DeSantis denies misleading these unfortunates who are only trying to live as according to America's promise. What a cruel individual. I dare not call him a man. He has no manly qualities if he can't even own his own actions.

A brochure detailing what he denies was given to these people. Who commissioned it? It was describes as crude but it looked pretty official to me. This is what the republican party has reduced itself to. Selling fear over and over with these stupid parlor tricks meant to fool the already deceived.

I truly hope this November that all true men and women rise up and vote all of these miscreants out of office (here's looking at YOU Gov. Abbott) and/or deny the new breed of QRP entry to office and authority.

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Huzzah! You hit the nail on the head!

Tucker Carlson and Fox News should be held accountable as well.

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Oh yes. They both deserve to be denizens UNDER the prison.

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Let's see. Collusion, conspiracy, trafficking of minors and adults, kidnapping, in state and across state lines, designing printing and disseminating false information using government funds and equipment/resources, federal racketeering, human trafficking (international laws) and about a dozen other political ethics violations regarding oaths of office and mismanagement of staff, protocol and use of resources...monetary, human and, structural. I suppose you could also go after all the companies that knowingly conspired to aid and albeit this stunt. This could include transport companies, printing facilities, spokespersons, etc. Private lawsuits by concern Florida and Texas citizens for waste of taxpayer $'s along with dereliction of duty, responsibility, actions unbecoming a State Governor...

These people never grew up. They are the same high school bullies they were when in their teens.

Most are too old to change their behavior.

It worked for them then and still works for them today.

Their behavior is costly both in $'s, morality and national and international reputation.

This issue has been in existence for way too long.

There needs to be a better way to address this national problem.

It will require $'s to put together an alternative action program to research out a better solution.

This program when up and running, will be able to quickly capture resources, remove power from those who abuse their positions of authority, and better and more quickly assist those in need.

I guess this would be a call to action.

Anyone interested?

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In a word, yes!

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Firstly, Thank you.

First question: What can you bring to the table.

I have minimum assets in land, businesses, and time.

I do have creativity, problem solving talents, (Mac Gyver) and degrees in Sociology, Business along with 50+ years of experience in the business sector both large and small.

A desire to fix this stupidity once and for all, so it can be part of history as opposed to everyday news, as it is a ridiculous waste of resources and productive talent.

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I don't have much in the way of resources but I am a problem solver (my day job is senior commercial appeals paralegal) and I am also a trained and experienced voice actor with many years of experience. I can write ad copy too and have a small home studio where I can produce professional voice tracks for broadcast use (radio, TV, internet, other). Perfect for commercials and other applications.

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One of our primary requirements would be to buy time to gather enough talented out of the box thinkers to analyze the problem(s) and research out solution(s) based on historic precedence. They need to be affordable, legal, realistic solutions outside of the everyday, time consuming, non productive, less than temporary fixes. This will require some $ people who are of the same mind and abilities. Most creative souls are not money people in general as money can be a corruption variable that messes with their sense of humanity. So forming an out of the box "think tank" that not only works on research but also manages action with or without having to be a non profit, is going to have to be financed as we all have overhead/living expenses, and the issue requires in most cases the full attention of all the research team.

It would be a somewhat risky investment of which some of the risk could be lessened, if part of the solution could be... to utilize the talents of the immigrants that are presently being ignored? It is going to need a person or persons with enough discretionary income to invest in something as silly as "solving the issue of political malfeasance" while also solving the immigration issue, perhaps outside of the legal system while doing so legally and possibly profitably down the road. It is ridiculous to see experienced, out of country, talent mulling around the streets with nowhere to go and nothing to do.

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Agreed! Indeed! And didn't I hear somewhere about there being a labor shortage here in the states? And what about Florida? Don't they have a shortage of workers too? What the HELL is DeSantis sniffing? To whit:

South Florida Has a Worker Shortage, and 'Hiring ... - Law.comhttps://www.law.com › dailybusinessreview › 2022/09/07

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The labor shortage issue, is all I hear from everyone in business that I speak with on a daily basis. A typical business, I just got off the phone with this morning had 10 employees. Now the man is working alone with his wife, both in their 60's, with ten employees worth of work in the yard and no one available or reliable to hire. This is all across the country in what we would call blue collar service industry. Corporate America is obviously having the same issues but has been able to absorb those with leverageable abuse in many cases. They make enough profit to absorb losses through raising prices on must have merchandise that they sometime erroneously blame on supply side issues while creating a somewhat false level of inflationary pressure, mindless of the effects on the economy or the lower classes of purchasing consumers.

