This idea that “immigrants will vote for Democrats out of gratitude” *completely ignores* the fact that non-citizens cannot vote!! But of course that’s the corollary for this idiocy - “illegal votes are happening everywhere so we must make it harder to vote!!!”

When I was a kid an eon ago, I remember hearing the populace regularly referred to in the news as “citizens”. And we were taught civics (social studies) in school. Somewhere along the way the populace became “consumers” and our only civic duty became increasing the country’s GDP. Civics and critical thinking fell out of vogue. And here we are today with people nodding along to the ideas that immigrants will vote and are here to “replace [us]” (i.e. whites.) 🥺

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And of course even as children we think, "Wait a minute, you can't just grow FOREVER, what's the end game? Where is this going?"

The answer is "Shut up, profits are up and expenses are down!"

And somehow the populace has bought into this, instead of, as you say, seeing each other as citizens with a duty to each other.

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I do not understand why the law does its Susan Collins pearl clutch over the incitement to hate. Holding hate “ideas” in any form and hates dissemination  is a crime against humanity, morality and the law.

I’ve been voting-letter writing- phone calling and donating to candidates who are for equality under the law. None of the collective efforts by all of us doing the same seems to impact the hate.

We need a new plan. Democracy needs Biden to have fireside chats in “teach us” mode with folks like the author and @HeatherCoxRichardson.

We have to stop being so utterly ignorant.

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I laugh when right wingers try to respond with…what about the left protesting in Seattle compared to deadly traitorous thugs of Jan 6th. Step aside. I’m sick and tired of anyone pretending that the entire republican party isn’t anything more than a cult of traitors at this point. Stop pretending there is any comparison to the Democratic Party. There will always be corruption in our politics on both sides to a degree, as long as we base it on giving voice to corporations & money over people, as the republicans and their republican activist judges have done. But there is no longer a comparison between Democrats and the Authoritarian white nationalist, racist, fascist party formerly known as, republican party.

This deadly rhetoric from the republican party must be addressed! This is not free speech but incitement that is verifiably and undeniably deadly.

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Just this weekend was The Woman’s March to protect Roe v Wade. These were peaceful protests, including the ones in front of the Supreme Court justices. I see that Ted Cruz wants to compare to January 6 insurrection. Republicans have become ugly and horrific!

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Now would be a great time for Tucker Carlson sponsors to immediately and permanently pull their support for his rhetoric.

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Don't hold your breath. Racism sells.

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Sadly … proven too true.

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We have to make them. They only respond to money above all else!

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As with most conspiracy theories, there's *just * enough fact to make the casual observer swallow the whole rancid package. There IS a massive demographic shift underway for a variety of quite complex reasons. And Democratic politicians/activists have demonstrated awareness that many immigrants will be more likely to vote Democratic if they become citizens, but there's hardly a quid pro quo there. Indeed, as has been noted numerous times, if the Republicans could just shed the racism, many immigrants are fiscally and/or socially conservative and would find their natural political home in the GOP, but they are repelled by a Republican party that clearly doesn't want them and indeed seems to want to drive them out of the country.

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I’ve read all the recent articles about the mass killing in Buffalo. I also read an excellent article about the history of “The Great Replacement” in WaPo which talked about Senator Bilbo. Bilbo was antii-immigration, anti-black, and anti-Semitic. Sentiment in the Country turned against Senator Bilbo when the US got involved in WW2 and Americans saw first hand what Nazi Germany wrought. https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2022/05/15/great-replacement-theory-buffalo-bilbo/

I’ve noticed the “oily logic” that people such as Tucker Carlson use to spread the poison that is “Replacement”. Carlson takes bits of truth and wraps them in lies and bigotry as do others on Fox, as do some of the members of the US legislature, Trump, and Trump cronies.

History is important because it can stimulate us to find new ways to deal with current issues. But people have to be aware of it. For me, because I read widely, I see clearly where we are going as a Nation and it doesn’t look good. it brings many questions but I don’t have ready answers. How many people are aware? What has to happen to wake people up and realize that what we are seeing will not stop until we stop it? Why aren’t we seeing a full-throated effort by Republicans and Democrats in Congress who supposedly represent us to stop the white nationalist spew coming from the likes of Tucker Carlson? What is the role of the Oligarchs such as Murdoch or Koch in the path our Country is taking? Why aren’t Conservative groups such as American Evangelical or Catholic groups calling this out? A Catholic group back in Senator Bilbo’s day called him out. Other than Pope Francis, I haven’t seen a lot of so-calked Christian action on upholding the Golden Rule.

