"The Federal Government has broad constitutional powers in determining what aliens shall be admitted to the United States, the period they may remain, regulation of their conduct before naturalization, and the terms and conditions of their naturalization… Under the Constitution, the states are granted no such powers."
When did this nation elect two presidents to run the country, and world, affairs? Have u missed a special election? Do we now have a Democrat president and a Republican president? Especially if they can’t agree on anything or get anything done in Congress.
It’s a crying shame we have the elected Senators and Representatives in Congress who are listening to, and taking instruction from, the former President of the United States. They are serving a man no longer officially in office.
If we don’t vote BLUE in all elections between now and 2030, we are asking to lose our freedoms, democracy, and our Constitution. This will be our fault, as this situation right the now is our fault. We allowed this to happen. We allowed the Republicans to fan control of the House of Representatives. We have no one to blame but ourselves. And we are the only ones that can fix this mess.
You ask when did this country have two Presidents, well look back to the days of Lincoln v. Davis. This country also had two constitutions during that awful time and it was being orchestrated by the same class of people in the South.
The obscenely rich they were then that wanted to stay that way through the ownership of slaves and the permanently poor, their property. It's the obscenely rich this time that want their way over the wage slaves and their perceived property; women, people of color and the permanently poor that want their profits untouched again. It was about slavery and White Supremacy then, it's about White Supremacy and Theocracy this time.
After the secession, there were two countries. Davis was president of the Confederacy, A. Stephens was vice president, they drafted a constitution, fielded an army, and fought against the US. Lincoln refused to accept their separation, but it really isn't accurate to suggest there were two presidents. There was only one US president, A. Lincoln.
You are most likely far more informed on the American Civil War and I'm glad you are weighing in. My knowledge of the that war is from our Public school system so you know it is only a smidgen of what happened, likely not even the truth. I don't know.
After my commenting, I thought to myself that I need to make time and room in my head for a more in-depth understanding of the Confederate government and that hugely influential event on this country's direction, growth. It feels so inadequate calling that period an 'event', like calling it an incident.
I admit that I have invested some time in reading more of the history of that conflict, but not nearly enough. When is understanding a conflict such as that enough? Never is my guess.
This is why I appreciate knowledgeable people like you correcting the information I post. Others need to correct wrong statements. This is why I love forums where informed people weigh in, correct a wrong statement.
Calling the United States the Union contributes lMO to the misunderstanding. The US Constitution was in effect, though Lincoln did suspend the Writ of Habeas Corpus during the war. Even when we read about the war, that fundamental point isn't always clear.
Would you have at your fingertips some recommendations on this immensely impactful conflict? I would greatly appreciate it. I have, in the past, looked for reliable historians who published on this part of history, but don't know enough to spot an author's agenda.
I had been embarrassed years ago when I repeated to a co-worker some 'talking points' I had been exposed to in the 1980s.
I don't know why that at that time there was large push to change the narrative of the Southern Cause, I know there had always been, and in my ignorance I accepted a very wrong premise.
This is why I want to approach the subject with as much clarity as can be gotten. Jeez, that is difficult. Is it more difficult now? I don't think so, honestly. For instance there are people like you and forums like this where one is exposed to deceitful propaganda and writers that try their very best to publish the unbiased truth as much as that is possible.
I highly recommend following Heather Cox-Richardson's blog "Letters from an American." She bases everything discussion of the issues in the context of our national history, including and especially, the period surrounding the Civil War.
I also suspect this ginning up of the pro-civil war kooks is to weaken the president while warning don’t believe in elections that don’t go their way. Their language is getting more hostile. (Hard to believe that was possible.) For instance, Tom Cotton’s comment that if Joe Biden doesn’t hit Iran he is a coward.
Daniel...I live in TX and Abbott has always acted like he's a president and the criminal Paxton his VP. They scream invasion yet their republican buddies refuse to fund the resources to help deal with the issue. They yell smaller gov't. yet Abbott uses state gov't to take away Texans rights at every opportunity. He's a mini-trump trying to set the stage for when trump is gone so he can run for president (he doesn't have the guts while trump is still 'king'). He takes no responsibilty for any of his screw ups just like trump. He and Paxton are out of their league aren't smart enough to recognize it. If it wasn't for my grandkids I'd be gone.
Rolyac, I feel your pain. I lived in Florida until 6 years ago. Then I moved to Georgia. I had to get the hell out of DeStupidville! This Republican governor and legislature here isn’t much better, but they aren’t quite as bad as Abbott and DeStupid.
YES all of the CROOKS-- gov. Abbott & Paxton ---are the CROOKS we are talking about ! enough said ?, the true CROOKS are in office----GET THEM OUT OF OFFICE ! do this now, put them in JAIL (to good for them) the people must let them ROT!, and I mean the TRUE PEOPLE of TEXAS----NOT Abbott or Paxton ! the Rapethepublican Greedy OlD Pricks (aka Republican G.O.P.party) MUST ROT IN JAIL . for the people, NOT THEM ! the CROOKS and you know who they are?.
Biden has no good options, but I see two that would at least put Abbott on notice that this shit has to stop. 1) He could federalize the Texas National Guard. Put the newly federalized troops to work dismantling the barriers and helping the asylum seekers. Any member of said Guard that refuses to obey orders after federalization is subject to court martial. 2) Use the Border Patrol to block any access to the Park by anyone. No one in, no one out. No supplies in, no Texas troopers out. In other words, a good old fashioned siege. Either way, Abbott is forced to choose, escalation or compromise. And if he escalates, arrest him for the murder of the three people who drowned because of his inhuman policies.
And if there is massive resistance to these options, the President can institute martial law. Abbott needs to be arrested for blatantly disobeying the Supreme Court finding. This act is tantamount to treason. Abbott is an American traitor and a murderer.
And this will result in Blue Federals fighting Yellow Confederates (all National Guard troops) in multiple states. Civil War. Regular Army troops and advanced weapons will be needed to end the secession. The sooner the tanks roll through Texas and destroy trucker convoys the better.
