This "compromise" is a total sellout by Democrats in an attempt to get Trump/Putin owned Republicans to do the right thing on Ukraine. And as is so often the case when Democrats fail to stand up to the bully, they are getting rolled. Republicans who never planned to vote for anything have dug in their heels and will kill the bill. And as usual, the corporate media is downplaying Trump's role in this disgrace. Oh, they mention it in passing, but they are not screaming from the masthead the truth - Trump needs the border as his only issue to run on and Putin needs Ukraine aid to end so that he can conquer the country. At best this is politics at its worst, at worst this is treason - leaving the border in crisis to help elect a felon and abandoning American interests in Europe in service to a foreign dictator. This is not going to end well. The question is only how many Americans will suffer because once again the Republicans have been allowed to get away with acting in bad faith and serving the interests of the twin autocrats - Trump and Putin.

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Look at it this way.

If House Republicans won't pass this -- a bill that gives them everything they want -- it's an election issue and a competency issue.

And if the Democrats grow a spine, two seconds after the election, they throw this bill away and never offer anything like this again.

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This bill is the best deal Republicans are ever going to see on the border. When they tank it Dems will never compromise again. The necessary spine is that Dems now need to hammer the Republicans over the head every single day with it, especially every time one of those assholes starts screaming about Biden's failure to act.

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Peter, Precisely!

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Agreed. And the folks the dems are supposedly compromising with now disavow the very "compromise" they demanded because of the publically stated wishes of a felon. Boggles the mind.

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Do not discount the Putin factor. MAGAs serve two masters - Putin and Putin's bitch Trump. Both want Ukraine under Putin's totalitarian thumb.

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Absolutely! I concur completely. I'll never forget that photo of trmp and putin together, that so accurately illustrated the power dynamic between them. P was strutting while T dragged along with a stunned look on his face.

That photo said it all and yes T is the B of P.

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I remember indelibly the tv showing Trump blissfully unaware at an international meeting about 3 (maybe 5!) years ago in which Putin and MBS (Saudi's Prince leader) slap hands after Trump walks past them. He's fulfilling his role as "useful idiot" as best he can to all the top tough brutal dictators. He kowtows to them, just as the Republicans kowtow to him. Interesting!

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There is a sad irony in the Republican led House setting out Articles of Impeachment againist Mayorkas for dereliction, at the same time the Senate is asking him for advice.

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No irony, just more proof of the total unseriousness of the Republicans.

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Unseriourness?? How about how much they are Trump’s puppet’s?

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Not sure that this bill is a sellout. The American people are asking for less porous borders and I don't think we should poo poo the situation that Texans are in. We must ensure that those who need asylum get it but we cannot accept millions into our country when we cannot afford it.

Yes, Republicans are idiots and bullies (when they know that the head bully, Trump, is backing them), and to disgrace themselves by denying Ukraine war aid is a huge historical mistake.

Lastly, Abbott and Biden need to start acting like they are on the same side. And Paxton needs to be in jail. Oh and Cruz, let him go back to Mexico for vacation, then pull up the rug and turn out the light.

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The situation the Texans are in, or the situation that Abbott, Paxton, Patrick, Cruz etc. would like us to believe they are in? Every report I hear from the border that is not filtered thru the corporate or Fox panic button says that yes, the situation is a problem, but not a real crisis, and not a problem that cannot be solved if additional border agents and especially immigration judges are put in place.

Frankly I think Biden has been far too tolerant of Abbott's antics. He should either federalize the Texas National Guard, or order the Border Patrol to seal off the park and block the Texas Fascists from resupply. Once those Rambo wannabes get hungry and thirsty they may decide to serve the country, not Governor Hot Wheels.

And yes, Rafael Cruz puede toma por culo y marcharse a Mexico con los otros maricones.

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The problem is, the House GOP will not approve more money for border agents and immigration judges. So basically they're impeaching Mayorkas for being unable to print money.

