I LOVE that you are calling out these ridiculous hypocrites every step of the way! The point for the right is the cruelty. They are the most un-American people in existence. Trying their hardest to make sure we take a step backward at every possible turn. Enough is enough. You don't like gay marriage - don't marry a gay person. You don't like or understand trans people - don't have gender reassignment surgery or start a hormone plan. It's really not that complicated. It's always so funny to me that the right will scream "Less government, stay out of our personal lives!" as they try to police everyone else's personal lives. Their hypocrisy is never-ending.

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You’ve said a mouthful here.

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Hallelujah! Your impact is just as it should be. And, your partner is also getting credit for your "Two person operation"! How strange that some people are so uncomfortable about other peoples' sexuality. Why not adopt, "there but for the grace of God go I" of it is so disconcerting? The worst spiritual offense is said to be (to be) judgmental and self-righteous.

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I live in this damnable state and am sick and tired of this bunch of far right jackasses doing damage not only to their citizens but to my state’s reputation. I believe you mentioned two of the culprits behind this god-awful legislation but who else is pushing it? ALEC plays a big roll in the republican led legislature and they churn this garbage out like their morning B.M.s. As I’ve said before, there was a reason the republicans had a hundred year vacay from the legislative halls in Raleigh. The 2010 republican wave ushered them back in. 2018 broke some of their power. I’m hoping that the new influx of people we’re seeing blow in thanks to the pandemic will be more progressive in their thinking so they can show these yahoos the door for another hundred years at least.

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One more sickening thing the far right is doing mostly on behalf of the evangelical voter is the attack on the trans community. Especially the young transgender, the underaged. These corporate donations are nothing short of shooting these kids. How anyone with an ounce of compassion in them can't understand the turmoil being transgender is in our society just boggles my mind. This is not a choice, they are born this way. The LBGQT community has suffered mightily for decades, centuries, millennia. Diversity suddenly gained in the last 40 years in the US hangs in the balance.

I need to Google, but isn't McQuire Woods a big law firm out of Virginia? WTH.

I grew up next door in VA on the cusp of the Byrd machine, a bit too young to get it. But as I grew into my teen years watching Sen. Jesse Helms in NC was a fire bell on what the old South was and continued to be in American politics. And still is.

Discrimination of color and sexual preference, women's issues, religious beliefs all backed by flag waving Corporate donors playing both sides of the field, but mainly playing for those who steal votes, condemn behavior of anything or anyone not white, or Christian or in "their" scope of values.

Good job being the two people staff of PI. Thank you for forcing these corporations out in the open.

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McGuire Woods is a huge, prestigious law firm in VA. What a crock to support such inharmonious BS in NC

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Only when individual citizens take responsibility for funding American politicians through our taxes will we EVER get corporate money and influence out of our politics. Judd, I appreciate what you’re doing by outing the big money hypocrites disrupting our democracy but it is all a horrible game of “ whack-a-mole” until citizens set up fair, transparent and limited financing via taxes.

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is this the same Dominion they claim stole the election, that is donating to these clowns?

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This type of legislation will only increase the number of suicides in the country. Republicans and Corporations seem not to care about people as individual humans and that is highly distressing.

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paying both sides of the political aisle is what they consider covering their basics.

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