Those "Christian" trucker convoys should be met with signs reminding them that Jesus called upon his followers to welcome the stranger. And reminding them that there is a special place in hell being reserved for them unless they cut the bullshit.
Today’s “evangelicals “ are religious imposters. They are the Confederates of yesteryear who choose chaos and nonconformity as their badges. There are few laws they are not willing to break as they prepare to defy the “Deep State” oppression.
We choose to blame trump for much of the current state of political affairs, but it is only what preceded his presidency that allowed him in.
Texas wants bragging rights on “taking down the man,” and how this situation is finalized will set the stage for all other states going forward.
So true, but these guys are neither Christian nor all that courageous. Like so many, they are chickenshit snowflakes and will run home to Mommy when or if confronted.
That’s right, Peter. A true Christian would martyr him/herself for a cause as large as this. These jokers are just in it for the thrill and bragging rights.
And the bullying, don't forget the bullying. And they hope against hope that they get to beat up some poor immigrant who is just trying to escape assholes like them in Central America.
Have you seen any images of this massive “convoy” lately? It may have been “decimated” from within by an outbreak of untreated paranoia. This has happened before when plans were made for gatherings of the demented. Then it just fades away.
Thanks. I like facts & proof. — Don’t forget paranoid faux-militiamen their heroes got prison time. It’s the Epps Factor. 😂 Done in by their own conspiracy.
We had to know the news in 5th grade. My 2nd time in college, I took paralegal studies (BAR certified). Was invaluable for critical thinking & research in general. Have a masters in Media Comm a with some graphic design / art training & teaching license in between. All play nicely together.
Each very handy for many things. My brain is always “on” 😊
I wonder if they still do 'current events' in Florida schools. Probably not, unless they allow Bible stories. Keep that brain ON, and well-rested, too. We need it.
Social Studies was my area of teaching, secondary ed. I left almost 20 yrs ago. Current events here were highly structured. I provided lists of a few sources & screened what was brought to class. Could not trust that what came in the door would be appropriate. Varied the sources so they were introduced to different ones. A long list of sources or none it was an invitation to arguments & lost class time.
Some parents are offended if you tell Johnny and Suzy their National Enquirer alien civilization article is not credible. These days I can only imagine the ‘stories’. After all, “truth is not truth”. (Rudy Giuliani)
Great article. The situation is even more dire given that a border deal was/is being worked on. However, Trump is now pressuring R’s not to make the deal, so Biden won’t have a ‘win’ and Trump can run on and fundraise on the issue. The situation is being ratcheted up for political benefit. Of interest is whether Biden will federalize the National Guard which could address this situation. Is this situation a modern-day Fort Sumpter? Time will tell. A serious situation. Another reason why 14th Amendment needs to be applied.
Trump is the dangerous SPARK that kills and pulls apart the families of this country, the organizations that came together under the tenuous peace of this country arrived at after the truce with the Southern Confederation. (Again it's a minority that wants to have power over others over ALL. This is the work of the "powerful" to speed up the Authoritarian order they worked for all those past years. Turns out Trump is the SECOND COMING or is bringing about it.) He fkng doesn't even know it, he too stupid. He won't have a semblance of a government to be elected to be president of the way he is SELFISHLY winding up the Civil War soldiers.
The groups racing to Texas for the perceived repeat of the wholly bloody and explosive "Fort Sumpter" moment.
Jeez, these groups are chanting Fort Sumpter! They want BLOOD. They really don't want law and order. They want the absence of order...chaos and broken bodies.
This reads like hysteria, hyperbole, but it is mirroring the same of the conversations and publications of the social sites, the X and Telegram and Truth Social and far right lands of magazines and news organizations.
I'd love to think this is not a Cassandra moment, that we need a Cassandra informing the Homeland Security apparatus that is still against Authoritarianism.
The House GOP has formulated impeachment articles against Sec'y of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, for Treason due to the Border Crisis. Heard that on NPR around midnight last night. You can't make this malarky up. The House only passed 254 bills give or take in 2023. Impeachment articles are looking to be big for these fools in 2024.
America is dangling by a thread. Get involved. Send postcards, do phone banks get people registered to vote blue.
Cathy b, you're right. I, we all have to get back to contacting the reps and sharing the need for action at this time.
I didn't know that about the move against Mayorkas. That is another sandbag on the front lines. Next, will there be the migration of peoples to the North and the South? The picking sides?
Our president was pretty much elected by the edges east coast and west coast in large cities and population centers surrounding them. Don't see so much North and South division in this but Midwest and South.
I highly recommend The Visual Capitalist a BC, Canada app that captures facts and translates them into readable graphs. You can find one of the 2020 voter graph there or by Googling 2020 voter graphs.
what CANADAN APP IS THAT?, where can I get this APP, and is this available for a LAPTOP ? (a dell 550) please advise me, I do not have a Smartphone---just a DUMB phone, so I need all the HELP I CAN GET! email me @ floorgen007@duck.com OK?
VOTE BLUE---VOTE BLUE---VOTE BLUE---VOTE BLUE---VOTE BLUE------now time for me to say---VOTE BLUE---VOTE BLUE---VOTE BLUE, all the way DOWN THE TICKET ! scares the HELL out of the A--HOLE Republicans, this is the way to go--keep then SCARED, SCARED, SCARED and this can/will keep them this WAY WORRIED and SCARED ! and if they do not like this T F B .
we ALL MUST PUT THE A---HOLES in prison for LIFE that they will have time to think ( 50 years or so ) if they know HOW to think-- at all?, I don,t think they know HOW , and that's telling , thinking is not they do-----only POWER & MONEY counts to the TOADS that is how I think about them, and I can & do know how to THINK !. just because I drove a TRUCK dos'ent mean I'm DUMB! just had enough time for that---and I did just that,BUT the Rapethepublican Greedy OLD Pricks (Republican G.O.P.) party did NOT ! and it shows, boy can it SHOW!!!