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Please do tell how any aid to Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel, etc. gets passed by a GOP controlled house run by Sharia Mike Johnson. Looks like all this will be mooted, however, in light of Casino Mussolini's death grip on both the Senate and the House Guns Over People party. You can always count on them to filibuster their own bills in the Senate or put them in a drawer in the House whenever their cult leader tells them so.

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Well said.

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This is what journalism is supposed to be:

1) Something important happens.

2) It's really big and complex.

3) Interview a qualified person who understands it and can explain it to the layperson.

Great job folks!

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Nice diagramming, framing or whatever. I really like how you put that.

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Judd, I’m sure many people don’t know what the US did to countries like Guatemala, Honduras, Chile, Venezuela, Argentina etc. For example, The US sent the CIA in under Eisenhower to assassinate a democratically elected President (Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán). Why? He was going to give land grants to peasants who were debt slavery victims - before Arbenz’ time. US giant, United Fruit company, needed the land and low wage workers. profits-profits-profits…sound familiar? Who else had links to this? The Dulles Bros! We destroyed their livelihoods and now treat them as dirt. How dare they come here. MAGAs are devoid of intelligence, knowledge or reality, Democrats need to expose this history. This is corporatization and Fascism from way back…1954.

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Nation building by the US in the 20th Century by our Government caused much of what we see today. The chickens coming home to roost.

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cathy b Exactly! And the technique we often used, was to put out propaganda to confuse and mislead the public..🤔 Doesn’t that sound familiar. As if people can’t learn from the “best”.

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I have made this same point over and over yet the magats persist in their desire to believe things that ARE NOT TRUE!

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Would it make any difference if, every once in a while, people aspiring to come to this country were referred to as human beings?

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Joe see my comment. Many of these people crossing should get automatic refugee status, not a rebuff!

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Thanks for sharing the interview. Very helpful to get the actual details of the bill. Hawley was already blasting the bill yesterday for giving immigrants attorneys conveniently leaving out the fact that it would be for children.

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Hawley is not the one to turn to when looking for protection for children.

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Thank you for interviewing Lee Gelernt of ACLU---he certainly would and does know the details and the whole picture. Bottom line with the US ability to pass such a law, no matter how bi-partisan or how much of a compromise, Donald Trump is still running our country! We all thought the real Q kooks were out of their minds when they all declared that Donald Trump is still president...what do we now know? Getting to the heart of this border crisis that is a result of very desperate people who don't want to starve or have their children threatened with death and rape by gangs, what is so deeply wrong in their native countries? The issue of extremely corrupt, greedy, and heartless leaders must be fully addressed. (sounds like we have them among many of our Republican)

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This "compromise" is pretty terrible in the area of immigration, but it's very likely it will never pass. What it will do, however, is take away one of Trump's major talking points going into this fall's elections, and give the Democrats a strong political talking point that the Republicans are completely unable to govern and apposed to passing any legislation on the issues about which they are so loudly and continuously whining, even when that legislation gives them everything they've been whining about.

It won't convert the most deeply dysfunctional MAGA types, since those folk need to relate Trump in a co-dependent way as their hero and savior and maintain their delusion that he never has nor ever will do anything wrong, but for everyone else, it writes across the sky in mile high letters that keeping Trump happy is the only thing that matters to Republicans, I.E. they'll march in lock step right into utterly chaotic ruin if that's where Trump wants to lead them (and it is).

If we want a government that notices and acts on our nation's mounting problems, both globally and locally, it's clear that the Democrats, as imperfect as they might be, are the only way to vote. A vote for Trump and Republicans is a vote for nothing but chaos and deepening despair as the world comes apart around us.

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Are you saying that the massive increase in the immigration lines are due to climate change? I can think of several things that you probably will not like-first why do you keep having children? and second how politically active are you? If your government is corrupt-do something about it. So Tom is your answer that everyone should be allowed to come to the US? Again-I do not feel that it is up to the US to solve the world's problems.

