In a few years maybe one can arrange a visit and share a prison lunch with him.

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I would think that there are contest rules in various states that he has run afoul of. In some states, if you offer a contest for something of value, you have to provide a way of entering without payment, and you have to provide a winner or list of winners upon request.

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I truly have no idea whether there were any contest winners for these meals. But coming from a total fraud, it wouldn't surprise me if there were no winners, and I wonder if this is a punishable offense under election law if it turns out this was all smoke and mirrors.

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There's only one contest that REALLY matters, and that is the one in November of 2020. We sure need him to lose that one..............

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Suddenly “winners” will start turning up now, won’t they? Cuz they are well and truly busted.

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More grifting. It never ends.

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Great story. I would never know about this, since I try not to get email from his campaign.

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The Scammer in Chief reigns supreme and continues to strike over and over again. When will people figure it out? Oh, that’s right. His die-hard supporters never will. Trump’s just another huckster like these televangelists who bilk bazillions out of their blind flocks. Same shtick different day.

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Con Man 101: How to dupe the Stupe.

You caught him with his hand in the candy bag. Somewhere in DC two actors are getting ready for a staged pic with the president. The MSM media short of the Post reporter you contacted, will be duped, too.

Keep it up. You rock!

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Judd, you got a great story here! My guess, though, is that Trump never followed up, because he could not possibly be interested in actually engaging with his supporters—after all, he knows better than anyone how imbecilically, lethally tedious someone would have to be to vote for him!? And he assumes, correctly, that even if this insulting treatment of his own base goes public, they will swallow any lame excuse he throws at them, which will be some version of a fake press.

He’s got the flock that adores him. They got the shepard they deserve. And we’ve been stuck with a padded bill for tainted food and insufferable service.

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That should read Cup but given the laws this Govt is passing & our Prime Prick want to ban people protesting about anything, boycotting business ect I shall wait for the race

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Meanwhile, in Australia the Western part where I live we are waiting with bated breath for the Melbourne Cop run in Victoria in Melbourne, so I shall not comment on Trumps scams till tomorrow owing to the race(Horse) thanks you for your patience

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