Another thing that’s disturbing is how many GOP members of Congress truly believe it’s their job to serve a member of the executive branch (in this case, a former president) rather than act as a check and balance on that branch. They are all so completely ignorant of the Constitution and of the fact that they are the legislative branch. Then again, to embrace their own power instead of be such a bunch of sheep, maybe they’d have to have an interest in governing and not just in being political power-grabbers and hacks.
Thank you, Judd, for explaining exactly how the far Right Wing is defying Federal Law, and who the major characters are who are shaping this faux war. A woman and two young children have perished because of Greg Abbott's and Ken Paxton's sadistic implementation of cruelty. Here we are on the verge of a powerful and effective law to solve much of our border crisis, and Republican Governors (save VT's Scott), all coming to the aid of Trump, the racist and anti-Hispanic Republican candidate. Our underbelly of White Nationalist hatred of and disdain toward those born in other skin colors prevails in our history.
Most people in our country regardless of race or ethnicity are appalled by the mass killing of women and children in Gaza--the victims dying in the waters of the Rio Grande evoke the same kind of deep sympathy as well.
I don't know how, but there's plenty of others almost there with Florida and Texas. Arkansas, Missouri,Alabama, Iowa, Mississippi, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Louisiana, Tennessee. They are all on my list of don't want to live there or even visit there
I think it is Governors who signed on with Abbott. KY’s only constitutional office held by a Dem is the Gov & KY has not. So far, our loser AG who ran against him for governor has been silent. (Probably lining up his next job.)
But you are absolutely correct about the AGs. The GOP AG association coordinates
both legal actions and support for the wayward agenda. It signs onto cases and works to elect more of their own. We know how that went. Their site has nothing but election stuff on it.
It sent out robo calls for people to attend the Jan 6 rally.
ROBO calls------this must be done by the DUMMEST of the DUMB( I would call them STUPID but this word can't be used here) so I guess DUMB MUST DO=======maybe ?
And so it begins...Trump's "patriots" have been whining and preparing for civil war for years and it seems they may be willing to do what is necessary to get it started. Biden is in a very tough place of course, but maybe the suggestions to take on TX are the way to go. Stop all federal funds and services to TX, and advise other governors supporting them that they are cautioned for the same sanctions. Send in the NG to set a new border around TX and they can run their own country with Mexico to the south and the US to the north, and citizens to want to emigrate back to the US can apply at the border. I am so sick and tired of all this GOP grandstanding with their lust for power regardless of consequences for the rest of us. Maybe this is the time to make a stand.
Nationalize all oil companies in Texas. Declare martial law and line the streets with regular Army troops and tanks. Make Texas an example other states will think twice about emulating.
WHAT ?--BEAT THE RAP ? GO UNDERGROUND ?what are you talking about ? RATS HAVE MORE SENSE THAN THAT-I WOULD PUT BANNON about 15000ft below Sea level, now that's a good start-----RIGHT ?
If governor Abbott wants Texas to do their own thing, I suggest we cut off all funding to Texas and leave them be. They take more from the federal government than they pay in so it would be better for the rest of us. And it would get people like Cruz and Roy out of the senate and house. Give them what they want.
No, cutting off funding isn't necessary. Just federalize the Texas National Guard and nationalize the oil companies there. That will get their attention. A few tanks patrolling the State House would be nice.
Now if you would explain how the president has the authority to do these things. Particularly in light of not having the ability to do other things like cut off funding. Nationalizing oil companies in particular.
FYI, the tanks would be a great propaganda visual. One of the items on the Q conspiracy buffet was that the military with tanks were moving into communities to facilitate forced vaccination.
Remember Little Rock? The prez can federalize the Texas National Guard and remove the Texas governor's authority over them. He can send in tanks. The oil companies can be threatened with all kinds of restrictions and emergency contols. They won't like that. The Q folks, Bannon in particular, will turn tail and run the moment they see a tank coming down the road.
Little Rock was under martial law 2x. 1860s and 1954. In both cases there was violence not only defiance & it is highly controversial. Martial law is also part of DJT’s plan if re-elected.
You miss the point about the Qs. Tanks on streets validate those fears. Validation is not a good thing when half the country already thinks civil war is coming & it is just a matter of time.
The president can threaten private oil companies all he wants. If Congress (both chambers) do not support him he would be further weakened. As a matter of practicality, provoking violence would create turmoil interfering with their operations. In this imaginary scenario we ignore what happens during violent turmoil.
So you keep on fanning the flames. People like me who live in such places, already viewed like the old ‘race traitors’ and as evil libs will be slow to endorse living in the crossfire. We’ve seen it before.
Of course you are correct. It is important to explore imaginary scenarios. You never know which one will materialize. George Wallace and Greg Abbott (in other words the entire Republican Party plus old southern democrats) are existential threats, full-time secessionists and traitors. We must prepare for the worst they have to offer. And don't let your passport expire. I believe in your conclusions. But the path from A to B is unknown.
Just to connect the dots. For several years I have been reminding your readers that 43 state legislatures are controlled by GOP as well as 27 Republican Governors and 27 Republican Attorney Generals. SCOTUS has been handing states back power since Trump loaded the court. Now they have issued an edict to stop some of the madness they helped cause by giving states more power. Our population isn't aware enough of voter choice in states. They put in a Democratic Governor and elect a state legislature of Republicans. They knee jerk Congress after 2 years of Biden and elect a Republican House.
So here we sit in a quagmire of chaos with Donald Trump as the stir stick in the GOP sewer and Greg Abbott taking full advantage. The voter is much to blame. In Texas you can't gerrmander a statewide election. I will never get over Uvalde Co. TX voting overwhelming for Abbott after the school shooting. Says a lot about my point on voter choices. In the 40 years since I lived there and voted for Ann Richards, Democrat as Governor the state has gone to heck. It's almost Biblical in number, the GOP has taken the state from promise to chaos.
We need more blue voters. We need better media and less billionaire owners
We need more Judd and team and less complicit MSM
Thanks for this information and so well done, Judd and team.
Welcome to the Fascist States of America... brought to you by pasty, old, rich, obnoxious white men who are still fighting the Civil War.