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Barbara, please find my comment and read it! In addition, if republicans have their way, women will not have a choice if whether or not they have to have a child. Wasn’t it the christian mercenaries who lectured on multiplying the family to grow the religion?

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"I do not feel that it is up to the US to solve the world's problems."

That seems reasonable until you consider that the problems causing these folks to flee their home countries are directly attributable to American foreign policy during the 20th century. In other words, it is IN FACT up to the US to solve these problems because the US caused them.

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MAGA's cultish loyalty to Trump is a path to disaster & a betrayal that will stain America. MAGA m.o.: Project & blame Dems for the border, drugs, crime...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4GG2Al0YUQ MAGA: 1 House bills, falsely claiming credit for Biden policies, obstruction & dysfunction while promoting grifters intent on subverting the rule of law. Biden's economy is amazing:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x15zuR4XCH0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohyNiYTxibY https://www.meidastouch.com/news/united-states-economy-grows-at-strong-pace-defying-expectations-again

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-L8h-D4qFQ amazing Bidenomics


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I saw a documentary recently about immigration and this documentary pointed out that there is a big difference between asking for asylum because you are in imminent danger of death or physical harm and those who want to escape the poverty of their own nation. I do not believe it is America's responsibility to save the entire world. We can set a good example and still not take in all these people. Canada implemented a merit point system to determine who gets approved for immigration and I have heard very good things about the system. I am wondering why our southern border is being overwhelmed-I see pictures of line and lines of people trying to get into the US and I cannot understand why this has become unmanageable in the last 5 years. I also wonder why a husband, mother, and child are in line? I worked with an Australian who waited 15 years and spent almost 20,000 dollars to become a citizen by following all the rules. We need to look at the rules regarding family provisions and stop allowing entire clans to come here. While I am not against immigration, I again do not feel that it is up to the US to take all of these people. I worked for an airline and was called to an international flight where a very pregnant woman laid down on the floor and kicked and screamed that she was not getting off the plane because she wanted her child to be born in the US. 4 INS officers had to physically pick her up and buckle her into her seat and I had to tell her that if she continued making trouble, the plane would take off and put her off into the first foreign country that the aircraft entered even if it was Iceland. The aircraft eventually landed in Amsterdam where she was taken into custody and put on a flight to her home country. I am sorry, but there is no reason that the passengers or I had to endure this. I read a great book about immigration about 5 years ago and fully understand that immigrants do NOT take jobs from Americans-they do the jobs that Americans do not want to do! So, I have no major issues relating issues relating to immigrants other than that they must make a commitment to LEGAL immigration-anyone not following the process to the letter needs to be deported immediately. And if they have children while they are here-those children need to be deported as well. And we need to fund the appropriate agencies to accomplish this. The book I referenced earlier made a conservative estimate of 12 million illegal immigrants. It seems as if all of South America wants to move north. Just because someone wants to come here does not mean that we have to take them. Again, we CANNOT solve the problems of the entire world. What ever happened to staying in your own country and trying to fix it? I have strayed off topic, so I apologize-yes the republicans are once again gutless wonders who want to complain and never fix anything. And the voting public just keeps putting them back into office . The Democratic party needs to take the gloves off and start posting publicly every time that a republican candidate fails to act appropriately. We could probably bring back newspapers if these idiots were called out every time they killed a bill designed to bring the problem to resolution.

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When you are a subsistence farmer in South America with a family to feed and it has become too hot for crops to grow, your government is corrupt and gangs are rampant, what do you expect will happen?

