The "Big Delete" fits the mindset of those who never felt loved and included when they were growing up. Mary Trump's father, Donald's popular older brother would include his little brother out of the generosity of his heart, even though D had no friends of his own. Elon Musk and Russell Vought were shunned by those close to them. Now they resent that our powerful government would go out of it's way to INCLUDE those disfavored in any way. Even when it comes to our beautiful blue planet Earth, these misfits cannot find it in their minds and hearts to love and care for our oceans, lands, and air quality.

I feel a sense that these rulings reflect the thinking of the vapid Vought, author of Project 2025. "Climate resilience" makes no sense--scientifically or factually. My term for decades has been ecological imbalance...the results of our ignorance and laziness.

[Recommend the documentary The Symphony of the Soil for important education about our "EARTH"]

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I just made a comment to Joseph Mangano on the same abused words ("climate resilience"). Talk about disingenuousness.

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I think you have given an accurate assessment of what their early years did to these men. They have the power to do much harm while they indulge themselves in revenge and destruction because blaming others is easier than looking inside yourself.

Being among those possessing obscene wealth seems to demand that one be perfectly blind to one’s shortcomings - at least for the less thoughtful but self confident among them.

It might be considered just a grown up temper tantrum if not for the risk to national security. It is past the time to start talking about this and what can be done because the danger is real. Frankly anyone who is not insane or a traitor would be protecting our lives not endangering them.

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Will watch that Valerie- thank you.

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Project 2025 is now being fully implemented. Unfortunately, millions of Americans won't even realize it until they feel the pain directly. Trump and his MAGA supporters have officially made America a banana republic and a sh***hole country. Where is this all going to end?

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In my past I worked for US Treasury Dept, US Customs & Border Patrol, Ministerial Division.

I got my job thru outreach from the EEOC (Equal Opportunity Employment Commission) after scoring 98+ on the Civil Service Exam. Without the intersession of the EEOC, I would have been passed over for the job and someone less qualified (reverse DEI hire?) would have been given the job.

While on the job I experienced racsim from some who felt that I was a DEI hire no matter what accumen I displayed. I was able to file a complaint based on workplace racism because while I was "allowed" on to the job those folks did their level best to stymie any of my attempts at advancement.

So today, I would not have been hired at all because my profile automatically violates the "list of banned words!" And the workplace racism would not, rather could not exist because the words racism and Black and inclusion and EEOC and fairness and equality have been erased, right? Right?

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I'd bet that your painful but courageous experience made you even wiser (the true meaning of "woke"--knowing what is going on beneath the the surface!

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And you KNOW that you are right Valerie! My supervisor was this wonderful Polish lady whom I revered until Harold Washington started his run for mayor of Chicago. During the final days of the (conflict) election, she wore an "Epstein, before it's too late" button to promote the opponent using racial tropes, to the workplace where she supervised nearly 50 Black women and 3-4 Black men.

We were all shocked by her blatant indifference and she had the nerve to be hurt and she admonished us for hurting her widdle feewings. Yes, I became "woke!" Because then it all made sense. She and others like her that I'd encountered in my 17 years ( I was 17 when I started that job) were only "nice" to me because they thought me inferior.

In that manner I learned how to determine hidden friend from hidden foe. Got's to stay WOKE ya know! And as we slide back down the hill we've been climbing backwards, discerning folks can see why one might need to stay woke!

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The change from "climate change" to "climate resilience" is galling on a number of levels. Not only is "climate change" already a distraction from the fact that the planet is getting warmer year after year, but "climate resilience" speaks to our ability to respond to and adapt to climate change. It's not a synonym.

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Or the term "climate resilience" falsely suggests that we don't need to do anything but ignore those GD tree huggers.

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Thought police.

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Joe- Most people use this word without literal meaning, but now orange felon, illegally occupying the WH as a Seditionist, is giving tyrannical orders that the military is complying with. This is derelict of duty. They are not protecting the Constitution. NSA is a branch of military.

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Yup. Our very own Stazi.

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This is crazy. NSA has tools to push back and throw sand in the gears— like, “removing word X will break laws about security access, which we are not allowed to do” or “we need to write a program to do that” or, or

The fact NSA is complying with idiocy and harming itself….

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If all of these categories of humans are now not recognized by the government, all these non-persons should stop paying taxes, picking up their litter, going the speed limit, or any number of ways we acknowledge our part in the whole. No longer a part of society, erased with the stroke of a pen and a push of a computer key, we gone. Fairly soon, the goal of "white people only" will be reached. But within that category there are all sorts of non-persons. The actual population of citizens is shrinking down to white Christian nationalists. That's gotta be a minority, right? Oh, I see, now the group that created this division and culling, gets to have the status of a protected group.

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That's exactly the goal :(

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Well it only took an additional 41 years for this Orwellian nightmare to emerge. On the list of words the last one hit me hardest: equality. That word is so deeply entrenched in my belief system where gender, religion and political orientation are the bedrock of what I hold dear. I just can’t believe we aren’t marching in the streets right now.

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For fuck's sake, the idea of Equality is the first idea expressed in the Declaration of Independence!

"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal ... "

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But not women…

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Yes, we can give the First Felon another nickname now: Big Brother.

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That would be Musk, not rTrump. rTrump was just Musk’s “tool” he used to take control.

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Project 2025 is going to erase America as we knew it for generations to come. Those generations may never know our real history good, bad or indifferent. All of these deletions will multiply into every facet of our lives as Project 2025 is just getting started and we haven't seen anything yet. In Germany 1934 when Hitler was given absolute power Nazis turned on Communists, Jews, Gypsies, Jehovah Witnesses and other groups, we saw how that turned out with mass eradication and a World War. In America, DEI and the groups associated are the target. How will that turn out, the same? Trump's already planning on taking Greenland, the Panama Canal and Canada. Dystopian nightmare in the once land of the free at the hands of Trump, Musk, Vought, etc and a hapless Congress that keeps fumbling their response.

Thank you Judd and team for this report.

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If a leader is a moronic idiot, can he command that those he “leads” be moronic idiots as well. Seems that we are being “lead” and reeducated by a cadre of moronic idiots. Enjoy Project 2025, it’s our Bible now. I’ll bet that the SC cretins have switched out already.

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How do you think they feel about ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION?

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It doesn't exist because the climate is "resilient!" Didn't you see the joint BP/Shell Oil study?

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George, environmental what?

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Big picture? We are living in a totally dystopian country. And, it was just three weeks ago today that trump was sworn in. As the trump-musk regime moves forward at breakneck speed with their recklessly illegal and unconstitutional moves, there is a rapidly decreasing chance of stopping them. Much of the damage is irreparable.

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It doesn't include the NSA, but Gov.Wayback is helping to streamline searching the Internet Archive for any given .gov site for a larger number of government sites: https://govwayback.com/

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As I read this article I thought of the way back machine and whether Trump/Musk and their minions will will be able to get to it, as it contains years and years of snapshots of web content. It is not government owned, I believe, but watch them try.

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Shhhhh. don't remind them.

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After years of accusing the Left of trying to erase them, the right-wing thought police are literally doing the same thing. The consequences are a bit different--hurt feelings vs. damage to the nation's ability to respond to critical threats.

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Every accusation with them is an admission.

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Xi and Putin took over our government without firing a single shot.

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Once upon a time, in the 50s and 60, we worried about the Russian tanks rolling into DC to take over; now it appears the tanks were superfluous.

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Is this the goal? China and Russia must be thrilled that we've killed USAID and are strangling the intelligence agencies.

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Of course. The GOP has become the POP - The Party Of Putin.

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