"In my book The Hidden History of American Oligarchy, I chronicle how the invention of the Cotton Gin — which could do the work of 50 enslaved people — led to a widespread and massive consolidation of wealth and power in the deep South. The plantation families, made fabulously wealthy by the Gin, then took over both the economics and the politics of the South, turning it into what today we’d call an oligarchic fascist state.
They also took over the Democratic Party in the process (it was founded by Thomas Jefferson and had always had its base largely in the South) and turned it from a national player in American politics into a corrupt regional power-broker focused almost entirely on immunizing the morbidly rich while keeping down Black people, working class whites, and women."
Using a public park to exercise federal constitutional authority seems like a good idea, but if that park isn’t available, then the feds should use immigration funds to seize (and compensate owners for) public property to use as a staging area. Maybe when Texas voters start losing their land they’ll realize that Abbott is bad for Texas.
Does this mean we can tell the Supreme Court to go to hell regarding a different ruling? I agree this is another effort to divide the country and force Biden into a confrontation. No easy options.
Mr. Abbott doesn't have the right to extend his authority over it. Period.
As to Mr. Trump who enjoys swimming in troubled waters, add fuel to the fire [feel free to add any other image showing him willing to tank this country so he can get a power he has no right to] that's what we get for Mr. Garland not indicting TFG as soon as Trump was out of office and allowing the racist, White Nationalist wing of the GOP to fester and grow.
Now, we may have to shed blood to stop it.
As to those Governors in Texas and elsewhere who push disrespect for the Rule of Law, to wage war against the United States, Amendment 14 Section 3 applies to them too.
About those simple folks who are right now traveling to Texas with a view to cause trouble, if they are your relatives, point out to them that the foot soldiers of January 6th 2021, [in spite of Mr. Garland's inactivity], have been arrested and are facing their day in court.
There will be a price in joining in the insurrectionists' collective madness.
I do not really believe that all Texans want to secede, but if you live in Texas, you might want to explain to those who do want to secede, that Texas is a moocher-State, taking in more of our tax dollars than they are putting in. A secession would mean that from one day to the next, the money they have in the banks is devalued, as Texas would have to mint their own money. They would instantly become citizens of a foreign country, not entitled to any of the bennies they have been receiving for years, not entitled to vote. Their Federal legislators would instantly lose their paycheck. All Federal employees [Texas has 143,087] would lose their paycheck and their pension.
I say, Have at it, Texas! You are a financial burden to the rest of the country.
We will kindly and mercifully open our borders to Texans who respect the rule of Law and maybe allow them is as refugees. They can stay in tents until we decide whether to admit them in or not...
did you expect anything less, this CREATURE is a d. j. "trump" the HUMP ! LOVER---------JUST ANOTHER TOAD ! like Paxton also a TOAD!!!!!!, yep! 2 of the same.
Aren’t you sweet. First of all, it is a city park. Second the people there are mostly of MX heritage and did not want this. Pretty certain they don’t want your ‘mercy’.
I live in a “moocher” state. We elected a 2-term Dem Gov and still have a GOP veto-proof legislature with all other constitutional offices held by the GOP. Our current AG is likely too busy looking for a new job to cross Mitch on this and get involved.
I’m not sure whether you live in the great state of perfection or merely have a severe case of myopia. This sort of thing is Exhibit A for how magaworld portrays ‘the libs’ ‘elitists’ and those of us who would be your allies too. So instead of giving advice about what to point out and explain to the militants and pro-CW crowd, try it yourself and let us know how it goes. Bless your heart. You deserve our sympathy.
WELL-- GET RID OF THE MOOCHERS--- the G.O.P. Rapethepublicans ET AL, they all CREEPS, d. j. "trump"the HUMP! LOVERS ALSO, GET THE IDEA ? I SURE HOPE SO ?, IF NOT T F B
This underscores why government seems dysfunctional; hard core believers think that government (especially in Washington) should not function. Having insured that by opposing ANY proposal their ideological self-serving fake leaders oppose for narrow power purposes we have gridlock which guarantees chaos. With chaos and disorder the purpose of weakening government so as to allow the disruptions be cause of trampling individual rights for women, to vote, for education can all bend to the false claim of patriotism
When did this nation elect two presidents to run the country, and world, affairs? Have u missed a special election? Do we now have a Democrat president and a Republican president? Especially if they can’t agree on anything or get anything done in Congress.
It’s a crying shame we have the elected Senators and Representatives in Congress who are listening to, and taking instruction from, the former President of the United States. They are serving a man no longer officially in office.
If we don’t vote BLUE in all elections between now and 2030, we are asking to lose our freedoms, democracy, and our Constitution. This will be our fault, as this situation right the now is our fault. We allowed this to happen. We allowed the Republicans to fan control of the House of Representatives. We have no one to blame but ourselves. And we are the only ones that can fix this mess.
You ask when did this country have two Presidents, well look back to the days of Lincoln v. Davis. This country also had two constitutions during that awful time and it was being orchestrated by the same class of people in the South.
The obscenely rich they were then that wanted to stay that way through the ownership of slaves and the permanently poor, their property. It's the obscenely rich this time that want their way over the wage slaves and their perceived property; women, people of color and the permanently poor that want their profits untouched again. It was about slavery and White Supremacy then, it's about White Supremacy and Theocracy this time.
After the secession, there were two countries. Davis was president of the Confederacy, A. Stephens was vice president, they drafted a constitution, fielded an army, and fought against the US. Lincoln refused to accept their separation, but it really isn't accurate to suggest there were two presidents. There was only one US president, A. Lincoln.
You are most likely far more informed on the American Civil War and I'm glad you are weighing in. My knowledge of the that war is from our Public school system so you know it is only a smidgen of what happened, likely not even the truth. I don't know.
After my commenting, I thought to myself that I need to make time and room in my head for a more in-depth understanding of the Confederate government and that hugely influential event on this country's direction, growth. It feels so inadequate calling that period an 'event', like calling it an incident.
I admit that I have invested some time in reading more of the history of that conflict, but not nearly enough. When is understanding a conflict such as that enough? Never is my guess.
