There is no depth to which Fox News, Jim Jordan, et als., will not sink. The irony of Jordan, who helped cover up years of abuse at Ohio State University, denying it again here is not lost on me. I would say that the voters of Ohio deserve better than him, but they've sent him back to the House of Representatives in every election since 2006. So, maybe they don't.

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I was surprised to see such a false accusation in the Wall Street Journal., “An Abortion Story Too Good To Confirm” by the Editorial Board implying that Biden “told a tale of a 10-year old rape victim that no one can identify” was a fabrication. Now I know the true ugly story. The Murdochs, old Rupert who is in divorce proceedings with Jerry Hall, and Lachlan, the son, who is also busy helping extricate Daddy from his marriage, are awful people. They are part of the evil that besets the Republican Party.. Their newspapers, the New York Post and the WSJ and Fox are rags for the far right. That WSJ Editorial Board, especially Kimberly Straussel, are cynically far right. I would love to see some law suits against these people.

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Trouble with the Mainstream Media is they are owned by 1%ers who destroy truth by hiding behind the 1st amendment. Finally that bastion of bidness the WSJ was pulled into the sewer by Murdoch with everything else he owns.

Bezos and WaPo...I recall you once wrote Jared and Ivanka partied with him during Trump Adm. No honor among thieves.

Victim shaming is part of the GOP platform. See it on every level of government and embraced by media and the conservative "religious" right.

You have to be a lousy immoral slug to victim shame a 10 year old pregnant rape victim. And it seems other than Judd, no one has the stones to call them out.

Way to go, Judd.

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It really turns my stomach, the lack of humanity these privileged white men show to anybody else, even young children who have been through horrendous ordeals.

Laws need to be changed. There really needs to be *consequences* for spreading sick corrosive lies like this. Retractions, apologies, and if these aren't forthcoming, massive fines.

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Yesterday readers were demanding Glenn Kessler be fired, but with the road that newspaper's been on for the past 18 months, they'll throw him a party and promote him instead.

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Thanks again for the excellent report bringing all this together. When I read the details around the arrest of the rapist my immediate thought was “screw these ‘pro-life’ freaks and their lies”. One nano-second later my brain glommed onto “OMG the monster is undocumented, here we go again”. Bigger louder more audacious crap coming to cover their asses.

This is why we need you and other real journalists to keep aging a light on the cockroaches of the right wing.

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This is why the left continues to lose the war on the news. Psychopaths on the right call the story fake, it's proven true, and they will all get away with it. Every single time that Jim Jordan is questioned, this needs to be brought up. Why is he in favor of forcing minors who are raped to give birth? This question needs to be asked of him every single time he is interviewed. Do not let this story go away. Then piggy back on it and ask him why he did nothing when students came to him with credible claims of sexual abuse at Ohio State? Why does Jim get to run from the facts of that story? Because the left is too afraid to call him out for his own actions?!?! It's really sad to watch the left constantly playing defense when we should go on the offensive! This man is a scumbag and has proven it time and time again. Do not let him hide from these stories. Throw them in his face every time he wants to go on television and lie to America. When is the left wing media going to fight back?

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There is no "left wing media."

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That is correct. Every major conglomerate is owned by ultra right wing. Intentionally lying on radio resulting in harm is illegal. I don’t understand why this doesn’t apply to tv. Judd, any insight to this?

We’re more afraid of shutting down these dangerous mouth pieces than we are of seeing more young children slaughtered at school on a recurring basis. BIZARRE & UNACCEPTABLE! We need to address supporting religious cults with our tax dollars. Enough!

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This happens in a country that pretends to care for its children. It's too demoralizing to comment on.

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Thanks again for providing the facts in a clear manner with a timeline. WA Post is held up as key source "democracy dies in the darkness", what a load. Shame on them.

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In defense of the WaPo, that is just one writer. A supposed fact checker who really got it wrong. I wrote my observations regarding that particular op-ed in a reply to another post. Needless to say it was a negative review!

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Excellent job pulling all facets of the story together. You may have already asked each of the companies to comment on their poor reporting, but I would appreciate any additional follow up.

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Has anyone else re-watched Idiocracy recently only to realize that Fox News was the main news source in that depressingly realistic future? They were spot-on in predicting what a future with only Fox News would be. Even the way they portrayed their anchors was spot-on. I think they saw testicle-tanning craze coming decades before it happened! Who could've predicted that?!

