This report must be forwarded to every media by each of us who care about SS . It is that simple. I for one am glad that he is on the offensive. Those in and out of congress who really do want to cut all government programs are playing the long game. So many “ideas” that were once out of the question are now being uttered by politicians, the media and the public. This is a real threat. Talking heads are so often wrong and yet our less thoughtful, less informed and more distracted brother and sisters will have these ideas floating around in the back of their minds. Not a good thing. Manipulation is real and manipulation is what swings election and policy.Social Security and Medicare are good things. They need more funding. Increasing the SS tax on income over $400,000 seems to be one fix.

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The MSM has been cheering cuts to social security for decades, same as they have cheered on every military conflict.

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Stanley, Unless your family name is actually "TwoBrix", please come out from behind your nom de plume and let the rest of use check out your bona fides as an expert witness.

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A person's handle is irrelevant. Anyone who is trying to sell you the notion that the party that actively embraces fascism, antisemitism, racism, "Christian" nationalism, violent insurrection, autocracy here and abroad, voter suppression and intimidation, and the demolition of public education is exactly the same as the party that opposes these things is either being actively deceptive or is simply deluded.

The fascists are united, despite their Potemkin Village food fights. They also know they're in the minority. If they can keep the majority of us divided, they can win. That tactic worked for them in Germany in the 1930s and it darn near worked here as well.

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Thank you Stephen S. Well said! I alluded to the same thing in a couple of comments for this right wing talking point commenter.

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His comment doesn't have anything to do with what I posted, so how good can it be?

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He’s referring directly to you. But we all expect that you wouldn’t catch on.

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This is a weird comment to a comment that criticizes the media for constantly pounding the drum of war, especially since there is no mention of either party.

So I guess your attempt to create a straw man has failed twice over, because I've never said that, anywhere, ever. Nice try, though.

Perfectly happy to defend positions I've actually taken, though.

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Maybe you could try reading a newspaper. A real one.

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Yes except why $400,000? Just make all of it taxable. Why should someone who makes 50k have to pay more than someone who makes 169-400k?

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Do you ever know what you are talking about?

Social security payments are capped at $160,200 (this year), meaning that someone who makes $160,200 pays the same amount into Social Security as much as Jeff Bezos.

Bernie (you know, the backstabber, because backstabbing is about saying true things and trying to actually help people) is trying to lift that cap, so Social Security doesn't go bankrupt.

He's a real backstabber.

Glad to help, comrade.

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What the post above is about is increasing the amount of SS contribution for individuals making over $400K. Which would mean they would pay more, not less, than someone earning less than that.

We learn a lot in communism school.

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So much hostility here, but I think the point is, why shouldn’t Jeff Bezos or anyone with an income greater than $160,200 pay the SS/Medicare tax on 100% of their income, like those of us with lesser incomes?

To be fair, I understood the reference to MSM not mentioning any party, think things got a little twisted there.

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President Biden adapted his position on social programs to account for the reality of wealth inequality.

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Biden has done some focus groups, realized he's underwater, and he is now lying so he can run again in 2024.

Biden has spent his entire life creating the mess we're in now, working with people like the Clintons and Obama to turn the Democrats into a potty-trained version of the Republican Party.

They didn't call Biden the Senator From MBNA for nothin'. He isn't trying to save SS any more than Obama tried to pass the Public Option.

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Please provide some facts to back up your assertions about all these “messes”. Do you mean how he has helped clean up many Republican messes?

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I think imma gonna mute Stanley. He's not helpful.

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How do you mute? I can't figure it out.

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"I close my eyes to anything that disagrees with my world view, same as any Republican"

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Oh yeah Ralph Nader a real hero 😂

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From Wikipedia:

"His (Nader) work testifying before Congress, drafting model legislation, and organizing citizen letter-writing and protest efforts, earned him direct credit for the enactment of the Freedom of Information Act, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Clean Water Act, Consumer Product Safety Act, and Whistleblower Protection Act."

Biden? He gave us Three Strikes, leading directly to our for-profit incarceration of black me.

He worked to make sure banks to make it harder for the non-rich to seek debt relief.

He voted to invade Iraq.

He has spent 40 years trying to cut social security.

Maybe pick up a copy of the New York Times or WaPo and read it some time. None of this is a secret.