This is why I appreciate knowledgeable people like you correcting the information I post. Others need to correct wrong statements. This is why I love forums where informed people weigh in, correct a wrong statement.
Thank you.
Calling the United States the Union contributes lMO to the misunderstanding. The US Constitution was in effect, though Lincoln did suspend the Writ of Habeas Corpus during the war. Even when we read about the war, that fundamental point isn't always clear.
Would you have at your fingertips some recommendations on this immensely impactful conflict? I would greatly appreciate it. I have, in the past, looked for reliable historians who published on this part of history, but don't know enough to spot an author's agenda.
I had been embarrassed years ago when I repeated to a co-worker some 'talking points' I had been exposed to in the 1980s.
I don't know why that at that time there was large push to change the narrative of the Southern Cause, I know there had always been, and in my ignorance I accepted a very wrong premise.
This is why I want to approach the subject with as much clarity as can be gotten. Jeez, that is difficult. Is it more difficult now? I don't think so, honestly. For instance there are people like you and forums like this where one is exposed to deceitful propaganda and writers that try their very best to publish the unbiased truth as much as that is possible.
Thank you.
I highly recommend following Heather Cox-Richardson's blog "Letters from an American." She bases everything discussion of the issues in the context of our national history, including and especially, the period surrounding the Civil War.
You might consider "attending" the Civil War course of Dr. David Blight on Yale open courses. It is a place to start, as he mentions many resources.
People of Color?
Specifically, Black people from the Trans Atlantic slave trade were the enslaved.
I also suspect this ginning up of the pro-civil war kooks is to weaken the president while warning don’t believe in elections that don’t go their way. Their language is getting more hostile. (Hard to believe that was possible.) For instance, Tom Cotton’s comment that if Joe Biden doesn’t hit Iran he is a coward.
Daniel...I live in TX and Abbott has always acted like he's a president and the criminal Paxton his VP. They scream invasion yet their republican buddies refuse to fund the resources to help deal with the issue. They yell smaller gov't. yet Abbott uses state gov't to take away Texans rights at every opportunity. He's a mini-trump trying to set the stage for when trump is gone so he can run for president (he doesn't have the guts while trump is still 'king'). He takes no responsibilty for any of his screw ups just like trump. He and Paxton are out of their league aren't smart enough to recognize it. If it wasn't for my grandkids I'd be gone.
Rolyac, I feel your pain. I lived in Florida until 6 years ago. Then I moved to Georgia. I had to get the hell out of DeStupidville! This Republican governor and legislature here isn’t much better, but they aren’t quite as bad as Abbott and DeStupid.
YES all of the CROOKS-- gov. Abbott & Paxton ---are the CROOKS we are talking about ! enough said ?, the true CROOKS are in office----GET THEM OUT OF OFFICE ! do this now, put them in JAIL (to good for them) the people must let them ROT!, and I mean the TRUE PEOPLE of TEXAS----NOT Abbott or Paxton ! the Rapethepublican Greedy OlD Pricks (aka Republican G.O.P.party) MUST ROT IN JAIL . for the people, NOT THEM ! the CROOKS and you know who they are?.
Biden has no good options, but I see two that would at least put Abbott on notice that this shit has to stop. 1) He could federalize the Texas National Guard. Put the newly federalized troops to work dismantling the barriers and helping the asylum seekers. Any member of said Guard that refuses to obey orders after federalization is subject to court martial. 2) Use the Border Patrol to block any access to the Park by anyone. No one in, no one out. No supplies in, no Texas troopers out. In other words, a good old fashioned siege. Either way, Abbott is forced to choose, escalation or compromise. And if he escalates, arrest him for the murder of the three people who drowned because of his inhuman policies.
And if there is massive resistance to these options, the President can institute martial law. Abbott needs to be arrested for blatantly disobeying the Supreme Court finding. This act is tantamount to treason. Abbott is an American traitor and a murderer.
And this will result in Blue Federals fighting Yellow Confederates (all National Guard troops) in multiple states. Civil War. Regular Army troops and advanced weapons will be needed to end the secession. The sooner the tanks roll through Texas and destroy trucker convoys the better.
Those "Christian" trucker convoys should be met with signs reminding them that Jesus called upon his followers to welcome the stranger. And reminding them that there is a special place in hell being reserved for them unless they cut the bullshit.
Nice thought. It won't penetrate their little pee-brains. Oh, I misspelled that!
Freudian slip no doubt...
Today’s “evangelicals “ are religious imposters. They are the Confederates of yesteryear who choose chaos and nonconformity as their badges. There are few laws they are not willing to break as they prepare to defy the “Deep State” oppression.
We choose to blame trump for much of the current state of political affairs, but it is only what preceded his presidency that allowed him in.
Texas wants bragging rights on “taking down the man,” and how this situation is finalized will set the stage for all other states going forward.
Only a true Christian would be influenced by those signs, Peter.
So true, but these guys are neither Christian nor all that courageous. Like so many, they are chickenshit snowflakes and will run home to Mommy when or if confronted.
That’s right, Peter. A true Christian would martyr him/herself for a cause as large as this. These jokers are just in it for the thrill and bragging rights.
And the bullying, don't forget the bullying. And they hope against hope that they get to beat up some poor immigrant who is just trying to escape assholes like them in Central America.
Have you seen any images of this massive “convoy” lately? It may have been “decimated” from within by an outbreak of untreated paranoia. This has happened before when plans were made for gatherings of the demented. Then it just fades away.
Kind of bad when India Today has a fact check, but the rw’s still are oblivious.
Your fact-checking is invaluable, Ann. Thanks. The convoy sounds like Bannon's work to me. I hope the Q-tips remain paranoid enough to stay home.
Thanks. I like facts & proof. — Don’t forget paranoid faux-militiamen their heroes got prison time. It’s the Epps Factor. 😂 Done in by their own conspiracy.
We had to know the news in 5th grade. My 2nd time in college, I took paralegal studies (BAR certified). Was invaluable for critical thinking & research in general. Have a masters in Media Comm a with some graphic design / art training & teaching license in between. All play nicely together.