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Again, to repeat a point I have made before, the cruelty of what DeSantis and Abbott did wasn't beside the point, it WAS the point. "Owning the Libs" is what they were seeking to do, and to score points on Fox News. I guess that they succeeded, but what repulsive, horrible excuses for human beings they are.

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In a way, Ian, they succeeded, but the stunt they tried to pull of making "liberals", Democrats, residents of Martha's Vineyard - look cold and uncaring, and annoyed at the immigrants' presence... THAT failed, big-time! Those illegally transported folks were welcomed wtih compassion and caring.

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Very true, Sally, but if you watch Fox or a similar station, you'd think that they just won the lottery. They think that this was the greatest thing ever.

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When I think of the cruelty of this act and then contemplate the smug look on DeSantis face, it makes one realize the state of affairs we are in as a Nation. To think this stunt was executed by a governor not even in the state the migrants landed. The hate is real and if they have their way this Country will resemble something more like Gilead than the USA. I can only hope Desantis meets his fate! We must vote these monsters out!

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He and that abominable Texan Greg Abbott. Chuck them the fcku OUT!

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DeSantis will not answer for his Mussolini agenda to re-establish fascism. Instead, he will let thousands of jobs in Florida go un-filled while he and his stooge Jimmy Petronis prance around the state dropping cash voting bribes to first responders. He attacks (or ignores) every institution of truth, having stacked the judiciary in advance. And he boasts proudly that these bribes 'honoring' public servants are not being paid by Floridians because they come from the Federal government ($8.8 million). So yeah, sending migrants to northern states works for him to be Tucker's hero.

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If a criminal investigation is not swiftly begun, this will continue with more human beings used as political pawns. The Republicans perpetrating this cruelty will not stop here, despite their perfidy having been exposed. They will point to the middlemen (and women) that they hired as the perpetrators & continue to claim that they are only ensuring that "blue" states share the burden of asylum seekers (whom they continue to mischaracterize as "illegals").

They forget, however, that the "blue" states to which they are sending these poor souls are also DONOR states (meaning that more of their tax dollars go to support the "red" states sending them the asylum seekers). In essence, the DONOR states are already sharing the "burden" of caring for asylum seekers, thus negating both Abbott & DeSantis' arguments.

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Precisely but in one case you have one too dull to get this and in the other, the cruelty is the point and let the chips fall where they may! Which one is which? Have fun playing "Guess which one is the Republican Idiot!"

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Nothing will happen to DeSantis or anyone else. Three days after the fact, and not a peep from Congress or anyone else, even though DeSantis should be impeached.

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Hold on thare. What if an airtight case is being built to finally hoist that mope high from own his petard?

It could happen. You know VP Harris is super PISSED about which mope was it? Abbott that sent refugees to practically her door! Believe that someone is looking closely at that development.

The QRP dopes talk revenge all of the time, but a wise person exacts theirs by silent surprise. Quite effective as a tactic and I am keeping my options open. I think there is a big groundswell coming and we all may well be surprised when we see by way of the accumulated evidence, just how criminal these mthrfckrs are and have been!

Yes, I am an eternal optimist. There is always a silver lining but at times, they are hard to find.

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I, too, am an optimist... but I'm also old enough to temper that with a touch of realism. I can HOPE that evidence is being gathered to put many of these deranged authoritarians away for a good long time, but I probably will not hold my breath waiting for it to happen. Know what I mean? ;)

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Oh most definitely.

But the silver lining could merely be that you have a clear understanding of the dynamics involved, that many others who do not discriminate when choosing sources for news (NOT dis-info) lack awareness of, remaining ignorant of the nuanced levels of activity that directly or indirectly affect ALL of us, including THEM.

These would be the mopes who faithfully vote against their own interests.

