Law firm donations are particularly galling. If ANYONE should stay out of the fray…thank you Popular Information.

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Just read a column from a journalist friend who cited Jane Mayer’s(The New Yorker)deep dive into the really big money behind all the turmoil being stirred up by this nasty, insurgent right wing. Her article is lengthy and quite in depth. We keep seeing these corporations doing the dirty but what Ms Mayer uncovered makes these guys look like pikers.

Also I just caught an Axios article on Face Book that looks almost identical to yours today.

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Thanks for sharing this Jane Mayer piece here, Sarah. I set it aside to listen to later today while starting a new jigsaw puzzle. I only recently discovered that doing puzzles is calming during all that is going on and I can listen to news or easy tv shows at the same time. An audio article is a great idea, too!

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The news cycle is so fast, people forget about this stuff if they aren't constantly reminded. Thank You for always doing follow-up pieces and keeping us informed about these corporate traitors who say one thing publicly, and then turn around and do the exact opposite in secret. Thank You for outing these lying corporations that continue to support the radical right.

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South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson is the son of SC Rep. Joe Wilson, who shouted "YOU LIE!!!!" at President Obama just over a decade ago. The rotten pecan never falls very far from the tree. I went to the same law school he did. The saying is that South Carolina is too small to be a country, and too big to be an insane asylum. That sums the ugly reality up very well.

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Thank you for your perseverance! We know tha tthe current head of AT&T is unbalanced and has brought huge debt to a formerly shining example of what can be good about American Capitalism. I wonder about the backstory of many of the other corps determined to support Trump's insurrection and ongoing criminality. Pfizer? Can you hold them to account for more of this incomprehensible support of Trump and his threat to our Republic?

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Richmond VA hosts as the HQ of the Big law firm McGuire Woods there that I believe is in maybe NC and WVA possibly MD on your list. They are almost always on your list. I would guess if you look at the campaign contributions of candidate for VA Gov. Glenn Youngkin a Trumpist running this year as the GOP candidate, they are likely in his funding.

Scallywags the lot of them. Makes my bike ride. Ask long as the FBI is controlled by a Trump appointment, I have no faith insurrectionists are going to be getting their due from white gloves on the DOJ

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Bile rise

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Thank you for this list, Judd. Other than not doing business with these corporate traitors, what can we do to discourage this I democratic behavior? Write letters?? Help us help you. What can WE do?

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Thank you on behalf of others for your help on the moratorium. Truly grateful for you three.

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You are doing such great work, Popular Information Folks. Thank you!

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It would be useful and informative to see information about what, if anything, these corporations donated to Democrats or Democratic causes. Corporations often donate to the right and to the left.

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Correction: “undemocratic behavior”

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