Each very handy for many things. My brain is always “on” 😊
I wonder if they still do 'current events' in Florida schools. Probably not, unless they allow Bible stories. Keep that brain ON, and well-rested, too. We need it.
Social Studies was my area of teaching, secondary ed. I left almost 20 yrs ago. Current events here were highly structured. I provided lists of a few sources & screened what was brought to class. Could not trust that what came in the door would be appropriate. Varied the sources so they were introduced to different ones. A long list of sources or none it was an invitation to arguments & lost class time.
Some parents are offended if you tell Johnny and Suzy their National Enquirer alien civilization article is not credible. These days I can only imagine the ‘stories’. After all, “truth is not truth”. (Rudy Giuliani)
Great article. The situation is even more dire given that a border deal was/is being worked on. However, Trump is now pressuring R’s not to make the deal, so Biden won’t have a ‘win’ and Trump can run on and fundraise on the issue. The situation is being ratcheted up for political benefit. Of interest is whether Biden will federalize the National Guard which could address this situation. Is this situation a modern-day Fort Sumpter? Time will tell. A serious situation. Another reason why 14th Amendment needs to be applied.
Trump is the dangerous SPARK that kills and pulls apart the families of this country, the organizations that came together under the tenuous peace of this country arrived at after the truce with the Southern Confederation. (Again it's a minority that wants to have power over others over ALL. This is the work of the "powerful" to speed up the Authoritarian order they worked for all those past years. Turns out Trump is the SECOND COMING or is bringing about it.) He fkng doesn't even know it, he too stupid. He won't have a semblance of a government to be elected to be president of the way he is SELFISHLY winding up the Civil War soldiers.
The groups racing to Texas for the perceived repeat of the wholly bloody and explosive "Fort Sumpter" moment.
Jeez, these groups are chanting Fort Sumpter! They want BLOOD. They really don't want law and order. They want the absence of order...chaos and broken bodies.
This reads like hysteria, hyperbole, but it is mirroring the same of the conversations and publications of the social sites, the X and Telegram and Truth Social and far right lands of magazines and news organizations.
I'd love to think this is not a Cassandra moment, that we need a Cassandra informing the Homeland Security apparatus that is still against Authoritarianism.
The House GOP has formulated impeachment articles against Sec'y of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, for Treason due to the Border Crisis. Heard that on NPR around midnight last night. You can't make this malarky up. The House only passed 254 bills give or take in 2023. Impeachment articles are looking to be big for these fools in 2024.
America is dangling by a thread. Get involved. Send postcards, do phone banks get people registered to vote blue.
Cathy b, you're right. I, we all have to get back to contacting the reps and sharing the need for action at this time.
I didn't know that about the move against Mayorkas. That is another sandbag on the front lines. Next, will there be the migration of peoples to the North and the South? The picking sides?
I hope not. I truly hope I'm overreacting.
Our president was pretty much elected by the edges east coast and west coast in large cities and population centers surrounding them. Don't see so much North and South division in this but Midwest and South.
I highly recommend The Visual Capitalist a BC, Canada app that captures facts and translates them into readable graphs. You can find one of the 2020 voter graph there or by Googling 2020 voter graphs.
what CANADAN APP IS THAT?, where can I get this APP, and is this available for a LAPTOP ? (a dell 550) please advise me, I do not have a Smartphone---just a DUMB phone, so I need all the HELP I CAN GET! email me @ floorgen007@duck.com OK?
Thank You for this, cathy b.
I've only perused it so far, but just the graph on the countries that trust the U.N. is revealing. I'm not sure what it is revealing, yet.
I think these graphs will be helpful. Anyway I like graphs. Who doesn't?
VOTE BLUE---VOTE BLUE---VOTE BLUE---VOTE BLUE---VOTE BLUE------now time for me to say---VOTE BLUE---VOTE BLUE---VOTE BLUE, all the way DOWN THE TICKET ! scares the HELL out of the A--HOLE Republicans, this is the way to go--keep then SCARED, SCARED, SCARED and this can/will keep them this WAY WORRIED and SCARED ! and if they do not like this T F B .
we ALL MUST PUT THE A---HOLES in prison for LIFE that they will have time to think ( 50 years or so ) if they know HOW to think-- at all?, I don,t think they know HOW , and that's telling , thinking is not they do-----only POWER & MONEY counts to the TOADS that is how I think about them, and I can & do know how to THINK !. just because I drove a TRUCK dos'ent mean I'm DUMB! just had enough time for that---and I did just that,BUT the Rapethepublican Greedy OLD Pricks (Republican G.O.P.) party did NOT ! and it shows, boy can it SHOW!!!
Another thing that’s disturbing is how many GOP members of Congress truly believe it’s their job to serve a member of the executive branch (in this case, a former president) rather than act as a check and balance on that branch. They are all so completely ignorant of the Constitution and of the fact that they are the legislative branch. Then again, to embrace their own power instead of be such a bunch of sheep, maybe they’d have to have an interest in governing and not just in being political power-grabbers and hacks.
They do not care about the Constitution. It gets in the way of their personal desire for power.
That's fascism.
you forgot to ad MONEY ! that says it all , Republican=DUMB==DUMMER & DUMMEST, I must ad this to what you wrote.
Okey Dokey. Personal Power and Money go to together like Dumb and Dummer.
Thank you, Judd, for explaining exactly how the far Right Wing is defying Federal Law, and who the major characters are who are shaping this faux war. A woman and two young children have perished because of Greg Abbott's and Ken Paxton's sadistic implementation of cruelty. Here we are on the verge of a powerful and effective law to solve much of our border crisis, and Republican Governors (save VT's Scott), all coming to the aid of Trump, the racist and anti-Hispanic Republican candidate. Our underbelly of White Nationalist hatred of and disdain toward those born in other skin colors prevails in our history.
Most people in our country regardless of race or ethnicity are appalled by the mass killing of women and children in Gaza--the victims dying in the waters of the Rio Grande evoke the same kind of deep sympathy as well.
