This candidate is a pig, 🐷, plain and simple. Deserves NO public office EVER. Thank you for reporting.

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Must go after the individuals on the committee or board that approves donations.

Great report as always, Judd.

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Is there a way to link to these names for each company?

That would be my only improvement on this excellent summary.

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I agree Jim. It’s almost impossible NOT to use many of these companies. So protesting them effectively is extremely difficult.

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Further proof that when Republicans choose candidates, there is no bottom to that barrel. Disgusting rhetoric to be bankrolled by anyone, let alone major corporations.

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The same cast of business characters continually on the wrong side of history. What the hell is the “Motion Picture Assn” doing?

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Hedging their bets?

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They’re just looking to buy influence. They don’t care who’s in the WH, it’s the states where they operate and the US Congress they want.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

Sketching themselves in "on the wrong side of history" in the maga coloring book. What else?

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😂😂😂 I’m gonna pass on the subscription to the monthly MAGA coloring book!

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And HERE is all the proof anyone should need that the corrupted U.S. Supreme Court needs to be completely overhauled, and outrageous 'decisions' like Citizen's United HAVE to be overturned. If it wasn't for this blatant corruption, this article wouldn't have been written.

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There are two Supremes who are near retirement/death, and when Kamala is president she can recalibrate the SCOTUS. Perhaps we can then fix CU and Roe and other shit this SCOTUS has done.

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If they don't die, there is NO WAY they'll retire, with a Democrat in the White House! Just like Sandra Day O'Connor. No, we need an overwhelming Democratic victory this November in all 3 sections of government, so we can permanently fix these issues. There are at least 2 on the Court who NEED to be impeached - for historical precedence. There are 3 more who, in the opinion of many, are there illegitimately. But the 2 for sure need to go! Then, expand the Court to 13. THEN, start the process of righting the wrongs committed by this corrupt Court.

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While I agree with your viewpoint, Daniel, Sandra Day O'Connor did retire from the court.

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Yes, but her comment was that she WOULDN'T if Gore won the election!

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One of the most discouraging things to me was how Ruth Bader Ginsberg refused to retire despite being very sick. Her behavior made the path open for Amy Comey Barrett, and changed the already fragile 5 to 4 vote on SCOTUS to a nearly unbreachable 6 to 3.

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Yes! That is my priority with regard to where I put my political energy, that and getting the ERA passed. I suggest looking at joining the League of Women Voters (men are most welcome) as they work on issues such as these but are non-partisan, never endorse candidates.

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On the other hand, corporations can give money to both parties to ensure good favor no matter who runs. That's okay, that's fair. But to hear these comments, these posts, these abhorrent ideas and not to disavow this candidate, not the others, but this perv Nazi, is unconscionable.

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Actually, that's NOT okay! that's NOT fair! Corporations should have NO voice in what happens to our nation politically!

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kdsherpa, your comment is music to my ears. Somehow, we must remove financial contributions from political campaigns.

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I pray that President Harris and a Democratic led Senate will find a way to destroy Citizens United. That plan, which had its roots during Reagan's presidency, has done more to destroy democracy than any other factor.

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Precisely. The companies represented here can pretend that it's "busines as usual" but this time? No it is not!

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Why are we surprised? That major multimillion dollar corporations are donating hundreds of thousands in campaign PAC donations to the lowest of the low running to represent the American people and government? Thank you for the research and details to confront "Google ($585,000), Walmart ($570,000), CVS ($550,000), Microsoft ($550,000), Travelers Insurance ($460,000), Amazon ($450,000), Deloitte ($400,000), Charter Communications ($385,000), Oracle ($325,000), Pfizer ($300,000), Coca-Cola ($250,000), The Motion Picture Association ($250,000), and Wells Fargo ($250,000)." I'd like to know the names of the individuals at each corporation responsible for handing over this fortune to support Mark Robinson. Make them responsible for their acts on a personal level.

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I just sent this information to The NYTimes whose Gail Collins and Bret Stephens wrote an oped this morning about the NC campaign for Governor.

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Am a long time NYT subscriber. But I'm absolutely dying to know if *any* NYT reporter will actually get editorial approval to run this story; one that could embarrass and offend some very important advertisers.

