74 million Americans voted for Donald Trump and insurrection. Obviously some of them are CEOs at Defense contractors who think Mo Brooks did the right thing. As stated last week, the insurrection continues and is supported by a broad band of US corporations.

I applaud the Southern Poverty Law Center on their efforts to expose this for exactly what it is. Rebellion against the United States and "We the People."

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Great column, Judd. Brooks calling the SPLC 'racist' is rich. I love their projection project and hope it works to diminish Mo Brooks.

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My uncle was a CEO at a pharmaceutical co. Years ago and I recall many Thanksgivings where after dinner my father and I would argue with my uncle about the fact that corporate money in politics was the prime mover of anti- democracy policy and action in our country. Essentially that without proper regulation capitalism and democracy were diametrically opposed. We are seeing the full expression of this now.

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Amazing that scumbags like Mo Brooks have any support at all. Miriam-Webster should add a picture of Mo Brooks next to a lot of words in their dictionary. Starting with Projecting, Racist, Bigot, and Hypocrite. I love when an old white guy from Alabama (who is quite obviously a racist) tries to refer to "the radical left" and calling them racist...All of these republicans project their racism and they all learned it from trump. Just deny and accuse the other side of what you are guilty of. It's amazing that anyone could fall for this BS.

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They didn’t learn it from Trump. They were always closet racists. Trump just made it acceptable to come out.

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I agree with that but I was mostly referring to the denying aspect. Trump gets accused of stealing an election because he asked for foreign help on national TV and then accepted it. He loses the next election so it must have been fixed this time. It's no coincidence that trump himself was accused of doing it, and then turns right around after a YUGE election loss and accuses the left of 'stealing the election'. If trump is king of anything, he's king of projecting his shortcomings onto others. If he ever accuses anyone of anything, you can make a safe bet that he's guilty of it himself.

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Brooks is the worst of the worst. While media hogs like Madison Cawthorn, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz and MTG get all (or most, anyway) of the headlines, seditionist cretins like Brooks and Paul Gosar are actively working to end democracy in this country. Thank you for exposing his perfidy.

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Democrat’s tolerance for Republicans is unbelievable and unacceptably over the top. Dems better get off this acceptance fast, Democracy depends on it

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No Mo' Mo !!!

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Thank you for letting us know about this. But I’m not sure what anyone can do about it. Defense contractors don’t rely on consumers or voters for their financial returns; we are just too far removed from their businesses for our opinions to matter. What are we going to do? Refuse to fly on a plane that Boeing manufactured? This seems like an opportunity for shareholder activism (an uphill and very long battle). But that’s the only plausible way to effect change in an industry that has no economic incentive to avoid hypocrisy.

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