You have defined the danger of the popular support for Biden and I agree. We cannot trust any Republicans for anything, anytime. Their wealthy donors are pleased and anyone that can’t see through their fake concern for the people of this country is not seeing the reality and danger they pose.

We cannot afford another four years of this evil party. In fact the GOP should become extinct, like humanity will be if we don’t change our ways and get as far away from fossil fuels as possible.

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Welcome back; hope that you enjoyed your vacation!

Ah yes, the Republican "tax cut". I live in a blue state, and that "tax cut" resulted in a tax INCREASE for me. Not a lot, to be fair, but yes, I paid more in taxes in 2018 than I did in 2017, despite a flat income.

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The reductionist agenda of the GOP — essentially, serving the interests of Charles Koch and his buddies in return for campaign contributions and other goodies — is sustained, as you emphasize, by the party’s courting of the vote of an American tribe. The members of the tribe see themselves as members, and they regard tribal membership as the most authentic Americanism. They are white. They overwhelmingly embrace some form of fundamentalist Christianity. They live mostly in rural areas or towns or smaller cities. They are concentrated in the states of the old confederacy, but can be found in all regions of the country. They are insular. They regard with suspicion the so-called coastal elites. And they have no inclination and feel no obligation to incorporate people not like themselves into American society.

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Rich people telling middle income people that poor people are to blame, e.g., immigrants.

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“...what really matters to the GOP: tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy.” Exactly. Now juxtapose that with 1 Timothy 6:10: “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil,” and it’s easy to see why we are where we are.

I’m convicted that we must initiate a base-wide challenge to Republican Christians with that specific verse. And hope (and pray) that they have ‘ears for hearing.’

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This story merely reiterates that Republicans have become the party of the sleaze bag corporate lackey with 30 pieces of silver lining their pockets. What the real thrust of the story is how Biden is the wrong guy for the job to beat Trump. Even if he wins he is on a slippery slope sliding down into the sticky trap of Republicanism. Did he not learn anything in the last six years of Barack Obama's presidency? Obama could have been a great president for so many other reasons besides a tenuous health care program and being a scandal-free president. Biden should smile warmly but simmer underneath, then I might respect him. Go Elizabeth Warren.

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....a republican tale since Lincoln was killed.

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