You know how sometimes a story will give you the willies? As sick and destructive as Facebook is, this story about FB's censorship and hypocrisy just makes me want to holler, and throw up. I have thrown around the word, "Orwellian" lightly but this seems beyond Orwell's book, "1984." I think FB should be renamed "1985."

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Wow. I just signed up for the paid version and already got my money's worth.

I wonder how much money Facebook's employees saved on Federal Income taxes as a result of Trump's giveaway to the top earrners?

Follow the money is almost always a clue to erratic behaviour.

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For someone who creates content for an audience that is admittedly small, but nonetheless, what can I do but use Facebook to share my content in addition to Twitter? That is, I'm with the people who talk about deleting FB on principle, but I feel like that cuts off my nose to spite my face, so to speak.

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Facebook must hate you, Judd. Great work. Look for WTOO to be back up and running it’s page by Friday.

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I call BS. Keep holding him accountable and get this info to Rachael and Elizabeth. You are breaking stories here. KEEP GOING.

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So is FB just incompetent and money grubbing, or is there some kind of censorship at work? I've heard of this kind of arbitrary treatment of individuals, but a public radio station? Both dangerous and confusing.

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Chilling. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Zuckerberg has no moral compass. People should delete Facebook before it is too late. Thanks for getting this out there.

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Mark Zuckerberg himself is clickbait in quasi-human form. Thank you for highlighting the venality of FB. Bastards!

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Zuckerberg is a 1%er receiving ad dollars and tax cuts from Trump. I add one more to the 1%ers are the world's most dangerous gang. Money and power. It's always about the money.

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one sure sign of a monopoly is when you are forced to use their venue to protest their behavior, for lack of any other serious platform...

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The science of lies is a cognitive science, and the cognitive neuroscience says that enforced moderated human dialogue is by far the best way to expose fiat lying. Existing fact checking does not do this and can be ignored by vested interests, as we see here. There needs to an Internet Court of Lies to give the public an independent, public, way to bring up lies and have them adjudicated through enforced dialogue as we do with all courts. But this court only puts lies in jail, and provides others with a means to window into the lies to see them, as summarized in this free link: https://medium.com/@rhtcmu/https-medium-com-rhtcmu-fiat-lies-are-genocide-on-the-human-race-a4d76b093530?source=friends_link&sk=def42b91e45b457ef3abc64ab440c8ae

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Freedom (to lie) ain't free. For Trump it costs $1.2 million a week.

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I really enjoy using Facebook but it is getting more and more difficult to justify such an indulgence.

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