Last Friday, AT&T quietly published an extraordinary document. For the first time ever, the company released a "political congruency report." The report, which covers the year 2022, looks at the "[s]tate and federal elected officials to whom AT&T or its Employee PACs have made political contributions" and compares the "voting record" of these officials "to the Company's stance."
Agree. This terrible ruling by the Supreme Court, which is the Industrialist-Koch family’s crowning achievement, is responsible for the degradation of freedoms in the US. Question is, will these Robber Barons finally succeed?
A non-profit labir union is not a private entitie. It is an organization run by the members, for the protection and benefit of the members. I've volunteered serv ice to my union for nearly sixty years - I belong to SAG and AFTRA, now SAG AFTRA. I benefit from a pension and health coverage, based on my earnings over the years. I totallys upport labor unions, and wish they had a stronger place in our society. They are coming back though. of late.
Labor unions are general 501 (c) (5) corporations. That is a private non-profit entity.
Labor unions are stupid and destructive wage extortion groups, but I have no problem with their right to exist. We are talking about eliminating their ability to fund political campaigns and actions. That was the point with Citizens United allowing private corporations to contribute to political campaigns and actions.
Thank you for revealing the details of how AT&T operates with duplicity. Is there a successful large corporation that does not put profit above human and civil rights?
My question leads me (down the rabbit hole) to questioning the power of the NRA and their ability to fund Ted Cruz and other despicable Republicans to victory. Meanwhile I appreciate that AT&T is made to face it's deceit with numbers that don't lie. Only this kind of exposure can lead to the changes that will truly benefit humanity.
LOL. This is a fascist rumination. You want the state to control the corporation for political purposes over its only reason for existence which is to earn a profit.
Frank, I suggest you read this piece again and try to pay attention before hoisting the fascist flag. Nowhere does Judd suggest the “state” take control of any corporation. The topic was more about ATT saying one thing and doing another, much like most billion dollar companies.
A corporation is a legal fiction made possible only by the government chartering it. Revoke corporate charters so those who profit from them can not shirk responsibility for the harm they cause, or pipe down about "gubamint"
This reflects our continued embrace of capitalism with the bottom line always being the priority. It's probably true for most American corporations. Many of us, especially those of us who are retired, are probably invested in these corporations through our mutual funds, if not directly with stocks. We are all culpable for these kinds of anti-human, anti-climate change stances, if we are benefiting from their capitalistic efforts. As long as consumerism reigns, and profit is the ultimate motive, what has been revealed here, although unsurprising, will be the case. As a society we would need to change how our economy functions radically, before this kind of thing isn't the 'norm'. At the very least, we would need to change our goal from "growth" to sustainable and we need an overhaul of our taxation policies.
I have a really good fable that I developed about the birth of Capitalism. It was one of the evil things that developed after Adam and Eve were tossed out of Eden and why the first "recorded" murder took place. Cain slew Abel because he was jealous Abel was doing better. Flash forward through Milennia and plenty more have died as economics drove wars, colonialism, slavery, poverty, religious dogma,and oppression, etc.
Greed after all is named as one of the 7 deadly sins. Greed is the driver of Capitalism. AT&T is a great example of both.
And have any of those alternatives lasted longer than a decade?
Socialism works on a modified basis but even that seems to work best in countries with a monoculture.
Socialism requires a great deal of societal trust and most multiethnic societies lack that.
Capitalism works because it is personally beneficial to the individual and it's scalable. It does NOT require everyone to be rational long term. It doesn't even require everyone to believe in the system.
It is based on our worst instincts. That's WHY it works.
Any successful replacement would need that but most of the suggested replacements require true believers who lean toward sainthood.
What I think works better is breaking up monopolies and making natural monopolies like utilities into highly regulated entities.
Monopolies kill successful capitalism and we've known that since at least Adam Smith. And they concentrate wealth and political power into fewer hands.
I repeat, poorly regulated capitalism is a rigged game. A major responsibility of government is to protect its citizens from the wolves of Wall Street and soulless corporations and the political clout of their money. When conservatives decry “too much regulation”, what they really mean is that “We want a rigged game.”
Thanks for the tip. I know there are several people who've been offering alternative ways to organize economies that are much more fair, and far less destructive.
Great reporting, Judd. Thank you. I left AT&T back when you first reported on it's hypocrisy in donating to right-wingers while running ads that showed support for women's rights, the LGBTQ community, etc. They don't make it easy to leave, but reading today's piece made me glad I did it. I wonder what the shareholders will make of the report.
