This kind of sharp reporting is critical right now during this presidential campaign because "Immigrant Crime" is one of Trump's major talking points. Trump's mission is to make people hate. He is so filled with venom that stories where an immigrant target can be the victim makes us all the victims of Trump's power. This kind of Popular Information reporting serves to dispel the hatred and deliver us to the realities we all must deal with. Thank you!

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We're being manipulated by people with an anti-democratic agenda, and there has been little pushback when it comes to phony factoids being pushed by Trump and the GOP. They want to isolate America and turn it into an autocracy run by a few powerful white men.

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The prosecutor or an angry old fraudster, rapist & his #ShadyVance. A depraved monster is wilting like lettuce. For our kids & grandkids we will win…#VoteBlue!


Battery not included. Did the angry old toad just jump the shark?


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Thanks, just had time to click on your links--well-chosen.

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Another attempt by MAGA to take isolated incidents and generalize them to describe imaginary trends. All MSM has to do is take these simple statistics that Judd has highlighted and put them out there for the American public to see how inaccurate MAGA’s claims are. But KM’s best answer is to keep talking about how don-OLD blocked passage of the immigration bill resulting from compromise between dems and GOP. Put it all over the airwaves and in every speech where immigration is mentioned. I haven’t heard of any GOP answers to that yet. I hope enough voters are intelligent enough to understand that reality.

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The problems are that MSM is not constantly fact checking and Republicans are only interested in stuff that reinforces their views. Fact checking assumes folks are educated enough to understand statistics...and the Republican aim is to underfund education (I wonder why...).

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Just like Bush, Sr. took down Dukakis with the "Willy Horton" fake news so Trump expects to beat Harris by running ads with fake news about immigrant crime. Unfortunately, the main-stream -media is all in favor of letting him do that. Those ads with fake news should only be run with a disclaimer that it is all "BullS**t" but, of course ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, etc. are all owned by billionaires who stand to profit by lower taxes. VOTE BLUE!

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Blame the Press as well as the perpetrator. Great report, Judd and Noel!

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Since Republicans don't have facts, they run on lies, fear and anger. Their base doesn't fact check nor read statistics; voting Republican is easier than thinking. Thanks to the plethora of sources, one can cherry pick media that reinforces specific beliefs (as opposed to the headache of dealing with facts).

Thank you PI for your succinct summary!

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We are reading this. “We” are not the ones that need to read this. It is mind boggling that this misinformation is gobbled up by still so many. There are folks that don’t wish to hear facts and I don’t know how to reach them.

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Trump is lying.

Trump is a liar.

Trump lies about everything.

None of that is surprising.

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Yes, those are obvious truths for anyone listening and watching with any semblance of critical thought and an open mind. How do we reach the other seventy-five million voters?

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Facts are irrelevant to the MAGA world. The rest of us can confirm facts by various means. MAGA do not care whether they speak the truth or not. They can only win if they can manage a steal via close elections to get Electoral College to decide..they don’t win the popular vote (the voice & choice of the people). Lies, gerrymandering, law breaking, constitution-violations are the only tactics they have to win. But this information is good for us to have as ammunition to let them know we’re not buying their BS.

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I've said this before... "To quote my late father: 'The only thing Republicans are good for is winning elections.' "

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Rest up..... it's going be insane until November..

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The new crime is called Presidential crime and that’s why I’m voting for a Prosecutor instead of a Felon!

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Never let facts get in the way of playing to people's bigotry.

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Please read&post

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Just trying to cause chaos and ramp up the hatred in the country with the " what ifs" with no proof of anything ! I would hope that people can see all this tom- foolery for what it is - an overgrown toddler that is in need of his nappy time and his binky ! He is like the kid at the playground who has all the cool toys but doesn't want to share them , " mine , all mine " ! Dumpster and couch-fucking shadyvance are two of a kind and will bring down the country if they take the Whitehouse! Remember that in November and vote for what is best for you , the people , and the country !

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Why do the GOP's bogus assertions about "migrant crime" go unchallenged by the media and by the Democrats?

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Great information for all of us who can appreciate and understand it. But how do we reach the people who really need to hear these truths? Those folks regurgitating false or misleading right wing talking points will never be exposed to these facts. How do we combat that reality? Preaching to the choir has its limitations when it applies to voting in November.

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