Not just magically FB. It is a corrupt control mechanism first started in funds contributed to state campaigns then to campaigns all over the US from guys like the Koch Bros. It had seeped into everything. That tax cut for the 1% and corps, Paying off Brent Kavanaugh's debts, fixing the Fed. Judgeships. Foreign interference. Gerrymandering Districts. Drop kicking house passed legislation by Moscow Mitch instead of bringing in to Senate. It's an organized takeover. FB hits the millions of people who vote on an almost constant basis. Now the controlling tentacles in FB since 2016 election are in Twitter, too. Jack is as culpable as Zuck. If I Tweeted the crap Trump does, my account would be suspended. And worst of all, The MSM owned by 1% does nothing.

Thank God for journalists like Judd. But is it too late? We are in serious and troubled times!

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Thank you Judd for all you do!

2015 is when I first tried to debunk so much on FB. I literally could not keep up with the rest of my life and the pet shelter I run. I haven't really been on since. Except for the passing of my 16 year old grandson in May to fundraise for one of his favorite causes canines for soldiers..because you know everybody puts everything on Facebook we had no choice.

I need to download the pictures before I delete.

It is such b******* I got so tired of trying to convince everyone they were believing BS. Sad State of affairs.

we need people in office who will regulate and or take them down.

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This is so important. How can we combat this kind of insidious influence as private citizens?

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I think the best thing we can do is get this news out to all our friends, relatives and acquaintances. Everyone needs to know and likewise share this information. Judd has gotten some amazing notice from the MSM on this issue, but we need to amplify his voice as loud as we can!

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Facebook better pray Elizabeth Warren doesn't become POTUS.

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Your best yet Judd! Keep going. We need to get this out there.

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