Texas the only place in America that's worse than Florida
I don't know how, but there's plenty of others almost there with Florida and Texas. Arkansas, Missouri,Alabama, Iowa, Mississippi, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Louisiana, Tennessee. They are all on my list of don't want to live there or even visit there
VERY MUCH WORSE THAN FLORIDA, there is NO Abbott or a there yet. thank DOG!
25 Republican AG's = An ongoing criminal conspiracy!
Brought to you courtesy of the Party of Constant Criminals aka the QQP
I hope president Biden unleashes a can of whoop-ass on that Texas state "governor" name of Abbott.
I think it is Governors who signed on with Abbott. KY’s only constitutional office held by a Dem is the Gov & KY has not. So far, our loser AG who ran against him for governor has been silent. (Probably lining up his next job.)
But you are absolutely correct about the AGs. The GOP AG association coordinates
both legal actions and support for the wayward agenda. It signs onto cases and works to elect more of their own. We know how that went. Their site has nothing but election stuff on it.
It sent out robo calls for people to attend the Jan 6 rally.
Got it.
All co-conspirators and criminals under the QQP's "Patriot's Wing."
ROBO calls------this must be done by the DUMMEST of the DUMB( I would call them STUPID but this word can't be used here) so I guess DUMB MUST DO=======maybe ?
Ah, yes, beloved Texas governor Greg Abbott. Never one to throw fuel on a fire for political capital. 🙄
And such a snuggly, cuddly curmudgeon. You should see him playing SatanClaus with the kiddies. They just can't wait to "Hop on Pop!"
the-- SNUGGGLY CURMUDGEN --, this must be one of them with a hard-on?
That sounds so sick but... yes! Lolzzzz
DIESEL FUEL ??? BURNS LONGER-------just ask Greg Abbott, he would know, or maybe Paxton ? or BOTH! Humm Humm Humm !
And so it begins...Trump's "patriots" have been whining and preparing for civil war for years and it seems they may be willing to do what is necessary to get it started. Biden is in a very tough place of course, but maybe the suggestions to take on TX are the way to go. Stop all federal funds and services to TX, and advise other governors supporting them that they are cautioned for the same sanctions. Send in the NG to set a new border around TX and they can run their own country with Mexico to the south and the US to the north, and citizens to want to emigrate back to the US can apply at the border. I am so sick and tired of all this GOP grandstanding with their lust for power regardless of consequences for the rest of us. Maybe this is the time to make a stand.
Nationalize all oil companies in Texas. Declare martial law and line the streets with regular Army troops and tanks. Make Texas an example other states will think twice about emulating.
DO NOT blame all Texas people----just BLAME the A--HOLE (Abbott) for this====GUILT !
Well, there's Cruz and Paxton and . . . . . well, all Texas Republicans.
We should now be referred to as TexBanistan and the gimp governor as it’s Imam
Come on, Robert😖... “gimp governor”... totally offensive
If it’s good enough for a president then it’s good enough for me!
Biden did not say that.
OK, forget the gimp reference. It's TexBannonistan. Where is Steve anyway?
Fanning the flames on his blabbercast.
He'll find a way to beat the rap, even if it means going underground, where, come to think of it, he belongs.
WHAT ?--BEAT THE RAP ? GO UNDERGROUND ?what are you talking about ? RATS HAVE MORE SENSE THAN THAT-I WOULD PUT BANNON about 15000ft below Sea level, now that's a good start-----RIGHT ?
I like TexBanistan, but Abbott is not an Imam.
The hell he isn't.
Huh? Abbott is an Imam??? That's news to me. And Imam is the one who leads prayers in a mosque.
It's a figurative term. If he's a white christian nationalist (or a supporter of that agenda), he's the same as a theocrat from any other religion.
True that! theocrats are all the same. their Messianic message is extremely dangerous because it cannot be reasoned out of existence..
From that line of thinking, in Europe, we got the wars of religion the Crusades, the Inquisition.
Or worse.
If governor Abbott wants Texas to do their own thing, I suggest we cut off all funding to Texas and leave them be. They take more from the federal government than they pay in so it would be better for the rest of us. And it would get people like Cruz and Roy out of the senate and house. Give them what they want.
You are wishing for the president to A. By-pass the House & Senate. B. Suspend the Constitution and current laws?
Sounds like the former guy.
No, cutting off funding isn't necessary. Just federalize the Texas National Guard and nationalize the oil companies there. That will get their attention. A few tanks patrolling the State House would be nice.
Now if you would explain how the president has the authority to do these things. Particularly in light of not having the ability to do other things like cut off funding. Nationalizing oil companies in particular.
FYI, the tanks would be a great propaganda visual. One of the items on the Q conspiracy buffet was that the military with tanks were moving into communities to facilitate forced vaccination.
Remember Little Rock? The prez can federalize the Texas National Guard and remove the Texas governor's authority over them. He can send in tanks. The oil companies can be threatened with all kinds of restrictions and emergency contols. They won't like that. The Q folks, Bannon in particular, will turn tail and run the moment they see a tank coming down the road.
Little Rock was under martial law 2x. 1860s and 1954. In both cases there was violence not only defiance & it is highly controversial. Martial law is also part of DJT’s plan if re-elected.
You miss the point about the Qs. Tanks on streets validate those fears. Validation is not a good thing when half the country already thinks civil war is coming & it is just a matter of time.
The president can threaten private oil companies all he wants. If Congress (both chambers) do not support him he would be further weakened. As a matter of practicality, provoking violence would create turmoil interfering with their operations. In this imaginary scenario we ignore what happens during violent turmoil.
So you keep on fanning the flames. People like me who live in such places, already viewed like the old ‘race traitors’ and as evil libs will be slow to endorse living in the crossfire. We’ve seen it before.
PS. Thanks for the link on martial law. It is evident that Gov Abbott has already commenced martial law in Texas. One step at a time.
Of course you are correct. It is important to explore imaginary scenarios. You never know which one will materialize. George Wallace and Greg Abbott (in other words the entire Republican Party plus old southern democrats) are existential threats, full-time secessionists and traitors. We must prepare for the worst they have to offer. And don't let your passport expire. I believe in your conclusions. But the path from A to B is unknown.