From my interactions with the political advisors/lobbyists in two pharma companies, it was very plain that their calculus was values-free; aimed solely at influence to protect them legally and maximize profit. PR's job was then to spin any coincidental positive social outcomes of those donations as intentional. So this report, which I'm so glad you highlight Judd, is a ripple in that pond, at least a window. Alas, it is purely, only, and completely about money for U.S. corporations, which is why we are %$*#ed.
Hasn’t it always been about just money for these American Companies? I don’t understand why some of their pie can’t go to supporting the people who make the Country productive.
I'm an unwilling customer of AT&T because I prefer a landline over insecure mobile, and for safety reasons, but I really wish they weren't such cowards.
Every large corporation should be required to release such a report annually. I heartily applaud the AT&T stockholders who voted for it. I see these contributions as part of the "dark money" that flourishes around elections. And money, as always, speaks louder than words. Thanks for digging up this information.
An incredibly important report from your consistently well-researched and communicated work. I personally believe that AT&T is on a course for bankruptcy, but the more important issue is that greed trumps responsibility everywhere. Please do more to remind our voters that greed, evidenced by corporate abuse of inflation cycles to increase their profits with share buybacks and executive compensation has done more to damage the public's understanding of inflation, blaming Biden instead of greed. See today's Robert Hubbell's Substack report.
Just read a sordid history of SBC and AT&T on Wikipedia. The acquisitions and debt accumulation are staggering. Their political donation practice is equally sordid and complex. Thanks for watching them, Judd.
Until the Supreme Court is expanded and tackles Citizens United and political gerrymandering our small grassroots political contributions need to fuel a blue wave and every race must be contested.
Stay tuned: the City Council in San Antonio, TX recently amended their contract for installation of broad band. It excluded AT&T. Some Union folks were upset because AT&T does have some Union members. Did they know this information last week? Thanks for update.
Citizens United must go.
Agree. This terrible ruling by the Supreme Court, which is the Industrialist-Koch family’s crowning achievement, is responsible for the degradation of freedoms in the US. Question is, will these Robber Barons finally succeed?
This would hurt Democrats more. But I am good with that as long as we also prevent non-profit labor unions from the same.
What harm to non-profit labor unions do to Democrats?
The point is private entities corrupting the democratic process with their money and lobbyists.
A non-profit labir union is not a private entitie. It is an organization run by the members, for the protection and benefit of the members. I've volunteered serv ice to my union for nearly sixty years - I belong to SAG and AFTRA, now SAG AFTRA. I benefit from a pension and health coverage, based on my earnings over the years. I totallys upport labor unions, and wish they had a stronger place in our society. They are coming back though. of late.
Uh well, no.
Labor unions are general 501 (c) (5) corporations. That is a private non-profit entity.
Labor unions are stupid and destructive wage extortion groups, but I have no problem with their right to exist. We are talking about eliminating their ability to fund political campaigns and actions. That was the point with Citizens United allowing private corporations to contribute to political campaigns and actions.
They need to instead have the following rules applied.
Thank you for revealing the details of how AT&T operates with duplicity. Is there a successful large corporation that does not put profit above human and civil rights?
My question leads me (down the rabbit hole) to questioning the power of the NRA and their ability to fund Ted Cruz and other despicable Republicans to victory. Meanwhile I appreciate that AT&T is made to face it's deceit with numbers that don't lie. Only this kind of exposure can lead to the changes that will truly benefit humanity.
LOL. This is a fascist rumination. You want the state to control the corporation for political purposes over its only reason for existence which is to earn a profit.
Frank, I suggest you read this piece again and try to pay attention before hoisting the fascist flag. Nowhere does Judd suggest the “state” take control of any corporation. The topic was more about ATT saying one thing and doing another, much like most billion dollar companies.
A corporation is a legal fiction made possible only by the government chartering it. Revoke corporate charters so those who profit from them can not shirk responsibility for the harm they cause, or pipe down about "gubamint"
Everyone should post the link to this story on AT&T’s social media pages.
Does it even have a social media page?
They are on Facebook
This reflects our continued embrace of capitalism with the bottom line always being the priority. It's probably true for most American corporations. Many of us, especially those of us who are retired, are probably invested in these corporations through our mutual funds, if not directly with stocks. We are all culpable for these kinds of anti-human, anti-climate change stances, if we are benefiting from their capitalistic efforts. As long as consumerism reigns, and profit is the ultimate motive, what has been revealed here, although unsurprising, will be the case. As a society we would need to change how our economy functions radically, before this kind of thing isn't the 'norm'. At the very least, we would need to change our goal from "growth" to sustainable and we need an overhaul of our taxation policies.
