Timothy Mellon deserves to be famous for his cruel and inhumane use of his inherited wealth. I had just looked up his history when he was reported as the largest Trump donor yesterday. How nasty to resent that anyone receive any unearned benefits after he has inherited uncounted billions without having worked for anyone or anything except to promote his own prejudices--the usual racist, homophobic, classist bigot. His primary drive is to be anti the Democrat party, the group that has all the true Christian values: to care for the poor, the needy, those in prison, etc.

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Well, if programs & policies to assist low income people especially minorities are a form of slavery … What are the programs & policies that assist billionaire$ in accumulating / retaining their wealth and influence? It require lots of their time, shenanigans and funding to keep those perks coming.

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It's the Democratic party, not the Democrat party.

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Stop. If that is all you have to add to this topic, then you are part of the problem.

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So you blocked me. LoL. I rest my case.

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Guy who inherited billions complaining about WIC and welfare recipients. It's pathological with these billionaires

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I’ll wager $100 he pays zero taxes.

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He gets the frosting while others get razor thin cake.

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Always great to read about another angry, resentful billionaire; especially one who inherited his money.

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There should be a special tax on people like him, just because.

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Love that he inherited his wealth but is so vehemently opposed to people getting “hand outs.” Think of how much good he could have done with all that money.

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In breeding will do that.

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Every dollar he has is a dollar contributed by the people. It's OUR money. In his case, a 90% tax bill sounds about right. Maybe a little too low.

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Amen, amen, amen! but that would benefit someone else besides himself and his billionaire cronies. Can’t have that!

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His wealth is a handout, hands down.

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Timothy Mellon is an example of why the USA should have huge death taxes on the super wealthy and huge taxes on inherited wealth over 5 million. He is an example of just how VILE one person can be. Or we could simply at death burn the body with all one’s worldly possessions Viking style.

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The US used to have high inheritance taxes, and Timothy Mellon’s grandfather got rid of them. (Anthony Mellon was Secretary of the Treasury for a long time.)

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Burn the body, but retain the money. The people paid for it and need it back.

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Precious 🙄 So a billionaire heiress who I assume has never worked a real job in his whole life is now telling us how to live (or rather submit?)

Thanks Judd, for again exposing the underbelly of the American Plutocracy 😳

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'Heiress'. I like that.

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So he's ultra-conservative and a troll. I wonder if he's friends with Elon.

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I wish these inheritors-of-everything who know the value of nothing had the power to educate themselves.

I highly recommend the book “Poverty, By America” to anyone who hasn’t read it (especially rich people who think poor people are the ones getting all the assistance).

This guys sounds like a big part of the problem that is our unequal culture and a great example of why no one should be that rich.

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Billionaires should not exist. Period. They're all sociopaths.

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Chris, It is more absurd than people realize to let any one human have a $billion. Multi-billions is sheer insanity!

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Tax these nepo baby billionaires back to the stone age, I say.

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Over 100 million dollars donated to campaigns in just this election cycle. And billionaires complain about being taxed and are happy to destroy our democracy to protect their wealth. Can you imagine how much money he still has? And he did nothing to earn or acquire that wealth, except hoard it. Get real people. This is where YOUR money goes every time you buy something. That little sliver of profit in each purchase. It flows penny by penny into the great ocean of retained and untaxed profits and capital. YOU paid for it. It's YOUR money. So think about that when the subject of taxation comes up. YOU have already paid the taxes of the rich, only they refuse to pay it back to your government.

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Saturday July 13th and Sunday July 14th


- Personal residences of the 6 Supreme Court Justices who just made one of the most disgusting, disgraceful, detestable decisions in the history of the United States of America.

- And the National Mall in Washington, DC

No Kings or Queens in America!

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It says much about the country’s political circumstances that Mellon, an 81-year old billionaire thanks to inherited wealth, is free to use his time and resources to undermine the interests and security of his fellow citizens, while Biden, an 81-year old public servant who has spent the past 3 plus years rescuing the nation’s economy and organizing a international struggle against Russian aggression, is having to endure merciless attacks from “friends” & foe because he was a bit bewildered about how to respond to a flood of untruths from a pathological liar in a “debate” that never should have happened.

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I heard that Miriam Adelson is also planning to give $100 million to Trump-related funding conduits.

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Adelson’s widow was reported here in Vegas to say she wants Gaza annexed in exchange for pumping cash into the campaign to install Putin’s nuke trafficking mule.

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Not Gaza. The West Bank.

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Thank-you for that!

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Remember folks, money is "free speech". Unless & until we put some sort of limit on how much can be donated to one person, campaign & PAC we are going to see this happen again and again. The ultra wealthy's "free speech" is going to continue to override the majority of Americans "free speech" right's as 99% of Americans do not have this kind of money to donate to a person, campaign or PAC.

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A Perfect candidate for Trump's VP...2 birds of a feather...further defining the "Ugly American profile"

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