Royce White has dealt with depression and mental health issues for many years if you go back and look at stories from his playing days. This is not a stable person and the GOP is trying to use him like they used Herschel Walker. This doesn't excuse anything that he's said or written but he is not a healthy person and certainly should not be a candidate for the U.S. Senate.

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Thank you for telling the truth out loud… Royce belongs in long-term mental health treatment— not Congress.

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Yes, thank you for pointing out his mental health history. Apparently taking advantage of someone like Royce isn't beneath Bannon, Jones and the Republicans. Deplorable.

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Interesting. One of the ways to get out of being depressed is to become angry. Anger is depression's opposite. It sounds like Royce White has discovered the non-therapeutic way of dealing with his problems. If he wins a position in the Senate, he'll add chaos like we already see in the House of Representatives.

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Why isn't Alex Jones penniless and in prison?

Why isn't Steve Bannon in prison?

What the hell is happening?

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Steve Bannon must report to prison for his 4 month sentence next month I believe. As for the remainder of your comment?


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I live in MN and while White doesn't stand a chance against Klobuchar ( a moderate dem), it is disturbing and frightening that White received the nomination. MN has a caucus system and that means the most politically involved people are those that caucus and go to the state convention - so it's the frothing MAGA folks that showed up and White is the result. I sincerely hope your piece draws national attention to the MN GOP Congressional hypocrisy.

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Maybe ranked choice voting in the primaries would help?

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Absolutely! While many of us have advocated for it, it has yet to pass the legislature.

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Keep up the good fight.

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One would have thought that the grotesquery that is the republican party had already hit rock bottom evil, but now we have Royce White to prove us wrong. Democrats had better gird their lions and be prepared to stand up because these people are totally, violently, insane, and the Supreme Court is with them.

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Hello D.

Everyone knows what you meant.

Thanks for making me smile this morning. I'm gonna gird my lions too seeing as I'm a Leo (zodiac sign).

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At first, I thought maybe it was because I hadn't had coffee yet, but I'm pretty fastidious about spelling and think it may be the feared auto-correct. But thank you for smiling. Made me smile, too.

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Thanks for seeing the humorous side. You made my day with that.

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I've been spontaneously laughing out loud at myself all morning each time "girding their lions" pops into my head.

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A huge part of the religious right actually THINKS the Dems, and society in general, are girding the lions to attack all those poor persecuted Christians in the arenas.

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They want to BELIEVE that they're so very "special" and that we (in the secular/rational world) are all so envious of their "holiness" that we would martyr them all and more!

Perhaps serve up a side of christian with a nice fava bean.

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They should probably also gird their loins.

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Another Herschel Walker but far less accomplished? GOP sure likes to exploit these sad men.

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And you KNOW what the one thing that makes them "kind of important to the GOP" is.

The GOP wants them for that magical thing and these shameless hussies want in on that sweet sweet grift!

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A star athlete's prowess in his sport in no way guarantees political wisdom. Think about those who've gone off the map of human sense: Aaron Rogers, and Tommy Tuppperville, coach of a starring Alabama team. Then, remember Herschel Walker. When given a platform, they prove their ineptitude in politics and clear thinking. [Can't remember the name of the 3rd of the top NY Knicks who spoiled their chances to play and win because he refused to get a vaccine--against the covid pandemic.]

Thank you for revealing the Republican hypocrisy when it comes to arguing an important issue (Gaza-Palestine-Israel and genocide v anti-semeticism)--they reveal their lack of knowledge about issues they don't hesitate to proclaim with moral righteousness. They reveal the very opposite: no moral compass.

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You're referring to Kyrie Irving, Valerie. And get this; he's a "flat eather" too!


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Thank you! Kyrie should do some travelling...by boat or ship...out in the ocean. And, continue his education. I felt so badly for Kevin Duran during that stand-off.

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Naw. Travel won't do him any good.

He'd just double down on the notion that EVERYONE ELSE is WRONG except ME, ala Terrance Howard's claim that all math is wrong because 1 x 1 ACTUALLY = 2!

I mean, they have enough money to indulge whatever madness comes to mind.

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"Bannon has guided White's evolution from a Black Lives Matter protester to a MAGA Republican."

Obviously, this is quite the disturbed and disturbing man. He'll fit in perfectly with the other magats. This is why we must beat them at the polls. They are nuts and want to take us all down the rabbit-hole with them.

Alex Jones was right? My a**!

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Absolutely f’ing insane. I am so sick of this poison

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Bannon, the racist anti-Semite fascist with too much money and time on his hands (like all of his principal co-conspirators), is toying with White, and loving every minute of it. Bannon is a sick man playing a sick game. To him, it's fun. Psychopath. Pure evil.

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Bannon thinks he’s an Uber-Catholic.

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He's not alone.

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Royce White is a lunatic. Mental health red flags everywhere. Dude failed out of the NBA because he refused to fly on a plane. An actual crazy person being endorsed for a government position by the far-right. They are what they accuse the Jews of being. Power hungry sycophants who will never be happy and need more and more control.

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I do not believe that there are enough stupid people in Minnesota who will actually vote for this moron. He thinks because he used to be a pro basketball player that he’s some kind of ambassador for fair government and equality, and that's just not true.

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They elected Jesse Ventura as Governor so don't overlook the draw of celebrity.

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Yeah, Reagan too. For governor AND POTUS... UGH!

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He's running against Amy Klobuchar and has no chance. They picked him for the publicity he'll generate, even if it's negative.

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I believe, "stick it to the libs," is the phrase you're looking for. He wasn't a local celebrity, nor did he play for a local team. He may pick up a few black votes, but far more of the Republicans in rural areas won't vote for a black man, not that the current members of the Republican Party are capable of any of these types of calculations which require some understanding of the nature of OTHER humans besides themselves.

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Royce White is a trashy piece of work. Emmer knows he'll fit right it. He's ugly, and his Mom dresses him funny.

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Not holding my breath waiting for NYTimes, WaPo, CNN, etc., to pursue this story, press Republicans for responses; heck, why aren’t Democrats talking about this?

But, have you heard, polls show voters aren’t “excited” about Biden?

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...and voters are massively misinformed about the state of the economy. I wonder how that happened? Those media moguls really, really want their tax cuts (and don't believe that Trump will destroy them any time he chooses if he's returned to power).

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Another POS.

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All the reading I do on a daily basis leads me to believe that not only is my hair on fire, but my whole life is on fire. The quantity of people who support Donald and are willing to vote for him is unreal. With all the things we have read and seen falling out of his mouth, how can people still support him and his ideas for where this country's direction should head into? This to me is all too depressing. It's kind of like the republicans are waterboarding all of us till we pass out. Honestly, I wonder if these folks know what they are getting themselves into, "unified reich", jesus christ, stop the world I want off. We stopped this once a very long time ago, the American Revolution, to stop the Kings rule in this country, are these people lusting after a monarch? This scares the shit out of me to think that if this man and his minions take over, we are done. My family was housed and killed in the "camps", I will not go to their "camps".

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