Yes, yes, yes & finally... yes! You, J.Nol are entirely, absolutely correct.
Shout it from the roof-tops dammit!
I have a really good fable that I developed about the birth of Capitalism. It was one of the evil things that developed after Adam and Eve were tossed out of Eden and why the first "recorded" murder took place. Cain slew Abel because he was jealous Abel was doing better. Flash forward through Milennia and plenty more have died as economics drove wars, colonialism, slavery, poverty, religious dogma,and oppression, etc.
Greed after all is named as one of the 7 deadly sins. Greed is the driver of Capitalism. AT&T is a great example of both.
And have any of those alternatives lasted longer than a decade?
Socialism works on a modified basis but even that seems to work best in countries with a monoculture.
Socialism requires a great deal of societal trust and most multiethnic societies lack that.
Capitalism works because it is personally beneficial to the individual and it's scalable. It does NOT require everyone to be rational long term. It doesn't even require everyone to believe in the system.
It is based on our worst instincts. That's WHY it works.
Any successful replacement would need that but most of the suggested replacements require true believers who lean toward sainthood.
What I think works better is breaking up monopolies and making natural monopolies like utilities into highly regulated entities.
Monopolies kill successful capitalism and we've known that since at least Adam Smith. And they concentrate wealth and political power into fewer hands.
I repeat, poorly regulated capitalism is a rigged game. A major responsibility of government is to protect its citizens from the wolves of Wall Street and soulless corporations and the political clout of their money. When conservatives decry “too much regulation”, what they really mean is that “We want a rigged game.”
We should have as a country learned that lesson after the 1880s -- the 1920s -- the 1980s and 2008.
Apparently, tens of millions of voters are not good learners else the 2024 elections would not be close.
I think author Jack Ewing has some good ideas. “Read Monkeys Are Made of Chocolate”.
Thanks for the tip. I know there are several people who've been offering alternative ways to organize economies that are much more fair, and far less destructive.
Considering the cherry picking described, AT&T's self-reporting seems barely better than nothing.
But what little is included is damnable enough for a better informed Wednesday morning cup of coffee. Thanks PopInfo Gang!
Great reporting, Judd. Thank you. I left AT&T back when you first reported on it's hypocrisy in donating to right-wingers while running ads that showed support for women's rights, the LGBTQ community, etc. They don't make it easy to leave, but reading today's piece made me glad I did it. I wonder what the shareholders will make of the report.
From my interactions with the political advisors/lobbyists in two pharma companies, it was very plain that their calculus was values-free; aimed solely at influence to protect them legally and maximize profit. PR's job was then to spin any coincidental positive social outcomes of those donations as intentional. So this report, which I'm so glad you highlight Judd, is a ripple in that pond, at least a window. Alas, it is purely, only, and completely about money for U.S. corporations, which is why we are %$*#ed.
Hasn’t it always been about just money for these American Companies? I don’t understand why some of their pie can’t go to supporting the people who make the Country productive.
I'm an unwilling customer of AT&T because I prefer a landline over insecure mobile, and for safety reasons, but I really wish they weren't such cowards.
Post a link to this story on their social media pages, stating that you are a customer.
Pressure from shareholders can make a difference. Pressure from great journalism does as well. WTG Judd and Popular Information. Thank you!
AT&T: Even our meager attempts at transparency are not all that transparent.
Every large corporation should be required to release such a report annually. I heartily applaud the AT&T stockholders who voted for it. I see these contributions as part of the "dark money" that flourishes around elections. And money, as always, speaks louder than words. Thanks for digging up this information.
An incredibly important report from your consistently well-researched and communicated work. I personally believe that AT&T is on a course for bankruptcy, but the more important issue is that greed trumps responsibility everywhere. Please do more to remind our voters that greed, evidenced by corporate abuse of inflation cycles to increase their profits with share buybacks and executive compensation has done more to damage the public's understanding of inflation, blaming Biden instead of greed. See today's Robert Hubbell's Substack report.
Just read a sordid history of SBC and AT&T on Wikipedia. The acquisitions and debt accumulation are staggering. Their political donation practice is equally sordid and complex. Thanks for watching them, Judd.
Until the Supreme Court is expanded and tackles Citizens United and political gerrymandering our small grassroots political contributions need to fuel a blue wave and every race must be contested.
Stay tuned: the City Council in San Antonio, TX recently amended their contract for installation of broad band. It excluded AT&T. Some Union folks were upset because AT&T does have some Union members. Did they know this information last week? Thanks for update.
AT&T is an awful company. One of the easiest political acts any American can take is just to change carriers if at all possible-- AND TELL THEM WHY.