relieved of her duties as UNFIT in most expedient manner possible! She’s absolutely unhinged!

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Does she really seem that disturbed? Doesn't everyone experience their television turning on by itself to start spying on them?

This party was pushed in this direction by a man who was a barely convincing actor. Now, most of them are convincingly unhinged.

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So in other words, she's nuts.

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How about -suffers from delusions, which are fixed ideas with no basis in fact that do not respond to reason or evidence. Actually, we are all suffering from her delusions.

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So she's a bestie for Trump, Boebert, McCarthy, Cruz, Hawley, Biggs, Perry, Scalise, Gosar et al. So many psychos in Congress, looking to build their "majority" of GOP - Great Old Psychos!

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Thank you, Judd, for calling out Miss Piggy. (Apologies to Jim Henson’s Miss Piggy). As a native Georgian, I can only say that she represents anything worse than I ever experienced of crazed egomania among the populace, including Newt Gingrich (who was a carpetbagger, not a native Georgian). She is mean, vain, relentless, and dangerous.

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But she would be less dangerous if McCarthy didn't indulge her. His attention just fuels her antics. That part of Georgia has always been susceptible to conspiracy theories, starting with John Birch.

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It appears that McCarthy owes her at least one favor, that of getting GOP loonies to agree to vote him in as Speaker after he failed to get the job 14 or 15 times before. McCarthy is a failure as a politician up to his eyeballs in favors to repay. MTG wants a job in the second Trump WH, and she thinks McCarthy will grease the skids. (She'd have to elbow Kari Lake out of her way, which won't be easy because Lake is living at MAL and is rumored to be Trump's new girlfriend.)

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Not surprising about Lake and Trump! He's been on the downlow now for too many years, gotta be getting some from somebody - Melania said buhbye long ago! And Ivanks headed out - so he has to do it himself, or find another willing participant!

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I read recently that as was her arrangement at the WH, Melania and Barron live in a separate section at MAL and that the only time they're together is at dinner when they join their guests. Kari Lake reportedly wants to be Trump's running mate in 2024.

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And God knows Georgians used to hate carpetbaggers! If only we could get Georgians to hate the Confederacy!

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Well, Gingrich the original crazed egomaniac DID start this whole thing 40+ years ago!

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Very true. But the movement to kill the New Deal started soon after WW2. John Birch Society, Goldwater, William F. Buckley, his mentor James Burnham (no relation, although to his credit he started as a leftie). Then Reagan picked up the football and ran with it. What a Gipper! Now they're scoring touchdown after touchdown. Democracy has been dismantled, not unlike Germany in the 30s. All T'rump has to do is wave a swastika. All hell will break loose.

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MTG is a fine example of the worst aspects of America. Granted that she is a horrible person, dually elected by her constituents, she gives voice to a vocal minority of Americans who otherwise wouldn't be allowed to enter a Federal building without first passing through a metal detector. That she is supported by leading Republicans shows just how low the Republican Party has sunk. Whatever has happened to the 'law and order party, who now supports insurrectionists and book banners? As bad as the present Republican leadership is, what s even more horrifying is the support they receive from (what I hope) is a vocal minority of American citizens. Instead of addressing the real problems of global warming, this clown show insists on trying to impeach various members of the Democratic administration. We need a strong two-party system, not one where the leading members of one party are all on hallucinogens. The Republican party seems to attract the worst in American political life.

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Hahaha. The "Law & Order Party!"

Now disorder is the order of the day. The circular firing squad is lined up. Ready, Set...

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Edward, it's more like law and order for those we agree with, and we order the law any way we want for those we don't.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene is just like the long dead Joseph McCarthy, except much more of a liar, more unhinged, and much uglier.

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Well the good news is that she is helping to usher in the death of the former Republican party. And if my Qevin stays allied with her & they are able to endorse & run Trump in the next election, it might come sooner than we all think.

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From your lips to God's ears Ma'am.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene is a narcissistic sociopath that, like TFG, drinks “loaded kook-aid”. She has total control of the House, because, even though McCarthy is the one who is holding the gavel, she’s the one controlling it. She’s the actual Speaker of the House.

She has more power than anyone in that Chamber now. No one on the Trumpublican side makes a move to do anything y less she says so.

This is our fault. We have them the power now, and we are stuck with it until 2024. Hopefully, enough of us will be sick enough of all these games and get these people voted out of office.

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Like it isn’t bad enough to have the MAGA world bowing & scraping to Drumph, now we have to further endure the agony of another deranged person slinking into power! If she werent so damn ugly and didn’t have that whinet sing-song southern drawl, I’d think she might be doing Mcarthy...but is he THAT desperate? Are the sins of America so great that MTG is the demon sent to punish us? 👹🤯

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While we can all agree that there is something deeply wrong with Marge, I'm not sure she doesn't have a point about the ethics of the Hunter Biden investigation. It's just not the point she thinks it is. My feeling is that Weiss was given a very specific mission by Barr and Trump - find something on Hunter that we can use to destroy Joe. And all he could come up with is a couple of unpaid tax bills (far lower than the taxes Roger Stone evaded and settled in a civil, not criminal case) and a minor gun charge. How many millions did he piss away looking for more? So I say, go for it Marge. Get Gym Jordan to hold a hearing. The let's hear Dan Goldman and Jamie Raskin ask Weiss what he was told by Barr and Trump. While reminding Mr. Weiss that he's under oath.

