United Healthcare is part of United Healthgroup. It is the Medicare supplement that AARP sells. When I dropped it this year, the rep asked me why and I told them, the rep flat out told me it was a lie. So either the people interfacing with the public don’t know or have been told to lie. I have written AARP at least twice about their partnering with Inited Healthcare. No response.

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Thank you for this. I'll be changing my supplement next chance I get.

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I did when I found out. And I’ll be dropping AARP when my membership is up if they haven’t changed.

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I appreciate your sharing. I will drop my membership too. Admittedly $23K is not that large in the scheme of things and they probably donate on both sides. Still, in this case any amount is too much. Thank you for your time.

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More corporate hypocrisy. Not shocking, but still disheartening and aggravating...........

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As a woman, I am outraged and scared that I am on the brink of losing rights I’ve had since 1973. Is there a time in history when half the population of this country lost a right? (To be fair, 100% of the population is affected in some way by the loss of any right.) hypocritical or not, these corporations haven’t given enough to these candidates to fund much. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you’re exposing this, but I want to know who the real donors are. Who got them elected in the first place? When are they up for re-election?

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The most frustrating one is UHC. It’s not like I can choose who I get healthcare through; my large employer chooses them. And most of these companies are all so large that it requires a ton of effort not go accidentally give them money.

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Excellent coverage, Judd. Fortunately, I no longer deal with these corporate creeps.

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Saying and doing are 2 different things to 1% corporations. And across the board, too. Be it women, minorities, good vs evil like Koch industries, they play the game by their rules. Truth, Justice and the corporate way.

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In an era of "monopolization" of companies and reduction in business competition we are limited in what we can do. We need names, phones and addresses of the people at these companies that authorize/approve political donations. Then each and everyone one of us need to let them know. I have tried, but one lonely voice is lost in the wind these folks blow about in their press releases.

If there is a list of the culprits, can it be shared/posted for all?

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I wonder if some of these corporate entities are hedging their bets by providing financial support for abortion rights in addition to against. Probably a dumb idea, I know. But I am perversely curious. The bottom line is as Gloria K says, "100% of the population is affected in some way by the loss of any right!"

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I find it so infuriating the all out assault and destruction that corporations and their paid lackeys in Congress are making on the foundations of our government and to upset any remaining power people have. I spend a fair amount of time researching ways to avoid spending $ with companies like AT&T. It is harder to figure out real options in the broadband and healthcare space.

Thanks for continuing to research and expose where these companies play us for fools and idiots.

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When you look at the driving force behind the sole purpse of a corporation, to provide maximum return on investment for the share-holders, the assault on reproductive rights, voter rights, lgbtq+, etc is just collateral damage. It is "unfortunate" but it happens in the corporations pursuit of fewer regulations and restrictions to their primary purpose of existance, which is profit. The corporations will continue to ignore the fallout of this, because it does not really matter to their bottom line. Boycotts will have little impact in the U.S. because the corporations control the vast majority of what the consuming public thinks they need to have.

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Hypocrisy is the food of the year.

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can you publish email addresses of these corporations so we can tell them we are withdrawing our support ie selling our shares ,or no longer buying products of theirs. if so thanks.

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Mar 24, 2022·edited Mar 24, 2022

Money = Power = Influence = Corruption = Control = Contempt……. these are just a few words that describe 99.9% of politicians —— from either party, and the corporate rapists that BRIBE/EXTORT them!! God…. When will humanity EVER wake up? We truly are headed for the next world-wide extinction…. sorry folks but do you see any other outcome…. Just trying to keep it real!!

It’s either THAT, or we rise up against maniacal narcissism and put it out of its misery.

…… I’m just angry and venting. It’s not only our country — but all over the world we see another push to subvert and dominate humanity by the few who are profoundly sick.

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God bless you for this work!

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Agree with several comments below - and desirous of finding ways to contact these people who are funding and enabling the assault on reproductive rights, sedition, and other popular GOP planks. @judd, are you able to share/ suggest?

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The League of Women Voters wrote about the Civic Alliance and member companies. https://www.civicalliance.com/

LWV blog: https://www.lwv.org/blog/10-things-you-can-do-help-people-vote-2022

At least one member of the Civic Alliance, Microsoft, has been called out in Popular Information newsletters. Might there be a way to use the Civic Alliance to reduce/stop harmful corporate donations?

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