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Let me re copy my comment: I’m sure many people don’t know what the US did to countries like Guatemala, Honduras, Chile, Venezuela, Argentina etc. For example, The US sent the CIA in under Eisenhower to assassinate a democratically elected President (Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán). Why? He was going to give land grants to peasants who were debt slavery victims - before Arbenz’ time. US giant, United Fruit company, needed the land and low wage workers. profits-profits-profits…sound familiar? Who else had links to this? The Dulles Bros! We destroyed their livelihoods and now treat them as dirt. How dare they come here. MAGAs are devoid of intelligence, knowledge or reality, Democrats need to expose this history. This is corporatization and Fascism from way back…1954.

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So, this CIA assassination occurred 70 years ago. Does that excuse the current Guatemalan governments for putting their ruling class wealth and power over the subsistence of their people? Of course not. Sad that the corrupt and heartless use of our power always comes back to haunt us. [Add Iran to this list!]

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Valerie, think about it. This wasn’t the only incident like this, it's an example of how big business destroyed livelihoods of people in these countries. We made it easy, in fact, we installed some of the dictator bastards. And that affects generations. Much in the way slavery and racism has affected generations of black lives.

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What documentary did you see please? What "great book" did you read please?

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The books I read are "They take our jobs-and 20 myths about immigration" by Aviva Chomsky, "Undocumented-how immigration became illegal" by Aviva Chomsky, and Humanizing Immigration-how to transform our racist and unjust system" By Bill Ong Hing. All were available at my local library. The documentary that I watched was by a CNN commentator named Fareed. It was on HBO MAX and contained about 7-8 1 hour documentaries that this commentator made. I really never watch CNN but I found these documentaries to be credible and thoughtful-I was particularly interested in the system Canada is implementing and how they are transforming immigration into a positive issue bring quality people into Canada.

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I often find right-wing people quoting a misleading hodgepodge of misinformation and bits of actual information on immigration. One person recently said to me “eight million people illegally crossing the border and getting free housing, food and $2000 a month.” I KNOW that’s wrong and he’s confusing total border crossings, including people turned away, with some very small program that subsidizes some entrants. But what I’m interested in, and hoping Popular Information can provide, is a debunked and relatively complete account of who does enter the country, and how, and the flow through the various programs and entry types.

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Interesting. Just yesterday, we saw current film footage of Chinese (20 or so of them together) entering the Southern Border also. Would like to know who and why.

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It's interesting that today's PI post is on wage theft and they couldn't find 500 workers in the case in CA of wage theft. It might be that repubs are listening more to their oligarch donors than drumfp. The asylam seeking migrants benefit the corporations the most as they own the jails, er, detention centers and charge the taxpayers obscene fees while not providing detainees even the basics, and if & when they are out then cheap labor for their other entities, win-win for oligarchs!

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Interesting that they are going to give authority to the executive to deny entry without a court, while simultaneously the GOP is arguing in court that the executive can't enforce penalties on corporations without a court being involved.

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It’s a day late but LOVED your comment Gregg!

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Dear Dawna, thank you for your information and input. I am not up to date on climate change issues so again thank you for your excellent information. The world is definitely over populated and I do not feel obligated to take in all of the world's stragglers due to the rise of authoritarianism. We have our own problems here that we need to deal with and that does not mean we to take everyone who is fighting fascism and authoritarianism. We have to fight these things here in the US and we have to get our own house in order before adding populations that are already struggling. I concur that Trickle Down economics was a massive failure that the middle class is has been paying for for almost 40 years now. And I also concur that that there are no "good" or "quick and easy solutions". I attended a seminar on renewable energy last month and left feeling more discouraged than ever about the implementation and development of renewable energy. The speaker was Prof Adam Simon out of the Univ of Michigan and while he was extremely knowledgeable and amazingly upbeat about the prognosis and success for renewable energy, the practical side of implementation is that we are woefully unprepared. The title of the seminar was "The transition to renewal energy-truths and consequences" and it was outstanding. What is the Shock Doctrine? I do not watch any of major news channels and have not heard of this term before. Most of my information comes from PBS , The Conversation, Popular Information , or Robert Reich. Thanks much

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