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And Nader gave us 8 years of of jr. He's a backstabbing turncoat. Same as Sanders.

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For those who have been asleep through Biden's entire career:


Wait until you find out about how he got the title "Senator From MBNA": working with banks to make it harder for the poor to declare bankruptcy over usurious credit card fees.

The Republicans do not have a monopoly on partizan blindness.

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I just checked the dates of your links. What are Biden's positions now?

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Yes, I'm sure that Biden has become a completely different person in his 80s than he has been his entire time in government, and that he has rejected just about everything he's spent his entire life doing.

Or maybe, just maybe, he's a politician who is saying what the easily fooled want to hear, so he can be elected again.

I know which one I think is the case.

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Facts, Stanley. Let’s see something to back up your inaccuracies.

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I've already posted a list of links to credible sources twice, Robert. Maybe you should read them.

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If you’re concerned about “Biden lying,” you must be outraged and totally beside yourself with the spews and outrageous lies of DT!

Ps you can’t have it both ways!!

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News flash: it is possible for both people to be liars.

PS: maybe think a bit about how mindlessly partisan posting a comment that says "you can't have it both ways" is.

I mean, seriously - do you think the villainy of the GOP means the Democrats are heros? Are you a child?

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I just assume that Democrats will have to repair any financial messes made by Republicons.

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You know what they say about "assume".

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Guess, to use your tactic of demeaning someone, if one used a bit of critical thinking, “using it both ways,” means using it both ways! And yes, to be more clear, it can apply to both sides!

I will also note, you calling someone a “child,” because you think you disagree with the comment, is also very telling!

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1) perhaps if you reread your comment attacking me, perhaps you'll understand why I'd be annoyed.

2) what is the "it" I can't have both ways? Clearly you meant, "If you don't like Biden, you must be a Trump supporter! And if you don't like Trump you have to like Biden!"

Is the " it" your referring to is having principles that apply evenly, to everyone, regardless of party?

3) don't be surprised that people point out that your reasoning is childishly simple when it is, in fact, childishly simple.

Maybe even more easy to understand is you shouldn't be surprised that when you flame someone in the internet, they flame back.

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If you are “inflamed” by the word “it” — a word that refers to the context of the reply, then there’s that. Again, using descriptors a “childish,” is telling! (You can fill in the blank of what “telling” means as you seem to do that well).

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News flash, you’re a fascist-supporter who forgets what TFG has done to this country and the refusal to recognize that your party refused to remove the twice impeached criminal.

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You really have a hard time placing things on the political spectrum.

Here's a tip: when someone criticizes Biden for working to cut a social program his entire career, is that person:

a) for social programs?

b) opposed to social programs?

You know that socialists are sort of on the other side of the spectrum, right?

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Why are trolls allowed here?

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If they're paid and they abide by civility. What I don't understand is why can't we block?

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Now I understand why your commentary is universally unappreciated here.

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OK comrade. Jesus you people.

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When in doubt, call someone a communist.

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When in doubt say both-sides are…! You’re not fooling anyone hear, trolling should be easier for you with your MAGA friends.

So, you have nothing to say about a fascist who caused the deaths of numerous citizens in this country, by denying the danger of Covid and then a deadly seditionist attack. Doesn't seem like you are familiar with the facts. So

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Just wondering - does literally everything I write have to include the dipshit who isn't president any more?

Am I allowed to talk about the current president in an article about the current president?

I mean, you haven't talked about how Bush2 was terrible, so I guess I should just assume you are a fascist Republican.

Man, I can't believe you support GWB. He was a real dick.

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Thanks for cutting through all the noise to provide some sources and facts. I do think it is important to ask politicians why their positions change over time and yet also to expect them to evolve with time and situation. So much has changed since 1984!

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Apart from the small percentage of people who can fund their retirement with personal wealth, there is no senior citizen, anyone nearing retirement or anyone affected by retirement who will vote for an income reduction, which is what this amounts to. I don’t care what they say publicly. They won’t knowingly do it. A freeze is one thing; raises aren’t ever guaranteed. But an actual reduction, no matter how much lipstick is on that pig, won’t fly. This will mobilize not only retirees but also their families, who could face the need to support aging parents beyond what they’re prepared or able to do. Party be damned. People aren’t stupid, but they don’t always realize what terms like ‘sunset’ and ‘entitlement programs’ mean, and that’s something we can affect. We need to move beyond ‘Rs want to cut’ to ‘What do Rs mean when they say they want to sunset a program?’ And then tell them.

