I detest Marco Rubio, an unkind thing to say about the animal, but he is a scripture quotin' Weasel.

A pox on the US Chamber of Commerce.

Corporate America is waiting for the heat to die down. You have used propane to keep it hot. Keep it roasting.

Thanks for all you are doing, Judd.

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The anti-voting rights laws seem to be THE most important issue of the year because they will have a big impact on the 2022 midterms, which the GOP feels is theirs to win and take back both houses.

Thank you for keeping on this.

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Of course republicans are lying and whining about things that aren't true. What else is new? What's really sad is that there are still news outlets willing to publish these provable lies as fact. It's sickening to me that fake patriots like Marco Rubio claim to care about America. The line about not allowing toxic waste to be dumped in their districts really made me lol. Republicans are constantly doing this and apparently Marco thinks if he lies about enough, eventually people will believe him. Sadly, I think he's right.

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#retirerubio. he's constantly quoting the bible on twitter to try to resolve his guilt. The GQP would defund him in a heartbeat, he knows that, HE S the wrong flavor. LOL

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How can readers support efforts to provide this sort of information?

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Hi Proffedora. What a generous question. As Popular Information can be given as a gift, perhaps you could offer paid subscriptions to those in your circle\community?

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I have done that - but in these days of too much information, another blog/newsletter is not often appreciated. Isn’t there some organization that serves as a watchdog on corporate promises?

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Great question. Much deeper & wider accountability & transparency are needed. Hopefully any groups (in addition to Popular Information) doing this kind of work can keep getting louder.

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I have been doing lots of surveys on customer satisfaction. I let them know that I will be using their support for the GQP and the insurrectionist as to why I cannot recommend them to fellow consumers. I don t know where it will go but trying to do my part. Jan 6 th was like a 9/11 moment tp me and I want all of them punished to the fullest extent of the law.

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Inspirational 🙏

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Good work; great writing.

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Agree. I was hoping he'd write something about this, issue and, as usual, it's excellent work.

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I became a Patagonia devotee while getting my sustainable management bachelors. No company does more to internalize externalities and create an informed consumer base. Yvon Chouinard and his successor leaders have done more to advance sustainability than any other company, quietly twisting arms for decades. Not at all surprised they are the only company stepping all the way up and were the first to do it.

Great work, PI.

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Many thanks for this extra information about Yvon & Patagonia--love knowing this!

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Read his book “Let My People Go Surfing: Tales of a Reluctant Businessman”. He swears the reason for the success of the company is that he “never gave a shit how much money we made”. Anytime they realized a product was causing problems, they’d scrap it, even their most popular and profitable items, and make it right. Patagonia Works allows you to make donations locally at the grassroots level to affect policy near you as well.

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Judd - As usual, you make good points, and I applaud your inclination to hold people's feet to the fire. I am thinking, however, that there is an equally compelling way to make progress in separating Corporate America from the Lies of the republican Party, and that involves bringing attention to companies that are taking steps to make America better. I sent this list to you yesterday, and then heard Patagonia's CEO speak this morning at an Axios webinar, where he said that 'Our systems are cracking at the foundation.' We need to get that message out to the global community of business and start creating incentives for them to pay closer attention to voter suppression efforts and climate change indifference, not to mention social justice needs throughout the world and especially in the USA. Given your success at making an impact, any thoughts on how to bring attention to these efforts, celebrating them while you condemn hypocrisy could be a great way to make an even greater mark!

Here is the kinds of things we are referring to:

• AT&T has gone on record supporting any voting legislation that makes it easier to vote.

• American Airlines has actively resisted the proposed legislation in TX that would restrict voting access.

• Coca Cola came out against the new GA legislation that makes it harder to vote.

• Dell Computer has actively resisted the proposed legislation in TX that would restrict voting access.

• Delta airlines came out against the new GA legislation that makes it harder to vote.

• CA has banned state-funded business trips to other states deemed to discriminate against LGBTQ people.

• Comcast has committed $1B to provide broadband access to underprivileged people in the next 10 years, and was a sponsor of Renegades, the series with Bruce Springsteen and Barack Obama talking about life issues.


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Excellent, well organized, content-rich.

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Great, informative column. Thank you for calling out Patagonia as a company that's talking the talk and walking the walk for voting rights.

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Depressing but true.

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“Toxic nonsense” is an apt description of Republican rhetoric. It’s just more of the finger-pointing perfected by the Trump administration to deflect scrutiny that would reveal that the Republicans are the real offenders. Rubio is gearing up for 2024. It doesn’t matter what he says, as long as he maintains national visibility. So he doesn’t care that he revealed his inner weasel; his target demo doesn’t know the difference.

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