It's not just Christianity, but a particular strand of Christianity that isn't shared by a majority of people who profess Christian beliefs. How is that different that radical Wahabists who have spent years coopting Islam and twisting its perception into an unrecognizable and violent religion.

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It isn't. They'll be burning witches in 10 years or less if left unchecked. As the economy burns down, scapegoats will be found!

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Exactly. And christian nationalism will do the same.

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It is clear that the separation of church and State is established law. I have belonged to Americans United for Separation of Church and State for many years. I suggest that all of us support and join one of the many organizations that believe that this is established Constitutional law and will take that fight to court and challenge this insanity. We must fight this take over by Christians trying to pervert and destroy a basic tenant of our law. Don’t let this happen!

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It’s too late. The Constitution has been ripped to shreds but the six “Supremes.” Evangelical White Christianity is now controlling what is taught in our taxpayer funded, mostly private, schools.

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For me, the phrase "it's too late" translates to acceptance or, as Timothy Snyder says, "acceptance in advance." The far right 'Christians' (I use this phrase loosely) want exactly this...us giving up. I and many others can't and won't do that.

We each have a right to our own religious beliefs.

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I didn't mean to suggest I'm giving up. Not now, not ever. I simply meant that the Constitution has been "thrown under the bus" so we have to fight and scratch and take back our country and put into place a Supreme Court that will reverse all the decisions made by these facists. I also realize it won't be easy because of the damage that has already been done to the Constitution and soon the Federal agencies created to support it. This will be a long hard fight.

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The claim in MSM that the left "dominates culture" exemplifies how far right the Overton Window has shifted since the 1980's. Right wing propaganda platforms control much of MSM while the rest normalizes propaganda & authoritarianism with "journalistic” both siderism. Reagan could never win a primary in today's GOP; Rockefeller Republicans would be considered lefty socialists, & conservatives like Liz Cheney are threatened with Trump firing squads.

As Prof Noah Smith stated: "If you believe that individual human freedom and dignity are paramount, you’re now facing a world that wants to crush your ideals and enslave you to the will of various authoritarians. In America you’re watching powerlessly as Trump remakes the country’s institutions, while in Eurasia you’re warily eyeing the suddenly unchecked power of China and Russia.” https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/20/opinion/democrats-left-center-trump.html?smid=url-share

Comparing economic, health & educational stats in red vs blue states, I thought the choice was easy…

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Reagan would be proud of the MAGA Republicans. It is his beliefs that fueled the take-over of government by those who hate by being a liar and a hypocrite. Liz maybe against Trump, but she is against many of the same things Trump is against...Abortion, LGBTQ rights, and For Big Business/fewer safe guards for workers and consumers. Same as Reagan.

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Suggestion: check out (Canadian) Diane Francis's substack--she's an expert on Putin and Russia, acclaimed by Anne Appelbaum.

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Judd, Always leading! Great Reporting!

A Firm Warning…

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That orange traitor has never been in a church or synagogue or any other place of worship unless there was 'something in it for him'. He is amoral and an outright despicable human.

Teaching any religion in our public schools is simply unconstitutional, for anyone who actually adheres to our Constitution. It's amazing how the right wingnuts accept the rights granted by the first amendment that they like and disregard the rest. They can all go to the version of hell they don't like.

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Celeste, "for anyone who actually adheres to our Constitution." - SCOTUS has become the workaround. The decisions of the last 24 years demonstrate that.

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We face a disaster of a future. I'm hoping there are enough good Americans out there with clout that will help us have fair elections in 2026. It is our only chance.

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Hoping for decent Americans AND some kind of reckoning. If the Mango Menace manages to quickly tank the economy and create disruption, perhaps enough voters will be awakened to the threat he and his minions pose to us and will vote accordingly in the midterms. My concern is it may take a bit longer to recognize the recklessness and destruction drumpf creates, and they'll wait until the next presidential election by which time undoing the damage becomes a gargantuan task. That's only if Americans throw him and his team of sycophants out. 🫰

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It seems to me that the harm to the working class may be enough to encourage voters to get rid of some of those in the House of Reps that enable the damage. The Senate, too. I hope so.

It is clear, though, that we need a clean sweep of politicians who are only in it for wealth and power, and that includes Democrats. That is the important message I am conveying to all young folks I talk to...the need to run for office.

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It won’t be anything like the actual Christianity with which most followers of that faith are familiar .

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It will be the dystopian version of christiandom promoted by psychotics. Ever seen Kenneth Copeland in action? Woo Charlie!


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Only in video snips that are about ridicule of him for his prosperity ideology. Isn’t he the one who has a religious justification for private jets?

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Yep. That's the holy miscreant!

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Do you refer to Catholics and Evangelicals who voted for Trump because of Abortion, overlooking the squalor that envelops Trump's brand of Christianity. All Christians who voted for Trump endorsed his Hate.