Fox news and the cohort they exist within have helped to usher in an age of authoritarianism that will eventually crush their followers while holding the rest of us hostage.

How do I know this? Well, surprising as it might be, history shows a clear pattern that should worry these Republican insurrectionists. Why? Because history shows that these easily angered, irrational folks can't be trusted.

The people they help steal power for know this and usually turn on them as soon as their newly-stolen power is consolidated. They know what these so-called "patriots" are capable of and how easy it is to get them to believe a lie, which immediately makes them a major threat and liability to the future of their authoritarian regime. As such, the "patriots" usually get killed by the millions within a few years of the takeover. Republicans, pay attention to history and truth -- both matter!

All this makes me think about how my grandpa used to emphasize that my word is all I've really got in life - that using my word for good forms the bedrock of a life of meaning. He said trust was the foundation of progress, and that lies were shocks to that foundation. Without trust, that foundation crumbles.

I think I see a pattern to the fracturing of everything around us -- a constant, toxic infusion of lies from an infected Republican party. At first I thought of it as a cancer, but the more I think about it, this is more like an oncovirus (ie cancer-causing virus) -- which explains how the sickness has spread so vastly and thoroughly. Fox News is currently the primary means of transmission of this deadly disease. The only effective treatment is truth; however (and unfortunately), the current variant of this virus has emerged as capable of fully resisting truth, so I'm not sure how to defend against it other than keeping a safe distance from those already infected and any far-right news source. This is so stupid.

America -- I love you, but you're freaking me out!!

P.S Kudos to you if you actually read to this point -- thank you for reading! =)

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Everything will be OK. We have electrolytes.

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This is another example of how the vicious right wing media juggxrnaught intimidates those who challenge its narrative. I fully expect similar instant and aggressive smear campaigns against anyone who exposes the many harms and injustices that are starting to flow from the court’s decision to overturn Roe. Thank you, Judd, for helping to hold the media’s feet to the fire.

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It is so unfortunate that many on the "conservative" side will merely dismiss this reportage as

overblown. I know this because of a family member who does that about the J-6 hearings, voter

suppression, LGBTQI rights, etc. So tiresome. Says they'll take tRump back in a minute and we'd have

no shortages, cheap gas and no war in Ukraine.

The disconnect between fact and RW fantasy is astounding. And when I wonder how a Black man

could stomach "conservatism" and point to obvious self hating hypocritical grifters like Uncle Clarence

and Ben Carson, they point to Thomas Sowell and Dinesh D'Souza, whom they deem brilliant!

Getting back to the topic, I can easily see this child's ordeal being a fact never accepted in the same

manner as those who believe Sandy Hook never happened, Comet Pizza was real, a mask mandate =

tyranny while the recent SCOTUS ruling is fine because it's bible based like the founders wanted.

Problem is, people with these unreasonable opinions think they carry the same weight as a reasoned

argument substantiated by credible evidence and when convenient for them, they will reject any fact

based argument just because they can point to some other what-about-ism, or give the appearance

of acquiescing to only revert back to the same RW litany, as if no counter argument backed by fact had ever been offered!

What can we do with these people who insist upon being bamboozled?

ever been presented!

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Thank you Judd. Once again you have exposed to hypocrisy and the complete disregard for humanity and equal rights perpetuated by the right-wing [nut jobs] in this country.

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Glenn Kessler, you had one job...

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I read that piece the day it came out and the further in I read, the more irritated I became. It's like in order to prove the veracity of this story, he expected everyone involved to out the child for his convenience. It was as though he failed to comprehend the concept of privacy or avoiding further trauma to the child.

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Most people don't realize just how massive and pervasive the right wing media disinformation really is. Then when you have the mainstream media jumping on board to help them, we are totally screwed until we find a way to fight back.

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Great article Judd. Thank youTThank you for explaining this all.

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Thanks again for the excellent report bringing all this together. When I read the details around the arrest of the rapist my immediate thought was “screw these ‘pro-life’ freaks and their lies”. One nano-second later my brain glommed onto “OMG the monster is undocumented, here we go again”. Bigger louder more audacious crap coming to cover their asses.

This is why we need you and other real journalists to keep shining a light on the cockroaches of the right wing.

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