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A fellow commenter on my contribution recommending they read this morning's Popular Information said,


Cat Lady UWS

NYC57m ago

@Valerie Meluskey

Is this corporations as people? Obviously, lots of price gouging and not enough return to investor going on. Most interesting info I've seen all AM.

Frankly, very hard to understand.

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TO: Google, Walmart, CVS, Microsoft, Travelers Insurer, Deloitte, Charter Communications, Oracle, Pfizer, Coca-Cola, Motion Pictures Assn, Wells Fargo

Disavow Mark Robinson Now.

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Jeff: When you publish articles like this, how about a "Call to action" section, which would include email links to the organizations mentioned. These organizations must be aware there are consequences. Great reporting.

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Excellent suggestion!

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agree, I can write letters!

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Why would any company support Robinson? What could he do as Governor of NC that would be of any benefit to any of them? Is is just greed? That seems to be what distinguishes R's from D's these days.

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They do it because they can. Playing both sides doesn't reflect on the support of any one candidate but the party. The Republican party is one of 2 and they will not commit to one over the other as they don't, as of yet, control the voters. Which party do you guess they will support when they do control the voters, in the future? You guessed it. The party that will give them, not only the control over the government and your lives, but total control over your votes. These will be the "rigged votes" that Trump and crew are always baselessly complaining about. With all of his rantings and ravings... it is about projection and planning. He dreams of the day when he can control, as Putin does, anything and everything that touches or could touch his life.

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They are giving to the umbrella group, Governors Assoc. PAC (and Dems) which muddies their direct tie. All they care about is access to whoever wins.

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This is problem that corporations have inflicted upon themselves. By pressing for corporate First Amendment rights, they’ve found “pay to play” is a consequence. They have to pay out to both sides to ensure the access to government power centers. Additionally, this allows those who run the corporation to camouflage their personal views behind that veil of corporate personhood, reducing social responsibility for them.

While I wouldn’t rate it as a “good” read, Mein Kampf as well as Marx, Mao, etc. should all be required reading. Understanding other points of view strengthens your own.

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Thanks for keeping us informed Judd. Ugh.

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Republican: before the name goes on, the integrity gets removed. Individual or corporate. Nothing shocks me anymore.

Nice reporting PI!

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The quality runs out before the name goes on?

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Thank you for correcting the Zenith slogan.

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Post the link to this story on the social media pages of each corporation listed and ask why they support Robinson.

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Some too big to fail companies in that list. Amazon for one is a go to for logistically sensible pricing...why can't they just be better structured as to committing to support intelligent government?

Someone please explain why they choose to play both sides when they really don't need to as they have a good control of the marketplace and would be even stronger with a stable government?

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I find that very telling Henry. Good point.

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So...why would they not want a stable government? How do they profit more from having a chaotic purchasing sector/public more so than a stable and comfortable consumer sector? What is their motivation. They clearly aren't stupid? Their sales actuaries and projections must see some increased value in marketing to social instability?

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Don’t chaotic markets push out smaller competitors? I also remember Kroger’s CEO saying ‘a little inflation was good’ for them. It shifted $$ from restaurants to grocery stores (fixing meals at home) in addition to blaming all increases on inflation.

Taxation & loopholes, NLRB decisions. These are all things they worry about. I’m certain there are more.

Giving to both parties hedges their bet so they can have access no matter who wins.

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Chaotic governing although doesn't allow for long term planning in reference to quarterly performance for stock predictions/purchases and sales...I would think that would matter. Government shutdowns, attacks on the Congress, 9/11 events, mass shootings, outlandish tariffs, unpredictable governments contracts going to the highest briber...etc.?

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Unbelievable. Do none of these corporations care that Republicans, to whom they donate through PACs, are running a self proclaimed "perv" Nazi? What the f has this country come to? This man should not be running for dogcatcher. Shame.

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His porn intake is fairly milquetoast.

The issue is his hypocrisy. He's a supposedly devout Christian. Who has an insatiable hunger for gay and trans porn--but then savagely attacking these same people as 'filth'. Unfortunately, such blatant hypocrisy a pretty common feature in GOP political leadership.

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I don't judge anyone their peccadillos or private life in the bedroom. He called himself a perv. That is why I refer to him as such. He also called himself a Nazi. Ditto.

But most of all the hypocrisy is the smelliest part of him. Btw, I am freely calling him smelly and a hypocrite, neither of which he has claimed to be to my knowledge.

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