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IF "A 2022 poll found that 83% of Americans, and 84% of Republicans, support increasing Social Security benefits. “ THEN ..... a real lot of Americans can’t put 1 and 1 together to get 2..

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There are a lot of Democrats who pretend that the Democratic Party hasn't been working to cut social security. So the Republicans are not alone here.

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Again, facts please.

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Check the other thread.

Funny how people who don't know the first thing about Biden's long career of throwing the middle and working classes under the bus to please his corporate masters get so testy.

Have you read a newspaper the last 40 years? I mean the real ones, like the NYTimes, or WaPo?

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I believe the DNC deliberately blacklisted Bernie Sanders in 2016 too. We have to go from where we are in the present and Biden is all we have and who we must support. I don't get that from your post[s]...

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2023: "Now is not the time to work for change, because Republicans!"

2022: "Now is not the time to work for change, because Republicans!"

2020: "Now is not the time to work for change, because Republicans!"

2018: "Now is not the time to work for change, because Republicans!"

2016: "Now is not the time to work for change, because Republicans!"

2012: "Now is not the time... "

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Yes, Stanley. Facts please.

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Genuinely curious to read what you think about those links. Do you see my point?

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It's all in the name. Another republican con job. The name "Contract to Save America" suggests one thing but we know the intent is the opposite. Anyone paying the least bit of attention knows that Biden is speaking the truth on the question of "entitlements." There are some who say the democrats have been working just as hard to cut entitlements too, but I haven't seen any widespread efforts from that direction. There is only one body that wants to cut so called entitlements (then lies about it). Hell, I've worked since I was 15, I'm 63 and that ain't no damn entitlement to me. That's MY damn money!!!

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Obama definitely cooperated with the Bowles-Simpson Commission which was similar to current GOP proposals. Of course, it wasn't passed. The pandemic aid programs proved that budget hawkery is mostly a crock. People should read about Modern Monetary Theory.

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Forget Fox and the other propaganda outlets. Forget the Republicans and their whining. The real problem with this story is coming from the Jonathan Karl's of the world. The corporate media is desperate to keep the increasingly radical and insane Republicans in the game. As they did for all of Trump's reign of error, they minimize the radically unpopular agenda they are trying to impose on the country by either both-siderism or by simply distorting or excusing their actions. Republicans have been trying to kill Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid since the day they were enacted. The difference now is that they are saying the quiet part out loud.

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Social security and Medicare are not entitlements; they're earned benefits.

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HOw is it that a "Republican 'study' committee" goes after Biden's position from over 40 years ago? The RSC is neither a "study nor a committee" - just a bunch of deadbeat losers flapping their gums about ancient history. And the MSM is stupid for buying into this nonsense! 118th Congress shaping up to be just like X45 administration - crooks, liars, incompetents, fraudsters in search of a headline! GQP is DOA.

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Thank you, Judd, for this. Now if we can just get the truth out through the MSM. Republicans have been trying to cut, sunset, privatize or whatever term they want to use, since Reagan. That’s when they became vocal and truly energized. See Paul Krugman’s excellent piece in yesterday’s NY Times. Question: how in the hell do we get MSM to report the truth about this?

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The ownership has to change hands first…almost every media conglomerate is owned by ultra right wingers including CNN.

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"Everyone I disagree with is an ultra right wing fascist."

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Nothing some vigorous anti-trust and bring taxes back to Eisenhower-era levels wouldn't fix.

I like to think I'm an Eisenhower Republican:

I support a 90% upper tax bracket on the wealthy - at the old rates (you know, back when there was a middle class), that 90% rate kicked in at around $2M/person, or around $3.5M/couple.

I am deeply suspicious of the military-industrial complex. Eisenhower was the one who coined the term, IIRC.

I am deeply pro-union.

I am about 20 miles to left of the Democrats.

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😂😂😂So left of the Democrats, you haven’t given any worry to a multiple criminal & deadly seditionist. Wow.

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It's the emojis that make your comment so cutting. No, not the smiley laughy faces! I'm being pwned by a 12yo!