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My faith is Catholic and foremost in this tradition is that we form our own consciences. Many, perhaps most Catholics, have what is called a consistent ethic of life that includes women’s lives. I won’t belabor this issue, but the “mass deportations now” agenda still shakes me. My current struggle is how to forgive people who voted for this—if that’s what they voted for.

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So be it. These hateful MOFOs just plain suck. Fuccabee or whatever that schister’s name is along with his freak daughter in Arkansas. No more understanding/empathy for these shitbags.

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> Last week, Walters sent an email to school officials instructing them to show a video announcing his new Office of Religious Liberty and Patriotism to all students. “For too long in this country, we’ve seen the radical left attack individuals' religious liberty in our schools,”

This is some Hitleresque shit right here. Do these so-called educators not remember the Hitler Youth Program? This "Office of Religious Liberty and Patriotism" wants to be the same program by a different name. Absolutely disgusting.

I'll ask again -- why can't religious people teach their children religion in their own homes and in their own houses of worship. Why must the schools bear this burden, and why must the rest of us be subjected to their brand of religious dogma?

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Christian extremists want the battle about Christian instruction, symbols, scripture in schools to get to SCOTUS. They hope the 6 extremists on the court will rule in their favor despite the clear violation of the Constitution. Those 6 have found pernicious ways to twist law that undermine any fairness. Justice's scales are being tipped.

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I’ve always been critical of organized religion, ever since as a child I became aware of how it’s used to divide people rather than bring them together. But the older I get, the more agnostic — dare I say bordering on atheistic? — I become. I’m sad to say, religion is far more likely to be used as a tool for evil than good.

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Hate to tell these legislators but pushing religious doctrine down the throats of young children who likely have parents who aren't religious is a waste of time. Suggest modeling love, kindness and respect for other's beliefs would be a much easier and effective route.

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An effective route to what end? The whole platform is centered around the decline in religious followers and the false notion that the decline in religion in the classroom is the cause for the "decline" in societal values.

These legislators don't care about raising well-adjusted, critically thinking adults. They care simply about their views dominating all others because it ultimately gives them power. That's it. That's the point.

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They don’t want peace, love, happiness, and understanding. They want divisive hate because they use it as a distraction and laugh all the way to the bank. They get richer and richer and richer. And really that’s what it’s all about because they are exempt from any natural disaster and Impact on abortion because they can get on a plane and fly to Canada or wherever

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Religion has a social role in society for marking transitional events in life, and the ten commandments, despite being a wee bit inaccurate in translation, are helpful in guiding moral actions, but as we can see from various Trump nominations, are not a sure guide....IMHO, religion has no role to play in government. More people are choosing to be non-affiliated so this kind of thing is kind of a desperate rear-guard action by increasingly unnecessary pastors and their associates to remain relevant and employed. I think they should go back to school and get counseling degrees so they can help people with mental issues. (All assuming that they are sincere in wanting to help people.)

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Absolutely no role in government! For the people by the people actually f’n means something!

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Yes and again a story that needs amplifying in all our media. Also the “ORIGINALISTS” on the Supreme Court will have to weigh in on this at some point. They may also have to weigh on the “advise and CONSENT” provision of the constitution. Also I think I read that Vance said that Trump deserves a Cabinet that is loyal to him. Isn’t the idea that they swear to be loyal to the constitution.

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tRump has made it very clear that the Constitution is something to work around, not a document to be utilized. He is only worried about loyalty to him, especially since he sees the "non-loyalists" as his downfall in 2020.

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Enforcing ignorance is the only way these people stay in power. Besides rape and sexual assault (looking at Trump's cabinet.) And I'm a Christian. But I believe God gave us brains and expects us to use them.

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In the early mid 1980's I happened upon Senator Ben Cardin on the city sidewalk in front of the offices of the alternative Baltimore City Paper. Because of some of the religious issues happening at the time in the Middle East and here, I asked him if he had any concerns about the overt and punishing religious control of some countries over it's citizenry and the potential 'Khomeinification' of our country. (I use the term Talibanification of our country these days). Senator Cardin responded with such a look of horror that I would even ask or suggest such a thing, but here we are, in America, right NOW.

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I remember starting the public school day in the mid to late 50’s with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lord’s Prayer. I noticed that the girl in the desk beside me didn’t say the prayer. I felt bad for her, because she was obviously terribly stressed and uncomfortable, but trying not to attract attention. At the time, I thought maybe she just didn’t know the prayer. Later, I realized she was Jewish. Anyone can pray in school any time they want…as a lot of us who have taken tests we weren’t prepared for know! But insisting that someone of another religion or no religion participate is coercive, disrespectful, and abusive. Public schools are not the place for religious education.

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