
None of this is new news. For those of us following every detail, Trump's interference was obvious. So, now what? Kavanaugh continues to feel free to opinionate in ways that run counter to the will of most people. Thank you, Sheldon Whitehouse who keeps his eagle eye on the Supreme Court "cimininal behavior"!

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It's sad (and infuriating) that Kavanaugh is not the worst of Trump's three appointees, and by a long shot he's not the worst "justice" on SCOTUS.

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No it is not! Grateful to Sheldon Whitehouse as well.

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Don't forget about Mitch McConnell's role getting all three of Trump's "stooges" appointed. Or that he didn't have the courage to vote to convict Trump both times he was impeached. The "Party of Putin" is well entrenched and disguised as Republican's.

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If McConnell had convictions he would have convicted. Irony on top of irony.

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You’re kidding right on McConnell and the convictions??

Also, funny I have been to many. Many parties on both my teen years and twenties and guess what? No rape was involved and somehow my penoss always stayed in my pants. This guy should be arrested and charged like the vile human he is. Can you imagine him next to your daughter or worse counseling your son (wow).

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Mark, 🎯 And there MUST be consequences! We need a Blue Congress to get there!

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No longer disguised. They're fully outed.

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Kavanaugh: What a privileged, dangerous, piece of shit.

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We have the right to demand impeachment of SCOTUS justices. I can think of at least 3 who have been operating with repeated serious, impeachable ethical violations. Our elected officials currently lack the courage to begin impeachment proceedings but we need to demand it from them anyway.

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Didn't AOC file articles of impeachment against 3 SCOTUS justices? Do you know what happened to that action?

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17 Republican Senators would need to vote for conviction, assuming a 50/50 party split. In no imaginable scenario would that happen. With Romney gone, at most 2 Republicans might vote for conviction…Sue and Lisa.

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The Taney Court (a tool of the southern oligarchs) was reshaped not by impeachment, but by changing the number of seats. Adding 4 would allow the court to reverse the corrupt rulings of the Roberts court.

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I would support that; wondered by Biden didn't do it during his term.

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Because of opposition to changing the rules for cloture (the filibuster) by Sens. Manchin and Sinema. With current rules, a 60 vote threshold must be met to pass legislation that the Democrats want and Republicans don’t. The Democrats have a faux majority…two members who do not care enough about the threat to democracy to go all in on changing those rules. This November, Manchin’s seat will go to a Republican, and Sinema’s looks like it will go to Ruben Gallego, a real Democrat. Tester in MT is a tossup, but races in Florida and Texas are within reach for the Democratic challengers. If Brown, Casey and Rosen are re-elected, Democrats may be able to keep their 50/50 majority, with VP Walz casting tiebreakers.

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Sue would only vote that way if she knew her "radical" opinion would get out-voted. Lisa actually has integrity.

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Who would we make our demands to? I wish “ordinary Americans “ had the power to do so but I don’t think there is a vehicle for such action. Meanwhile, our country goes backwards with the terrible SCOTUS we are strapped with. I could write my Republican rep but his “26 years in the military” nose is imbedded in trump’s rump!! No help there!!!

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We have to demand it at the ballot box. I know that's unsatisfying (to put it mildly) but it's what we have

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My opinion -- this new evidence is the responsibility of Attorney General Merrivk Garland, who should order the FBI to review all the evidence, including interviewing all of the witnesses on the list, plus any others who may come forward, and report to the President if a review of Kavanaugh's apparently flawed Senate confirmation is required. Meanwhile, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, should suspend Kavanaugh from the court until such time as the Senate can legally convene, hear the evidence, and either confirm or remove Kavanaugh from the court permanently.

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If Harris wins,I hope she replaces Wray. Thanks for shining a light on Kavanaugh.

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I also remember the details of this piece clearly. Many of us were outraged by Kavanaugh's confirmation. I'm glad you're bringing this to light again, Judd. But what can be done?

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Impeachment! He lied about his conduct in order to get the job. Starting the proceedings alone would spark an investigation into who is complicit, so that all can be held accountable.

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Simply outrageous contempt of Congress concerning one of the Senate’s most important Constitutional functions.

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Thank you for this reporting Judd. Sadly, exposing the corruption of Trump feels like emptying the ocean with a teaspoon. I just don't understand how he keeps rising again and again. It's amazing how just a few heroes keep scooping no matter how daunting the task.

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I saw this story. I read about it. I was angry and upset. But having read your piece, I realize that I have become numb to the outrages - too many to count and too heinous to be believable. But they're all true. And my blood is boiling. BLOODY HELL! THIS SHOULD BE FRONT PAGE HEADLINE NEWS IN PAPERS ACROSS THE COUNTY. The press is broken and we have find a way to fix it if we want to keep a democracy.

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The super-rich and GOP are grabbing for the brass ring of Total Fascist Power. They don't care about law or deaths or poverty or suffering, they only care about power. They know they will be swept from office in November, so they are destroying our chances of voting as fast as they can. And when Kamala wins, THEN COMES THE GOP MAGA COUP D'ETAT.

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I previously thought that the FBI was more independent of Whitehouse control than what I am now learning.

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White House, nor Whitehouse. Surely a typo.

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Haha….Yes, a typo! Not the senator from Rhode Island. Thank you for the correction.

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Maybe. Some bots comment from time to time.

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Another failure by Durbin, Garland and Biden. Durbin should have opened hearings in 2021 about the Kavanaugh scam. He surely knew it was bullshit when it happened, but his failure to use his power is a disgrace. Garland could have opened investigations into Kavanaugh, Thomas and Alito, they all wear their corruption on their sleeves. And Biden should have fired Wray immediately after taking office. But none of them wanted to look "political" so here we are, 4 years later, and once again Republicans who have no shame, are still running circles around them.

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Thank you for clarifying events surrounding the Kavanaugh fiasco, Judd. He is as despicable as the President who put his name forward, childish, entitled, and dangerous.

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Ya think it was bad the first time "Putin's Puppet" was in the White House? Ya ain't seen nottin yet.

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What’s our recourse?

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Practice contortion so that if Trump is elected people can bend over and kiss their behind goodby.

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