Has anyone contemplated what will happen if the Orange Asscactus (or one of his clones) wins in 2024? We could very well face a situation where Democrats are never again allowed to be President. Think that I’m being catastrophic in my prediction? Look at everything about which Judd just wrote. That is clearly the goal here (permanent minority Republican rule).

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Asscactus is a new one to me. Haha

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I'm personally partial to shitgibbon, but that's just me. Your prediction is one that gives me nightmares frequently. D:

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Trump, Trump, Trump…by far the most dangerous plague this country has ever faced and there doesn’t appear to be a vaccine for it.

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Joe Biden says we need a strong Republican party. But it's not only strong enough as it is—it's dangerous. These people are outright fascists.

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Congratulations on getting the word out on AT&T's big donations to the Texas legislators who voted for the abortion ban, Judd. And thanks for the update on TFG's very active campaign to make sure upcoming elections ARE rigged. We desperately need the Freedom to Vote Act to pass now!

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donald trump is the most un-American President of all time. He is a traitor to the constitution and cannot be re-elected. He is fanning the flames of division because he's a sore loser that couldn't lie and cheat his way to another win...He will destroy this country if he is anywhere near government. Corporations need to cut off support completely to these insurrectionists and traitors to the US. It's not hyperbole anymore, these republicans are becoming full on traitors to democracy and free and fair elections. People like Marjorie Taylor Greene need to be eradicated from any government position. We need start giving full psych exams to people before they are able to run for office.

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The only way this ends is to prosecute those spreading these lies & stirring up their base. Biden is far too tolerant with them. How long did it take him to finally declare a vaccination mandate? And this is insurrection! Each attack on the election is an effective (in the eyes of their voters) attack on our government. Insidious Insurrection & It. MUST. Be. Stopped.

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I have maintained all along in remarks here on PI, the Jan. 6 insurrection has never ended. Add to your report all of the anti-voting rights legislation passed among 43 state legislatures.

Another big Far Right rally heading to DC this weekend. The fence is up around the Capitol again.

AT &T is going to fade into the woodwork again unless their feet are held to the fire. A fire the mainstream media ignores except to keep covering every damn word out of Trump's mouth.

Therein lies the real problem. Fox News, OAN etc don't hide what they are. MSM is owned by 1%ers that benefit from GOP rhetoric and policies.

They don't cover the truth on purpose in mho. They are accurate sometimes and certainly incomplete other times leaving stories on the table and covering partially instead of impartiality.

Good job reporting, Judd.

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Judd, I agree with and support everything you said about Trump and Trumpism. I don’t know how I missed the Pence-Quayle call. I guess with the Indiana connection it makes sense, but that’s some straw grasping there. Your niche is accountability journalism, specifically following the money. You’ve done work no one else has done, and we know it has made a difference. We need more of it. I care about outing corp America, but I really care about who funds Trump, Johnson, DeSantis, Cruz, etc., and how the money filters to them. There’s evidence like the shady South Florida real estate deal with Trump and Russia, and innuendo surrounding Trump and his late BFF tycoon Adelson, but I think those are drops on the tip of the iceberg.

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Thank you Judd, Tesnim and Rebecca. Forewarned is forearmed.

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This is a nice summary of what your readers probably already know (and this is not a criticism; it is helpful to be reminded of all of these things). Finding cogent summaries also makes me think of the people I would like to influence who I know simply are not exposed to these details through the media they absorb and watch and listen to. And their responses when I share much of anything is the usual "what aboutisms?" The beauty in the way things are going, though, is that more and more people are questioning themselves and what they believe. There really are more and more people who do not want to be associated with the people on the right who are clearly crazy, opportunistic and shrill. Keep up the good work, Judd, Tesmin, and Rebecca and anyone else who is contributing to this great work. When the still-doubting among us start to open up to questioning what they're seeing, your work will be there and all the issues can be found in one place. Brilliant.

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Coming soon from the "Republican" Party: the one-party state. Elections are valid only if The Party wins. Otherwise they must be overturned by loyal members of The Party.

Funny thing, that: the more loudly "Republicans" accuse everyone else of being a Communist, they more closely they resemble actual Soviet Communists.

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Yes, the GOP coup is ongoing. The Republicans are putting all the pieces in place to win even if they lose elections. They are doing this in plain sight, as Judd reports here. The question: what are the Democrats doing about it? This is American's second Civil War, and only one side is fighting.

The courts will be the big battleground in 2022 and 2024. They held fast in 2020, but McConnell spent years refusing to fill judgeships under Obama, then worked overtime with the Federalist Society to stack the courts with young and ultra-conservative judges with lifetime tenure. The Supreme Court does not reflect the people of this country, and neither do the federal courts. Biden and the Dems can re-balance the court by adding to the federal district and appeals courts, something that has been done throughout our history and is actually needed not just to better reflect the values of our society, but to handle their burgeoning caseloads.

Biden has the power to do it. He can also add justices to the Supreme Court. He can also start the ball rolling to add Puerto Rice and the District of Columbia as states, something the is long overdue. Both have populations that exceed many of the states in the upper midwest and Northeast.

These are just a few of the steps the Democrats should take to push back on the ongoing Republican Coup. Waiting for the members of the Grand Old Party to come to their senses is a fool's errand. If nothing happens, we will soon be living under one-party rule. Playing by the old rules is no longer an option in a country with a sizeable minority that no longer believes the results of our elections if their candidate does not win.

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