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I greatly fear you may be right. :/

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I doubt Desantis will every be held responsible for these crimes, but as compensation for what happen, We should give these asylum sealers U-visas. U-visas are for victims of serious crime and allow the victim to remain in the US and eventually get a green card.

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Chyron: “The Most Democratic Towns Are The Least Diverse.”

Because so many Black and POC are victims of redlining and poor wages, mainly at the hands of the well-to-do corporate employers and conservative city governments who must please said corporations. Not because of the people who happen to or choose to live there. I think that’s been proven by MarthasGate.

How diverse is Fox News btw?

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Well, they do have that execrable Harris Falkner. I know. But technically she deserves a mention right? At least as a quisling.

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As usual, you are on the money, Judd. The level of cynicism and cruelty among GOP actors has never been higher, but we can’t assume it has peaked.

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If there is criminality associated with what DeSantis did, I hope that he and others are charged. And what about Fox News which, by the way, is run by the Murdochs, who are not Americans. Hello? When will their poison spew be stopped? Will there ever be penalties for Fox News lies?

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Thank you, thank you, for finding all the background to this and ESPECIALLY the rip-off flyer that was used to lure these people away. Ron the Punisher should be concerned at this point. You have the smoking gun for kidnapping. The way politics works these days, Ron will weasel out of this, BUT it's election year with people in FL sitting on the fence. This should help them understand what a pompous SOB he really is. I'll make sure Charlie Crist's campaign gets this info.

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There is so much to pick apart in this whole charade. We have about 6 weeks until the election, and we’re going to see stunts to rile the base, stunts to distract and both. This definitely is both and so far it’s working. Everyone is talking about it, the people who did it and the “border crisis.” Yet who does this help? It makes Abbott look feeble and DeSantis at the very least looks like a user of Florida funds elsewhere rather than for Florida’s own problems. Maybe it’s designed to help with the bigger picture goal of undermining trust in government. After all, DHS agents allegedly participated in this.

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I read somewhere that DeSantis used federal covid relief funds to finance this crime.

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Indeed he did. To whit:

Federal covid aid enabled Florida to pay for migrant flightshttps://www.washingtonpost.com › business › 2022/09/16

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Meanwhile, for the third summer in a row, Florida leads the nation in covid deaths (400 a week in August).

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There is a reason for not only that tidbit of news, but also the fact that to my knowledge, this has not been widely reported!

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I wonder if the DHS agents acted under duress. At least some of them. Or am I giving too much credit where none is due?

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Pedantic Rant Warning:



It's ON, not IN

Martha's Vineyard is an island, not a town. You are not "in" an island, you are ON an island.

You can be IN Oak Bluffs while you are ON the Vineyard. You can be IN Edgartown while you are ON the Vineyard. You can be IN Tisbury, or West Tisbury, or Chilmark or Aquinnah. But you are always ON Martha's Vineyard.

Thank you for attending my TED Talk.

#End Rant

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Thanks, as a former teacher of writing to college students, I enjoy these details of using our language appropriately.

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And what is it with ‘it happened on accident’ that rankles me!

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Sometimes I know we're just yelling to ourselves, but I'm happy to see ranters like this here. It's not "all of THE sudden," either, which I heard a lot when I lived in the PNW. Not to mention that adding 's to a word is NOT the plural form of the word!

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But, grammar books I referred to when teaching said it was correct to add 's to words like visa and photo to make them plural. (?)

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Yes, but adding an "s" to make words like mens and womens is verboten! Lol.

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Indeed. Agreed. And I go out of my way to troll the RW nut bags on their atrocious spelling, capitalization and sentence structure. That's in addition to their easily debunked claims.

"Oh, sir or madam RW boob, that didn't happen. Nope. Here's proof. You say you don't want to be distracted from your PREFERRED narrative? There's a reason for that and if you were smarter, you'd know what it is."

Please note: Being smart doesn't have to have anything to do with intelligence. I know of some truly intelligent folks who believe in TFG, which makes them quite dumb to any actual thinking human.

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It's psychology, not intelligence. Some people are more gullible than others. And belief in conspiracy theories, according to psychologists, can be a way people cope with fear and uncertainty, and feeling like things are hopeless. IMHO, people who follow Trump are frightened people wanting to be saved from a world they don't like living in.

