The Hill. That tells it in two words. I'll tell what I think in two more. Money talks.

Biden was a better choice than Trump but he is a long standing Congressional wheeler dealer and he has been in a lot of rodeos. Of course they are going. John Q Public isn't too bright on politics in general so it will be spun by MSM as wonderful news.

An old saying if you lay down with dogs you get fleas. If you rub elbows with API and Phillip Morris you might get your pockets greased.

This is disappointing but not unsurprising news all things considered. I look at The Hill journalism with Stink Eye. This is typical of the Right trying to act cool in digital but they are still the Right.

Good job. Enjoyed reading the collaboration.

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To finish your first paragraph, “and shit walks”. So in walks Big Dirty Energy walks in and shits all over things.

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Obviously, Big Crap is using green as a cover so they can continue their business exactly as usual for as long as possible.

Doesn't mean the conference will go the way they envision.

Bring in the White House. Let's party.

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Love these joint ventures with "Heated", to which I also subscribe.

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Judd, I hope that there will be medical presenters there to discuss the number of deaths in the US and world from air pollution, cigarette smoking, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma (especially children)...the list goes on. People are now making decisions about where to live based on air quality and water quality because they know it affects their health.

That is, those who have the financial resources and who are able to choose where to live.

And then there is the probable connection of covid deaths to those with pre-existing pulmonary issues and/or cancers (throat, mouth) related to tobacco/air pollution.

Judd the research that you and your colleague provide us with is essential to being able to confront corporations and our own government when it comes to honesty and good policy.

Your work and newsletter are an excellent example of investigative journalism! Thank-you, Meg

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