These "pro-equality," "pro-woman" corporations are funding anti-Choice pols who want to ensure state control of women's bodies. We need to hold them accountable. Excellent work by Judd Lagrange.

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What other candidates do these corporations contribute to? Do they give significantly more, less or equal amounts to candidates with anti-women policies? I wonder if these corporations are spreading their money across all political candidates to ensure post-election influence.

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Ltd with your shopping choices! In the case of manufacturers, google them to get the list of their products....guarantee you there are alternatives not on this list! As consumers, hit them in their pocketbook...and never think you’re alone!!!! These are international corporations, and they throw your $ like this? ... just do it!

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Let me add to the Corporate list: Coca-Cola,AT&T, Exxon,Pfizer, Boeing, Walmart, State Farm, Eli Lily, Caterpillar, Koch Ind.,Altria,Comcast, Caremark, Anheuser-Busch.... some of these Corps are headquartered in Southern states... others are influenced by boards of directors.The point is; look at your company’ IRAs, etc. Where you can pick, do. Do as little to underwrite these as you can. Money talks!

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What is the interest of these six particular corporations in rolling back women's rights? Walmart has always been radical right-wing, but AT&T, etc.?

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Truly excellent research and thorough explanation. Thank you for your continued reporting Judd!

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*LEGUM. How it got Lagrange?, I have no idea

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