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Indeed. Agreed. Their psychology makes them cling to a preferred narrative no matter what actual evidence is proffered to them. You have quite the cogent take on this matter. Thank you for sharing that with us Marycat2021.

PS: You a cat lover? I most definitely am!

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Thank you. Yes, I have always loved cats. When I was living in Egypt I adopted 2 cats and rescued 3 others that now live in Toronto. The cat in my photo here is the late Mr. Bean, my 22 pound Egyptian Mau who passed away in May. My user name here is a changed spelling of the name of the protagonist in Shirley Jackson's novella "We Have Always Lived in the Castle." Her name is Merycat.

I'm sure you've seen Trump's ideology referred to as the politics of grievance. Don't forget how important hate and anger are in MAGA.

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I have that book in my collection! It's just refreshing to communicate with an obviously keen and analytical person such as yourself. I get into a few dustups from time to time, having no time for BS.

But in your case, I look forward to further communication. Thank you.

PS: When my ex and I were still together, we had 5 black cats that lived in the house (Tabitha/Tabby, Isabella/Izzy, Madeline/Mad, Penelope and Louie. We also had a host of cats living outside on the deck in tasteful shelters that we built for them out of 2 storage bins with snap on tops. I fashioned a doorway in each with a box cutter and hung a towel on the outside over the doorway and on the inside to serve as a sort of airlock if you will. Chin Lee, Black Kitty, Dolly, Beauty, and Tiger were toasty warm in inclement weather as well as all winter long. We'd change the towels every so often (washing the soiled ones) and had a set reserved for them all the time so they would always be comfortable and know they would not be hungry and that they were loved. During sub-zero weather, we'd open the back door and call them. The whole troop would then form up at Chin-Lee's command and march down to the basement, to the consternation of our indoor kitties! Lol. Good times.

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I am annoyed too by grammar mistakes, the main one being “I’m good” or “He did good,” etc. But I’m trying in my own life to be more accepting. As long as the meaning is understood, that’s what’s important. I’m less forgiving of journalists however. 😬

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Actually, the worst grammatical gaffes are committed by publications such as the NY Times, who really should know better. Last week my local news station produced a story on their website saying a dog "overdosed" on cocaine. I'm dead serious. The dog apparently, and according to the imbecile who wrote the story, snorted too much coke. I wrote in giving them hell for this stupidity, saying that the poor dog was poisoned and that it could not have "overdosed." The language is dying. Please, don't get me started on "hacks" and "gifting."

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I know this probably will never touch DeSantis, but my oh my do I hope someone goes to jail for this.

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It’s up to Congress to enact legislation to fix our lack of workable immigration policy. The previous Republican administration controlled Congress & the Presidency, & didn’t make a serious attempt to pass any policy. Their solution was to “build a wall”, to be paid for by Mexico. And how did that work out? Of the approximately 400 miles built during that administration, 16 miles were built where no fence existed before, 135 miles replaced older, shorter fencing, 50 miles replaced secondary fencing, & 170 replaced “vehicle fencing.” I don’t need to mention that Mexico didn’t contribute a penny toward the cost, estimated to be over 15 billion dollars. I will pass on mentioning the environmental damage it caused, among other adverse impacts.

And now we have Florida Governor DeSantis (who won with a margin of 0.04%, that’s .0004), who is running for President in 2024. Rather than taking the federal government funds given to Florida to benefit its residents, he decided to appeal to his base by “owning the libs”, & lying to those here legally seeking asylum by flying them from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard. He is proud of doing this, & brags that he will do it again. He isn’t interested in improving the lives of Floridians; he is interested in power & money.

If you were unhappy with Trump as President, DeSantis would make you even more miserable. Voting this November to improve the lives of all our fellow Americans is the most important vote you will make in your lifetime.

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Show me a 15-foot wall, and I'll show you a 16-foot ladder

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Clever and oh so true Steve in SoCal.

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The cruelty of this criminal stunt is beyond the pale. Even so, I won't hold my breath waiting for any consequences to fall upon the head of Ron DeSantis, who has outdone himself in sociopathic actions. And to think he could run for president in 2024 - well, he scares me even more than Trump.

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