Thank you for continued clarity on what is really happening inside many organizations and pushing for the truth. There is a real rot inside much of the political parties and companies. It is frustrating, infuriating, and sad.

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I so appreciate your breaking down NRA/MAGA red-herring (and financial grifts) talking points, like School Shield, with the grim understanding that for the foreseeable future each phony argument dismantled will be replaced by another, like poison ivy. But we keep going. I also believe you (media) need to relentlessly dismantle the 2nd amendment grift that 18 year olds with weapons of war, or any violent criminals or disturbed individuals, somehow constitute a 'well-regulated' militia, and that the 2nd amendment, no matter how it is misinterpreted, reigns supreme over the rest of our rights. These have to be taken apart tweet by tweet, article by article, interview by interview. Keep doing the great work.

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The Economist also made a good point in an article this week: the GOP says mental health is the real problem (it's not), but then also won't fund Medicaid expansion in places like Texas.

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None of this surprises me, unfortunately. The NRA and its public face, the Republican Party, has long had as its goal to deflect and do anything other than address the real problem, which is the insane number of guns in our country and especially, the large number of weapons designed to kill in volume.

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I want to add that even while you do meticulous journalism, the Maga Republicans are just throwing crap against the wall as they bide their time for the real power grab in 2022 and 2024. This is not about the worthiness of our arguments or the lameness of theirs - it's about grabbing power. This is all more dire than many of us think, I believe.

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Vote them out!

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Can't help it but your comment reminds me of the unforgettable image of Trump throwing his dinner plate against the mantel or wall and bright red ketchup running down the white back ground. To combat what you describe, we need to elect people with integrity and the energy to act.

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It is truly amazing (and revealing) how Republicans struggle with ridiculous ideas on how to deal with guns in America but all to quick with “solutions” for abortion, “bad” books, and gender issues!

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NRA, Cruz's puffery is sham "thoughts and prayers" at its worst. Keep up the disclosures on their pitiful excuses and deflections. NRA is just another of the pathetic groups that are hollow, unlike their guns and ammo. Now please keep going after the real perps - the gun manufacturers; hope they get sued til they go broke.

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Ah, yes, more guns in schools. Exactly what we need. Thanks, NRA, good looking out.

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related, John Oliver spent his show talking about School Police last night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgwqQGvYt0g

Seems like, not only do School Police /not/ prevent shootings - there are all sorts of negative effects on the students themselves.

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How about inundating disgusting LaPierre with emails about his lies and despicable behavior?

Also, letters to the editor about NRA. I don’t see much written about them.

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The GQP just spent the better part of the last two years screaming from the rooftops that asking a child to wear a thin fabric mask was tantamount to the most unimaginable child abuse. But turning schools into glorified prisons - armed guards, metal detectors, bullet proof glass, active shooter drills - is apparently just fine for a child’s mental health. Example #172629 why no argument they make is ever in good faith.

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Hi Judd. Just want to start out with saying I love your newsletter and admire you for spreading truthful news and information in this age of dis-information and main-stream news outlets who are beholden to their corporate backed sponsors and advertisers. Your recent news about the NRA and their stance on school safety is heart-breaking and frustrates, angers and worries me about what type of future our country holds for my children and my children's children. Other countries (Australia, New Zealand, The United Kingdom and recently Canada) who have had mass shooting deaths occur have stepped up and passed laws to help protect their citizens while the United States continues to do nothing because one political party is so beholden to the NRA that nothing gets done. Even when that means that there will definitely be more mass shooting deaths of innocent children. Disgusting. If something isn't done to address these traumatic events that are occurring much more frequently and are slowly becoming normalized then I and my family will be leaving this country before it becomes even worse. What happened to common decency or for the respect of life? One always hears about "The right to bear arms". What about the right to live? The right to feel safe? The right to feel that your children will be safe when they attend school? I know this sounds like an echo but enough is enough.

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The right wing hates freedom and children. They love their guns so much that they aren't interested in passing any meaningful legislation. Laws exist for a reason. It's really pathetic that their response is always "laws won't stop a criminal from getting a gun". Oh really? Let's apply that same concept across the board then. Why have a murder charge in court? If someone wants to kill someone, they're going to do it anyway. That has to be the dumbest line of reasoning imaginable but they continue to do it. Lets just offer thoughts and prayers and watch elementary school children continue to get gunned down. I guess there's nothing that can be done.

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Wasn’t Lapierre under investigation by the IRS? Why isn’t he in jail?

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There will be nothing done until enough Republicans that are graded ‘A’ by the NRA are voted out of office. Until then, may as well piss up a rope!

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Talk of "hardening" our schools depresses me no end. I heard it yesterday from Lindsey Graham as well as Cruz, so it must come out of some flack's playbook. We're living in a highly complex society, and public schools are one place where we can make sure our kids learn academically and develop the skills they need to interact civilly. The more families home school, the less cohesion we will have going forward, but it frightens me that my grandchild has to risk automatic gunfire and Covid just to participate in what used to be one of the world's best education systems.

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Sugar doesn't cause diabetes. People do.

All the NRA pitch lines and arguments fall apart when you dissect them. Thank you for dissecting them!!! Time to dissect the 2nd Ammendment for its literal law.

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