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They couldn't have done it without the Democratic Party.

Bill Clinton passed NAFTA after Bush 1 failed to pass it.

WJC also worked with Republicans to repeal Glass Stegall, allowing the banks to merge, and putting us back on the boom and bust treadmill the Roosevelt and the New Deal protected us from for decades.

Reagan would have been proud.

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Judd, this post also crosses path with what Republican lawmakers are doing in North Carolina according to Marc from Democracy Dockets. They are proposing raising the retirement age for judges so that they can prevent a new governor from choosing new judges. This country Smdh

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Yes Biden has changed his position. Guy is 80 years old and still open to new ideas and information. How many can say that? More importantly he is publicly confronting the R’s on their lies which is why they and their mouthpieces are outraged.

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Convenient excuse making that reeks of hypocrisy given the strategy of burning other people at the stake for any historical utterance outside of the liberal Uniparty orthodoxy.

Biden did not change his mind as he has no mind to change. He is a shape-shifting career politician that will say and do anything that his handlers tell him will advance his politic career.

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Wow Frank not sure about the Uniparty stuff? Biden’s ability to confront R hecklers during the SOTU speech and call out their lies while using humor to invite support seemed to show capability to think on his feet to me. No handlers in real time.

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Quips at a SOTU speech are pretty meaningless in the face of actual policy positions.

Deeds, not words.

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Agree. Same with positive assessment of SOTU speech... especially one that assigns some positive spin for the President getting his political opponents to yell at him.

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Oh Geesh… your ability to asses POTUS performance is significantly nonobjective and chasing political confirmation bias. It is close to demonstrated cognitive dissonance.

Too bad Kevin McCarthy didn’t rip up his speech. I’m am sure you thought that was a wonderful Pelosi moment.

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You’re starting to make this personal Frank. Not interested in that. Moving on

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You continually do great work. Speaking truth with clarity in an age of unrelenting obfuscation. Thank you.

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Republican projection. They have no plan to help those most in need or have any desire to expand the middle class. They will do exactly what President Biden stated in the SOTU address. If you're not a hedge-fund, a private equity firm, a billionaire, or a corporation, they have no interest and no plans to make your life better/easier/more inclusive. The GOP is not interested in anything that would be good for the country in general.

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This information makes it much easier to argue down. Frankly, I don’t think it’s relevant that he had a different position 28 years ago. I care what he IS DOING now. This needs to be our focus.

It is especially important to note that increasing the age of retirement is simply another form of cutting what the recipient will get.

We need to get video/audio of the Republicans saying what they claim they did not. They are perpetual liars and do NOT care about the working public.

There was another mass shooting at Michigan State U. Public figures were angry. Enough. But they failed to put a name to what prevented safety from gun deaths…REPUBLICANS & their marriage to the NRA! Come on politicians! Enough of just referring to a cult without naming it. Say REPUBLICANS, SAY NRA, SAY CORPORATE DEMOCRATS bought by the gun lobby!

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Agreed. This disinformative screed about positions taken years ago is more than merely unhelpful. No suggestions, just complaints. Another uselessness engine! Smh.

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How is it disinformation if it's what actually happened?

If Trump runs again, are you going to ignore his positions as president, since that was so long ago? Or is that benefit of the doubt reserve solely for your political allies?

Me? I don't listen to what a politician says. I watch what they have done.

Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

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The man changed his position over time. That is called GROWTH! You are talking about events from decades ago when the man has obviously changed over the years. Therefore your point is disinformative. You would do better to talk about what the man is doing now. Good day.

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Yes, you are right, the reasonable position is that Biden has magically changed his position on basically everything he has done his entire career.

Are you interested in buying a bridge?

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Please apply PLENTY of chapstick and start on the left side if you would. My wallet is on the right.

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We all know ‘when the Republicans are lying. Their lips are moving’.

An old snarky remark added to the conversation.

Does it apply ? Absolutely.

This crew that makes up the heretofore GOP are liars. Fox is their network , where lies abound .

As usual they also call out the Democratic members for things only they are guilty of .

As far as Joe Biden’s position on Social Security and Medicare, its changed.

If Republicans told the truth ,I’m not sure we’d have these chronic issues . But they’ll never give up their wealthy benefactors. So we’ll fight about this for the foreseeable future .

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