And what about the lupus patients who had severe exacerbation sand were unable to get the meds they needed because the VA and some MDs were hoarding hydroxychloroquine. I only know about a friend of a friend, but my guess is that there are many of these people out there.

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His supporters don't care, and I've realized that they don't care about anything (other than seeing him get re-elected). Every negative story about him is fake. Every idiotic pronouncement by him or someone on his behalf is something that was "taken out of context". Etc., etc. Nothing matters to them because like all cult members, they are completely brainwashed into thinking that he is infallible.

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All the more reason for journalism like this.

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Thank you for shedding light on yet another trump horror show.

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Trump doesn’t seem to even be aware he’s largely killing off his own supporters (or family members of his supporters) in a desperate attempt to avoid having to admit he was wrong again. But underlying that I have to wonder if there hasn’t been an even more nefarious motive for all this... to reduce the population most reliant on Social Security and Medicare. As wild & conspiratorial as the very thought sounds, I just can’t get the possibility of it out of my mind.

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Wow! Thanks for this Judd. It’s absolutely shocking, and factual.

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Do you know which drug Trump's doctors did NOT administer to him to treat Covid-19? This one. My heart goes out to our vets who were treated with hydroxychloroquine. Vote him out.

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