I like that Judd has put together in a readable form a summary of the many articles written about the Buffalo massacre, giving us some history, calling out the major players, and giving us a venue to put our thoughts down about these events. It may be that some actions we could take to effectively divert the Country from becoming another fascist regime will be born here.

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Here's the most horrifying thing of all--the racism is obviously working. Republicans are set to have big gains in the House this coming election and will likely retake the Senate as well.

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I've said it before and it bears repeating: The research and the documentation offered by Jud and his team on ANY subject is stellar!!! Kudos, kudos, kudos!!!

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I totally agree William, but this list of characters is just a drop in the bucket compared to the outing that needs to be done. What I mean is that there are major figures in the white, conservative, religious-freedom loving world, like Charles Koch, that pour millions into voter suppression efforts that lead to election of pro-white nationalist legislators and governors that sanction the white replacement philosophy and normalization of attacks against it leading to mass killings like Buffalo! I would start with naming individuals that spearhead white supremacist websites! I would add to that the leaders of the white legal groups that lend legal assistance to the right wing legislators and other groups promoting voter suppression and anti-gay and other ways of mixing religion and government. I am pretty sure Judd knows who these people are but if he needs any help I can provide a lot of leads.

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Gov. DeSantis is beyond horrific. A want to be dictator. Of course there was no CRT in math books, but fear wins. Every week, DeSantis does something horrific for the state of Florida.

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Judd, bless you for all the work you do, for the careful explanations of the research, for being brave enough to put it out there. We are all human beings. What's all this shit about preserving the "whiteness"? If preservation of our original origins had been important to God, we'd all still be furry gorillas. I'm sorry. Saving lives, caring about our fellow human-beings...is explained as shipping a bunch of folks in that will vote Democrat when they hit 18? That is SUCH bullshit. Thank you for swinging back at DeSantis.

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In this last newsletter you wrote: Paleis did email me, but her email did include any evidence.

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Did NOT?

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A typo, I suspect but good to let Judd correct it.

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Fear. It’s how republicans and their supporting media operate. In this case, fear of losing power. I think it’s not as much white power as class power though to be sure it is white men mainly who control power in our society. There has been fear of Irish immigrants, of Italian immigrants, of Jewish and other religious immigrants, of women —competing with and taking power from wealthy white property-holding men. Those fears have been subdued to an extent over time as each class has been integrated into our culture. But those fears are being stoked again, and with growing wealth inequality, we seem to be stumbling into a class war in which wealthy conservatives, again mostly white and men, view themselves as the prevailing powerful class and fear the integration of ‘lower class’ brown people who will compete and gain access to power.

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Judd and your readers, Take a look at my post yesterday at doannhoughton.com and you'll find more evidence of the current insanity. I am a supporter of yours, Judd, and often quote you in my posts and recommend subscribing to your emails. Thanks for all the background research you do. Documentation is important, even if others don't care for facts and truth. We do and we need it.

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The only way Republicans can win is through fear. They have no worthwhile policy. It is a pity that we no longer teach critical thinking.

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This is very simple. It's all sad, pathetic, white men who are ashamed of their manhood that share this view. These Republicans know they are lying about all of this crap but fear works best. And what better way to appeal to the dumb racists on the right than drudge up all this garbage about replacing white people. I wonder if they've considered the fact that we are all human beings? Probably not.

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Not sure I follow”ashamed of their manhood” —?

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they have small private parts and they're upset about it.

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This is great summary, Judd. Thank you. Have these people got nothing else to do but cast aspersions and sow doubt and anger? Do they ever consider why people aren't voting for them? On the good sider of things, I attended a graduation party yesterday and deliberately sat next to someone whom I suspected had been right-leaning when I last saw him maybe 7-8 years ago. He has always been politically active, and like many of us, he used to be a Republican. I asked him why he has so completely switched. He said the Republicans simply were no longer making sense. He is part a campaign team for a democrat now and he felt good knowing that he wasn't alone in his conversion aver the past ten years or so. Yay Team!

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