Is this what winning feels like? The president said we'd be winning so much we'd get tired of winning -- and he's right. I'm sick of it.

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Slight correction needed - "But the (GOP-controlled) Senate has decided to ignore the economic devastation."

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And by refusing to play dirty and stoop to the level of Republicans, Democratic leaders have passively given their permission for this whole disaster. Every step of the way Democratic leaders have either refused or failed to sense the water building to a boil. Results? Here we are. 200,000 dead. The general citizenry exhausted. And the water keeps getting hotter while we keep looking toward November as if it will save us but the time for being saved passed a long long time ago.

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You are Spot on.

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I just came across an interesting tweet from a Harvard researcher about a cheap instant at-home test that is cheap enough it could be used every day (buck a day's the estimate). FDA won't approve because it's not accurate until a day or two later in the infection cycle. The point made by the scientist is not to think of the test as diagnostic, but as a way of increasing daily testing by one or two orders of magnitude, thereby helping drive R-naught below 1 even while allowing more normal daily living.

I did basic vetting. It really does seem to be Harvard sourced and not a scam or get rich quick scheme.

Here's a link to a description and explanation.


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Hypocrisy implies they have a moral compass. They don’t. They’re engaged in stinking rotten skulduggery

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The Republicans have simply decided that the problem doesn't exist and/or that it's a "liberal media/Democratic Party" hoax. They really do believe this.

And, I do agree with the comment of "Lib" below. The Democrats have allowed this to happen. They have not fought back (sufficiently) at the federal level. They should have forced this issue, especially in the Senate? How? Refuse to allow the Senate to do ANYTHING until a relief package is passed. No judicial appointments. No legislation of any type. NOTHING. Filibuster everything. They should still do that with the upcoming Supreme Court appointment (and count me among those who think that the Mango Menace should be impeached again, or Bill Barr, so as to tie up the Senate). If the Republicans want to lie and play hardball, so should the Democrats.

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