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She is the face of the current Republican Party, and horrifyingly, she speaks for millions of Americans, despite the lunacy of her views.

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MTG only has real time knowledge of from 1974 onward. As far as she knows that's when the world began. In her world there was no Roman Empire, Holocaust, WWI, WWII, Viet Nam, Great Depression, Potato famine, Spanish American War. She is like a child of the third or fourth grade. It is plainly obvious that...that is her reality... as supplied by sitcoms, reality tv shows, and Infowars/Fox news entertainment programing and her peer group environment.

If this were our, yours and my only sources of information and knowledge... we all would be just as handicapped as her. One can't blame a person for not wanting to know anything outside of their level of concern or interest. For a fix, I would look to our national education program...and lament that was has been done... isn't going to be easy to undo and if there is a will to do so...it will take time, money and intelligent well intentioned persons to enact that program.

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A good place to start is with the evangelicals. Then move up to the Heritage Foundation.

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Yes!!! The Evs and the HF have done much to prevent society from moving forward.

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What were Georgians thinking re MTG? While I couldn’t help laughing when reading of some of her comments, the woman is scary, certainly no peach

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The district she’s from, sadly, is filled with the lines of her, and she’s got them all snowed. Sound familiar? Sounds a lot like TFG, to me.

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"Lines of her?" Got them "all snowed?" Is low-budget drug movie Daniel?

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I meant “likes of her”. Sorry ‘bout that! And, what I actually meant by “all snowed” was that it’s like TFG having all his 74 million followers “snowed”. But, your analogy is perfect, too. Both of them are equivalent to a “low budget drug movie”.

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I knew exactly what you meant my friend, but I tease. Heh heh heh.

You like bad Ruskie accent? Vere iz Moose und Sqwerl! Sclatching ballz perhapz?

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My call sign on the department back in the day was “Taz”. When they called for “Taz”, shit was fixing to hit the fan!

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Oh no! The Shit Tornado!!!

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Men saw her gym body and let their testosterone vote.

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Mostly parents know that’s kids need to be constructively occupied over the summer break. MTG seems to have an overabundance of unstructured free time with little adult supervision. Isn’t there some kind of Congressional Summer School she can attend to make up for all the lessons she has thus far failed to learn?

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Marjorie Traitor Greene aka Marjorie Nazi Greene is all of the most horrific parts of America wrapped up in 1 ugly, deranged, psychopathic package. She/it should be arrested for Treason, making death threats, harassment, hate speech and more but the spineless RepukeliKKKan party wont remove her from Congress becuase theyre using her to attract the nutjobs & wackos. She's an embarassment to the country. #GQPFascist

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I simply couldn't read the entire thing. It sure seems not a single Republican Congress member is actually working, just grandstanding.

With all the concern among taxpayers about the cost of everything and the purported "fraud" being committed by people collecting disability, you'd think there'd be an uproar about putzes like Trailer Queen getting paid to do nothing. She's in the legislative branch. She's paid to draft legislation, or at least vote on legislation.

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Hmmm.... I think if you look in the dictionary for “loose cannon” you will find a picture of MTG. 😳 How do such outrageous ideas gain any sort of foothold? Perhaps we need to look at who and how she gets voted in and remains in office. Has she ever offered any actual PROOF of her allegations? Nope - our world seems to have become a place where any spoken idea, shouted loud and long enough becomes real “fact”. Science has been decried, critical thinking (almost) outlawed and banned from schools... it seems it would take a seriously sick mind to gin up an unprovable story of “eating babies”! WTF has happened...😶🤦‍♀️🙀

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It exposes the greater problem: what possesses so many people to believe and vote for MTG and her co-conspirators, all of whom should be prosecuted, maybe even persecuted. Of course, the answer is well-known: racism, sociopathy, psychopathy, brain damage, the Heritage Foundation, and so forth. Things are not looking up for democracy these days.

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Actually, I think her allegations have proof. 120 proof sounds about right.

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I dunno mate. More like 180 proof to me.

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No argument here. Her comments are straight out of Uncle Jesse's still.

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Hahahaha! Uncle Jesse? For real?

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*jangling banjo, underpinned by bass fluctuating between two chords* Jus' some good ole boys. Nevuh meanin' no harm. It's all you nevuh saw, been in trouble with the law, since the day they wuz born. Or something like that.

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Musta raised them there boys on sorghum. That's what give em that growth they's got n that taste for brown likker too. Started passin the jug at five years of age! Or so I been told.

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