Oh, and don't forget the University of Mississippi.
Just to connect the dots. For several years I have been reminding your readers that 43 state legislatures are controlled by GOP as well as 27 Republican Governors and 27 Republican Attorney Generals. SCOTUS has been handing states back power since Trump loaded the court. Now they have issued an edict to stop some of the madness they helped cause by giving states more power. Our population isn't aware enough of voter choice in states. They put in a Democratic Governor and elect a state legislature of Republicans. They knee jerk Congress after 2 years of Biden and elect a Republican House.
So here we sit in a quagmire of chaos with Donald Trump as the stir stick in the GOP sewer and Greg Abbott taking full advantage. The voter is much to blame. In Texas you can't gerrmander a statewide election. I will never get over Uvalde Co. TX voting overwhelming for Abbott after the school shooting. Says a lot about my point on voter choices. In the 40 years since I lived there and voted for Ann Richards, Democrat as Governor the state has gone to heck. It's almost Biblical in number, the GOP has taken the state from promise to chaos.
We need more blue voters. We need better media and less billionaire owners
We need more Judd and team and less complicit MSM
Thanks for this information and so well done, Judd and team.
Welcome to the Fascist States of America... brought to you by pasty, old, rich, obnoxious white men who are still fighting the Civil War.
"In my book The Hidden History of American Oligarchy, I chronicle how the invention of the Cotton Gin — which could do the work of 50 enslaved people — led to a widespread and massive consolidation of wealth and power in the deep South. The plantation families, made fabulously wealthy by the Gin, then took over both the economics and the politics of the South, turning it into what today we’d call an oligarchic fascist state.
They also took over the Democratic Party in the process (it was founded by Thomas Jefferson and had always had its base largely in the South) and turned it from a national player in American politics into a corrupt regional power-broker focused almost entirely on immunizing the morbidly rich while keeping down Black people, working class whites, and women."
Using a public park to exercise federal constitutional authority seems like a good idea, but if that park isn’t available, then the feds should use immigration funds to seize (and compensate owners for) public property to use as a staging area. Maybe when Texas voters start losing their land they’ll realize that Abbott is bad for Texas.
Texas/Feds are already seizing border land from private owners apparently.
Does this mean we can tell the Supreme Court to go to hell regarding a different ruling? I agree this is another effort to divide the country and force Biden into a confrontation. No easy options.
That Park is a FEDERAL Park.
Mr. Abbott doesn't have the right to extend his authority over it. Period.
As to Mr. Trump who enjoys swimming in troubled waters, add fuel to the fire [feel free to add any other image showing him willing to tank this country so he can get a power he has no right to] that's what we get for Mr. Garland not indicting TFG as soon as Trump was out of office and allowing the racist, White Nationalist wing of the GOP to fester and grow.
Now, we may have to shed blood to stop it.
As to those Governors in Texas and elsewhere who push disrespect for the Rule of Law, to wage war against the United States, Amendment 14 Section 3 applies to them too.
About those simple folks who are right now traveling to Texas with a view to cause trouble, if they are your relatives, point out to them that the foot soldiers of January 6th 2021, [in spite of Mr. Garland's inactivity], have been arrested and are facing their day in court.
There will be a price in joining in the insurrectionists' collective madness.
I do not really believe that all Texans want to secede, but if you live in Texas, you might want to explain to those who do want to secede, that Texas is a moocher-State, taking in more of our tax dollars than they are putting in. A secession would mean that from one day to the next, the money they have in the banks is devalued, as Texas would have to mint their own money. They would instantly become citizens of a foreign country, not entitled to any of the bennies they have been receiving for years, not entitled to vote. Their Federal legislators would instantly lose their paycheck. All Federal employees [Texas has 143,087] would lose their paycheck and their pension.
I say, Have at it, Texas! You are a financial burden to the rest of the country.
We will kindly and mercifully open our borders to Texans who respect the rule of Law and maybe allow them is as refugees. They can stay in tents until we decide whether to admit them in or not...
They deserve our Mercy.
Yes, moocher state. Too happy to bite the hand that feeds it.
Sounds a little Dunning-Kruger, doesn't it?
Methinks the park is municipal
Yes, and named for a confederate general of course.
did you expect anything less, this CREATURE is a d. j. "trump" the HUMP ! LOVER---------JUST ANOTHER TOAD ! like Paxton also a TOAD!!!!!!, yep! 2 of the same.
the PARK is federal property=====so fornicate Greg Abbott, this is what the Texas people think about HIM, so FORNICATE Greg Abbott and his allies
Aren’t you sweet. First of all, it is a city park. Second the people there are mostly of MX heritage and did not want this. Pretty certain they don’t want your ‘mercy’.
I live in a “moocher” state. We elected a 2-term Dem Gov and still have a GOP veto-proof legislature with all other constitutional offices held by the GOP. Our current AG is likely too busy looking for a new job to cross Mitch on this and get involved.
I’m not sure whether you live in the great state of perfection or merely have a severe case of myopia. This sort of thing is Exhibit A for how magaworld portrays ‘the libs’ ‘elitists’ and those of us who would be your allies too. So instead of giving advice about what to point out and explain to the militants and pro-CW crowd, try it yourself and let us know how it goes. Bless your heart. You deserve our sympathy.
WELL-- GET RID OF THE MOOCHERS--- the G.O.P. Rapethepublicans ET AL, they all CREEPS, d. j. "trump"the HUMP! LOVERS ALSO, GET THE IDEA ? I SURE HOPE SO ?, IF NOT T F B
This underscores why government seems dysfunctional; hard core believers think that government (especially in Washington) should not function. Having insured that by opposing ANY proposal their ideological self-serving fake leaders oppose for narrow power purposes we have gridlock which guarantees chaos. With chaos and disorder the purpose of weakening government so as to allow the disruptions be cause of trampling individual rights for women, to vote, for education can all bend to the false claim of patriotism